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Created February 16, 2023 17:32
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Compare two JSON and find the difference
/// <summary>
/// Compare two JSON and create diff object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftJson">Left JSON to compare</param>
/// <param name="rightJson">Right JSON to compare</param>
/// <returns>Diff object with the result.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Original version by Rohith Daruri
/// based on by Dzmitry Paliakou
/// </remarks>
public static JObject FindDiff(JToken leftJson, JToken rightJson)
var difference = new JObject();
if (JToken.DeepEquals(leftJson, rightJson)) return difference;
switch (leftJson.Type)
case JTokenType.Object:
var LeftJSON = leftJson as JObject;
var RightJSON = rightJson as JObject;
var RemovedTags = LeftJSON.Properties().Select(c => c.Name).Except(RightJSON.Properties().Select(c => c.Name));
var AddedTags = RightJSON.Properties().Select(c => c.Name).Except(LeftJSON.Properties().Select(c => c.Name));
var UnchangedTags = LeftJSON.Properties().Where(c => JToken.DeepEquals(c.Value, RightJSON[c.Name])).Select(c => c.Name);
foreach (var tag in RemovedTags)
difference[tag] = new JObject
["-"] = LeftJSON[tag]
foreach (var tag in AddedTags)
difference[tag] = new JObject
["+"] = RightJSON[tag]
var ModifiedTags = LeftJSON.Properties().Select(c => c.Name).Except(AddedTags).Except(UnchangedTags).Except(RemovedTags);
foreach (var tag in ModifiedTags)
var foundDifference = FindDiff(LeftJSON[tag], RightJSON[tag]);
if (foundDifference.HasValues)
difference[tag] = foundDifference;
case JTokenType.Array:
var LeftArray = leftJson as JArray;
var RightArray = rightJson as JArray;
if (LeftArray != null && RightArray != null)
if (LeftArray.Count() == RightArray.Count())
for (int index = 0; index < LeftArray.Count(); index++)
var foundDifference = FindDiff(LeftArray[index], RightArray[index]);
if (foundDifference.HasValues)
difference[$"{index}"] = foundDifference;
var left = new JArray(LeftArray.Except(RightArray, new JTokenEqualityComparer()));
var right = new JArray(RightArray.Except(LeftArray, new JTokenEqualityComparer()));
if (left.HasValues)
difference["-"] = left;
if (right.HasValues)
difference["+"] = right;
difference["-"] = leftJson;
difference["+"] = rightJson;
return difference;
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