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Created January 25, 2024 15:36
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xUnit tests for calc business days
namespace TestGetBusinessDays
public class UnitTestCalcBusinessDays
int GetBusinessDays(DateTime startD, DateTime endD)
double calcBusinessDays =
1 + ((endD - startD).TotalDays * 5 -
(startD.DayOfWeek - endD.DayOfWeek) * 2) / 7;
if (endD.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday) calcBusinessDays--;
if (startD.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) calcBusinessDays--;
return Convert.ToInt32(calcBusinessDays);
int GetBusinessDays(DateOnly startD, DateOnly endD)
double calcBusinessDays =
1 + ((endD.DayNumber - startD.DayNumber) * 5 -
(startD.DayOfWeek - endD.DayOfWeek) * 2) / 7;
if (endD.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday) calcBusinessDays--;
if (startD.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) calcBusinessDays--;
return Convert.ToInt32(calcBusinessDays);
public static TheoryData<DateTime, DateTime, int> DateTimeTheory = new()
{ new DateTime(2024,1,1), new DateTime(2024,1,1), 1 }, // same day (Monday - Monday)
{ new DateTime(2024,1,1), new DateTime(2024,1,8), 6 }, // Monday - Monday
{ new DateTime(2024,1,1), new DateTime(2024,1,7), 5 }, // Monday - Sunday
{ new DateTime(2024,1,5), new DateTime(2024,1,8), 2 }, // Friday - Monday
{ new DateTime(2024,1,8), new DateTime(2024,1,12), 5 }, // Monday - Friday
{ new DateTime(2024,2,26), new DateTime(2024,3,1), 5 }, // Monday - Friday (February has 29 days)
{ new DateTime(2024,1,7), new DateTime(2024,1,8), 1 }, // Sunday - Monday
{ new DateTime(2024,1,6), new DateTime(2024,1,8), 1 }, // Saturday - Monday
{ new DateTime(2024,1,26), new DateTime(2024,2,1), 5 }, // Friday - Thursday
{ new DateTime(2024,1,24), new DateTime(2024,1,30), 5 }, // Wednesday - Tuesday
{ new DateTime(2024,1,24), new DateTime(2024,1,31), 6 }, // Wednesday - Wednesday
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(DateTimeTheory))]
public void TestDateTime(DateTime startD, DateTime endD, int expected)
Assert.Equal(expected, GetBusinessDays(startD, endD));
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(DateTimeTheory))]
public void TestDateOnly(DateTime startD, DateTime endD, int expected)
Assert.Equal(expected, GetBusinessDays(DateOnly.FromDateTime(startD), DateOnly.FromDateTime(endD)));
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