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Created February 7, 2024 19:12
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Stop services managed by the cluster but not owned by the current node (unexpectedly started)
.GUID 872d1af1-6a2c-4c71-be96-4b230a8e4a5f
.AUTHOR Tomas Kouba
.COPYRIGHT (c) 2022-24 . All rights reserved.
.TAGS Cluster
Stop services in cluster resources on inactive node.
Selects services which is running and not owned by current node and stop them.
C:\PS> .\Stop-ClusterServices
Version : 1.1, 2024-02-07
Requires : PowerShell, FailoverClusters
# Selects cluster groups which are not owned by current node
# then select resources with type 'Generic Service'
# then select 'Running' services
# and stop them
# Get cluster resources from current cluster and filter only "Generic Service" and "Running" state
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$services = ((Get-ClusterGroup | Where-Object {$_.OwnerNode -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME} | Get-ClusterResource) | Where-Object {$_.ResourceType -eq 'Generic Service'} | Get-ClusterParameter -Name ServiceName).Value | Where {$null -ne $_} | Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq 'Running'}
# Any service stopped
$any = $false
# Run count
$i = 0
$i = $i + 1
Write-Debug "Run $($i)"
$any = $false # reset any
foreach ($s in $services)
# $s is still running and do not have running dependencies (we assume, that dependecies will be stopped late
if (($s.Status -eq 'Running') -and ((($s.DependentServices | Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq 'Running'}).Count) -eq 0))
Write-Information -MessageData "Stopping service $($s.DisplayName) ($($s.Name))" -InformationAction Continue
$s | Stop-Service
$any = $true # any service has been stopped, next run
} while ($any -and $i -le ($services.Count + 5)) # use $any only would start neverending loop, so we are using $i as counter
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