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Created May 7, 2020 21:20
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Simple scripts to play with scope in R and Python
# Ross is a programmer for Megabank, working on a new smartphone app that
# helps users transfer money between accounts. He's relatively new to
# Python, the language preferred by the top brass, and is not entirely
# sure how functions handle global variables.
# Ross opens a bank account, then uses the app to perform a series of
# transactions. Because he's no fool, he does so in the lobby of a
# Megabank branch, and the bank teller informs him after each step what
# his balance is. If everything is working correctly, Ross should be
# able to take back out exactly what he put in... unless the app is not
# working!
from sys import exit
total = 130
print("Ross opens a new account with $", total)
def deposit(amount):
global total
if amount <= 0:
exit("Deposits must be positive!")
total += amount
print("${0} deposited. Your app balance is ${1}".format(amount, total))
def withdraw(amount):
global total
if amount > total:
exit("You don't have that much money!")
total -= amount
print("${0} withdrawn. Your app balance is ${1}".format(amount, total))
def balance():
print("Your real balance is ${0}".format(total))
w = 30
print("Ross withdraws $", w)
d = 50
print("Ross deposits $", d)
w = 150
print("Ross withdraws $", w)
# Ross is a programmer for Megabank, working on a new smartphone app that
# helps users transfer money between accounts. He's relatively new to R,
# the language preferred by the top brass, and is not entirely sure of
# the difference between all the operators available for assigning
# values to variables. Specifically, there's this "scoped assignment" thing
# that sure looks like a harpoon to Ross. What's it for?
# Ross opens a bank account, then uses the app to perform a series of
# transactions. Because he's no fool, he does so in the lobby of a
# Megabank branch, and the bank teller informs him after each step what
# his balance is. If everything is working correctly, Ross should be able
# to take back out exactly what he put in... unless the app is not working!
scoped <- FALSE
open.account <- function(total) {
deposit = function(amount) {
if(amount <= 0)
stop("Deposits must be positive!\n")
if (scoped)
total <<- total + amount
total <- total + amount
cat(amount, "deposited. Your balance is $", total, "in the app.\n\n")
withdraw = function(amount) {
if(amount > total)
stop("You don't have that much money!\n")
if (scoped)
total <<- total - amount
total <- total - amount
cat(amount, "withdrawn. Your balance is $", total, "\n\n")
balance = function() {
cat("Your balance is $", total, "in reality\n\n")
x <- 130
cat("Ross opens a new account with $", x, "\n")
ross <- open.account(x)
w <- 30
cat("Ross withdraws $", w, "\n")
d <- 50
cat("Ross deposits $", d, "\n")
w <- 150
cat("Ross withdraws $", w, "\n")
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