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Created April 1, 2016 09:14
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Golang, call method (and fill arguments) with reflection
package main
import (
type Aaa struct {
a string
type Bbb struct {
b int
type Handler struct{}
func (h Handler) GET(a Aaa, b Bbb, ptr *Aaa) string {
return "OK" + a.a + " ptr:" + ptr.a
func main() {
handler := new(Handler)
objects := make(map[reflect.Type]interface{})
objects[reflect.TypeOf(Aaa{})] = Aaa{"jkljkL"}
objects[reflect.TypeOf(new(Aaa))] = &Aaa{"pointer!"}
objects[reflect.TypeOf(Bbb{})] = Bbb{}
//in := make([]reflect.Value, 0)
method := reflect.ValueOf(handler).MethodByName("GET")
in := make([]reflect.Value, method.Type().NumIn())
fmt.Println("method type num in:", method.Type().NumIn())
for i := 0; i < method.Type().NumIn(); i++ {
t := method.Type().In(i)
object := objects[t]
fmt.Println(i, "->", object)
in[i] = reflect.ValueOf(object)
fmt.Println("method type num out:", method.Type().NumOut())
response := method.Call(in)
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