Workshop repo:
- Every lesson is a separate folder and the process is as follows:
- Presentation
- Q&A
- Exercise (not after every lesson)
- Break
Make sure to tell the audience they are free to ask questions
Make sure to mention a 15 minute break after 2h and also some minor breaks in the meantime
Don't list all the lessons at the start
Spend 2 minutes at the beginning to introduce yourself
Answer the question - "Why am I qualified to conduct this workshop in the first place?"
Figure out how to create each lesson in a separate folder (if it's possible with CDK)
Go through all the things we need to have installed beforehand (in my case - AWS CLI, CDK, SAM etc.) and show the audience how to verify that everything is properly set up
Verify the font size with everyone and avoid showing unnecessary things on screen (Zen Mode)
Have setup instructions in the workshop readme
Don't be afraid to go a bit "off-script" and explore additional topics and answer questions from the audience - remember, the workshop is for them
Give the audience a couple of mintues to go through the exercise and then show the solution