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Created April 10, 2017 18:11
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The Code Not Taken (if Robert Frost were a coder and alive today)
Two branches diverged in a hairy func,
And sorry I could not setjmp both
And be one core, long I spun
And looked down one stack as deep I could
To where it bent in the memory bus
Then took the other, as just as fast,
And having perhaps the better metal,
Because it was cachey and wanted warmth,
Though as for that the executing there
Had loaded them really about the same,
And both that cycle equally lay
In bytecode no step had trodden root.
Oh, I kept the first for another millisecond!
Yet knowing how execution branch leads on to execution branch,
I doubted if I should ever reboot.
I shall be telling this with a WTF
Somewhere startup and startup hence;
Two code paths diverged in a clusterfuck, and I —
I took the one less interpreted by,
And nobody knows if it made any difference.
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