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Created December 19, 2017 01:37
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  • Save tleyden/8979507dd520bb9699d371c9ea635783 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tleyden/8979507dd520bb9699d371c9ea635783 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"log": ["*", "BLIP", "BLIP+", "BLIP++"],
"databases": {
"todo": {
"server": "walrus:",
"users": {
"user1": {"password": "pass", "admin_channels": ["user1"]},
"user2": {"password": "pass", "admin_channels": ["user2"]},
"mod": {"password": "pass", "admin_roles": ["moderator"]},
"admin": {"password": "pass", "admin_roles": ["admin"]},
"GUEST": { "disabled": false, "admin_channels": ["*"] }
"roles": {
"moderator": {},
"admin": {}
"unsupported": {
"sync": `
function(doc, oldDoc){
/* Type validation */
if (isCreate()) {
// Don't allow creating a document without a type.
validateNotEmpty("type", doc.type);
} else if (isUpdate()) {
// Don't allow changing the type of any document.
validateReadOnly("type", doc.type, oldDoc.type);
if (getType() == "moderator") {
/* Control Write Access */
// Only allow admins to add/remove moderators.
/* Validate */
if (!isDelete()) {
// Validate required fields.
validateNotEmpty("username", doc.username);
if (isCreate()) {
// We use a key pattern to ensure unique moderators within the system,
// so we need to ensure that doc._id matches the pattern
// moderator.{username}.
if (doc._id != "moderator." + doc.username) {
throw({forbidden: "_id must match the pattern moderator.{username}."});
} else {
// doc._id is tied to username, validated during create, and must remain this
// way to ensure unique moderators within the system.
validateReadOnly("username", doc.username, oldDoc.username);
/* Route */
if (!isDelete()) {
// Add user to moderator role.
role(doc.username, "role:moderator");
// Add doc to the user's channel.
var username = doc._deleted ? oldDoc.username : doc.username;
/* Grant Read Access */
if (!isDelete()) {
// Grant user access to moderators channel.
access(doc.username, "moderators");
// Grant user access to their channel.
access(doc.username, doc.username);
} else if (getType() == "task-list") { // Task List access control
/* Write Access */
var owner = doc._deleted ? oldDoc.owner : doc.owner;
try {
// Moderators can create/update lists for other users.
} catch (e) {
// Users can create/update lists for themselves.
/* Validation */
if (!isDelete()) {
// Validate required fields.
validateNotEmpty("owner", doc.owner);
if (isCreate()) {
// Validate that the _id is prefixed by owner.
if (!hasPrefix(doc._id, doc.owner + ".")) {
throw({forbidden: "task-list id must be prefixed by list owner"});
} else {
// Don’t allow task-list ownership to be changed.
validateReadOnly("owner", doc.owner, oldDoc.owner);
/* Routing */
// Add doc to task-list's channel.
channel("task-list." + doc._id);
/* Read Access */
// Grant task-list owner access to the task-list, its tasks, and its users.
access(owner, "task-list." + doc._id);
access(owner, "task-list." + doc._id + ".users");
access("role:moderator", "task-list." + doc._id);
} else if (getType() == "task") {
/* Write Access */
if (!isDelete()) {
validateNotEmpty("taskList", doc.taskList);
var owner = doc._deleted ? oldDoc.taskList.owner : doc.taskList.owner;
var listId = doc._deleted ? :;
try {
requireAccess("task-list." + listId);
} catch (e) {
/* Validate */
if (!isDelete()) {
// Validate required fields.
validateNotEmpty("taskList.owner", doc.taskList.owner);
validateNotEmpty("task", doc.task);
if (isCreate()) {
// Validate that the is prefixed by taskList.owner. We only need to
// validate this during create because these fields are read-only after create.
if (!hasPrefix(, doc.taskList.owner + ".")) {
throw({forbidden: "task-list id must be prefixed by task-list owner"});
} else {
// Don’t allow tasks to be moved to another task-list.
validateReadOnly("taskList.owner", doc.taskList.owner, oldDoc.taskList.owner);
/* Route */
// Add doc to task-list and moderators channel.
channel("task-list." + listId);
} else if (getType() == "task-list.user") {
/* Control Write Access */
if (!isDelete()) {
validateNotEmpty("taskList", doc.taskList);
var owner = doc._deleted ? oldDoc.taskList.owner : doc.taskList.owner;
var username = doc._deleted ? oldDoc.username : doc.username;
try {
} catch (e) {
/* Validate */
if (!isDelete()) {
// Validate required fields.
validateNotEmpty("taskList.owner", doc.taskList.owner);
validateNotEmpty("username", doc.username);
if (isCreate()) {
// We use a key pattern to ensure unique users w/in a list, so we need to
// ensure that doc._id matches the pattern {}.{username}.
if (doc._id != + "." + doc.username) {
throw({forbidden: "_id must match the pattern {}.{username}."});
// Validate that the is prefixed by taskList.owner.
if (!hasPrefix(, doc.taskList.owner + ".")) {
throw({forbidden: "task-list id must be prefixed by task-list owner"});
} else {
// Don’t allow users to be moved to another task-list. Also, doc._id is tied to
// these values, validated during create, and must remain this way to ensure
// uniqueness within a list.
validateReadOnly("taskList.owner", doc.taskList.owner, oldDoc.taskList.owner);
/* Route */
// Add doc to task-list users and moderators channel.
var listId = doc._deleted ? :;
channel("task-list." + listId + ".users");
/* Grant Read Access */
// Grant the user access to the task-list and its tasks.
if (!isDelete()) {
access(doc.username, "task-list." + listId);
} else {
// Log invalid document type error.
log("Invalid document type: " + doc.type);
throw({forbidden: "Invalid document type: " + doc.type});
function getType() {
return (isDelete() ? oldDoc.type : doc.type);
function isCreate() {
// Checking false for the Admin UI to work
return ((oldDoc == false) || (oldDoc == null || oldDoc._deleted) && !isDelete());
function isUpdate() {
return (!isCreate() && !isDelete());
function isDelete() {
return (doc._deleted == true);
function validateNotEmpty(key, value) {
if (!value) {
throw({forbidden: key + " is not provided."});
function validateReadOnly(name, value, oldValue) {
if (value != oldValue) {
throw({forbidden: name + " is read-only."});
// Checks whether the provided value starts with the specified prefix
function hasPrefix(value, prefix) {
if (value && prefix) {
return value.substring(0, prefix.length) == prefix
} else {
return false
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