One Paragraph of project description goes here
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Job Interview Reflection - Cognizant QuickLeft Boulder
For my reflection I'm writing about my interview at Cognizant Quickleft in Boulder. This interview was comprised of two parts, a culture fit interview and a technical interview. In the culture fit interview I was asked questions like what technologies am I currently excited about, what am I currently using, what is my story, and what do I do to stay on top of up and coming technologies in the industry. This part was really informal and not stressful at all but I found that being enthusiastic and showing my eagerness to learn and grow drove the conversation. The next part, the technical interview, was structured around reviewing the code from an application that they had me write prior to the interview. In the intervew I was asked to walk the interviewer through my code and explain my thought process. I was also asked technical questions about the code and what could be done to refactor or make things more performant. Once again showing an eagerness to le
The installation process was a little difficult. The documentation is kind of confusing considering there are two different sets of setup documents. In the README there are setup instruction that are pretty concise but there is also a link to another setup guide that is much more detailed and confusing as someone unfamiliar with the code base. In both documents there are conflicting installation instructions, one wanting an npm install with the server runnong on localhost:8080 and another wanting ng serve with the server running on localhost:4200. There also wasn't any instruction on what to install if you don't have AngularJS installed on your machine which caused issues across our teams machines.
This codebase used AngularJS as the framework to build the app in along with typescript files. SASS is used for the styling. This codebase utilizes several tools that I am unfamiliar with.
The site
This is your deliverable from the Job Search Strategies I session
How have you experienced microagressions in your time at Turing or in your life? | |
Being from Kentucky and from Hispanic heritage I frequently encounter microagressions whether at Turing or in my daily life. Many times the first thing people say to me is do I speak spanish, do I wear shoes, and where's your accent? This always bugs me because it makes me feel out of place where I'm at and like I'm perceived as a bumpkin. |
What are you doing well as a pair programmer and collaborator? | |
With regards to pairing and collaborating on projects, I think my communication and planning skills make me a great partner/team member. | |
How do you use your strengths as a team member? | |
I often times find that my affinity towards planning is a strength in a team environment because the planning portion of projects can be the most difficult and when done well can make things move much more smoothly. | |
How would you like to continue to develop your strengths? |
How did you prepare for the conversation? | |
We learned in this session that with redards to your feedback, what you meant to say and how what you said is interpreted can be very different things. I prepared for this conversation by thinking about the feedback that I want to give and then I went another level deeper and thought about how to more effectively communicate that feedback in such a way that it isn't misconstrued. | |
How did the conversation go for you? What was easy about the conversation? What was more difficult? | |
When I finally had the feedback conversation with my partner things went really well. I had thought through the feedback I was going to give and because of that I was able to convey it without issue. The easiest part of the conversation was giving the positive feedback for the obvious reason that it had no potential to be hurful or taken personally. The difficult part was giving the critical feedback. | |
What principles of feedback did you use in the conversation? |
Throughout this mod I've tried applying agile practies to my projects with some success. I have found that if I develope small pieces of functionality, test that piece, and once functional commit that piece, my end work has fewer bugs and I spend less time on the back end of the project hunting bugs. In the instances where I struggle with creating a piece of functionality I seudo code what I'm thinking rather than write bad code in hopes of coming up with a solution. This has also helped streamline my projects. |