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Forked from razwan/_baseline.scss
Last active January 26, 2018 05:40
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// $base-font-size: 16px; // not sure this ever did anything
$base-line-height: 1.5;
// this value may vary for each font
// unitless value relative to 1em
$cap-height: 0.68;
@mixin baseline($font-size, $scale: 2) {
// rhythm unit
$rhythm: $base-line-height * $font-size / $scale;
// number of rhythm units that can fit the font-size
$lines: ceil(($font-size + 0.001px) / $rhythm);
// calculate the new line-height
$line-height: $rhythm * $lines / $font-size;
// use the results
font-size: $font-size;
line-height: $line-height;
$baseline-distance: ($line-height - $cap-height) / 2;
// this method can relatively move down elements you may not want to
// position: relative;
// top: $baseline-distance + em;
// if you use this mixin only on elements that have one direction margins
// you can use this method with no worries.
// this method assumes the direction is down and the margin is $base-line-height
padding-top: $baseline-distance + em;
margin-bottom: $base-line-height - $baseline-distance + em;
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// Step 1. Put Baseliner on the page. Because.
// Step 2. Determine a good looking base font-size for paragraph tag.
// I chose 18px. Without specifying the second argument, the scale is 2. That looked ok to me.
// Why? See this article:
// The formula is: font-size * (line-height - cap-height) / 2
// $cap-height has been set already (default of 0.68), but may need to change based on the typeface.
// Step 3. Adjust baseliner settings to make the grid fit (padding on the page affects offset).
// It was 27 for the baseline and 26 for the offset for my page (18px * 1.5 line-height = 27).
// This will vary a lot depending on what other CSS you have going on. Just line it up is all.
// Step 4. Adjust each element to use a new font-size and scale with the baseline() mixin.
// The scale is easy to calculate. If the font-size is to increase to 72px in this case (from the paragraph setting of 18px), then it's 4 times as large. 
// The scale is 4. Another example: 22px would be 22/18 = 1.2222 scale.
// Step 5. Adjust for leading. 
// Things should be mostly aligned by following those steps. However, the rounding doesn't always work out and there may be a gap
// of a pixel or maybe a few pixels. Simply adjust the font-size or change the rounding on the scale value and it should be easy 
// to get things to align properly. Also, the leading may be wonky -- but that's simply fixed by choosing a different font-size.
// That's a design matter that is now completely within your control.
p {
    @include baseline(18px);

h1 {
    @include baseline(72px, 4);

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This was actually pretty handy:
line height sweet spot (not sure I agree with everything there, but there's some good points - and this calculator:

So for 18px I'm going to set the following base line height: $base-line-height: 1.65; ... That should provide a long line according to this chart (~900px). With my 465px wide column and a Helvetica face I get about 48-52 characters per line. With Times it's more like 58-59. These seem to be close with the tool that calculates CPL.

I don't know if anyone tried to translate Bringhurst's section and table on average character count per line from picas to pixels. ...maybe, but I'm not sure I agree with their sizes and characters per line. That page doesn't explain any sort of translation from the width of a page to the example widths on screen that they are talking about (starting with 400px).

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