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Last active June 27, 2018 16:29
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Iterate over x rates to scrap currency. #purrr
# Reference
base <- ""
# Currency
cur <- c("USD", "CNY")
year_range <- 2017:2018
# Permutation of above currency
cur_df <- expand.grid(cur, cur) %>%
# remove same-currency pair
filter(Var1 != Var2) %>%
# make into data frame
mutate(url = paste0(base, "&from=", Var1, "&to=", Var2, "&year="))
# Iterate over multiple year to produce list
urls <- purrr::map(year_range, ~paste0(cur_df$url, .))
# single case
url = ""
xml %>% html_nodes(".avgRate") %>% html_text() %>% list()
# obtain 12-month average
get_avg_rate <- function(url){
url %>% read_html() %>% html_nodes(".avgRate") %>% html_text() %>% list()
# a safer approach
get_safely <- safely(get_avg_rate)
# urls %>% map( ~ map(., get_safely))
get_from_list <- function(url_list){
map(url_list, get_safely)
map(urls, get_from_list)
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