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Created December 4, 2024 15:50
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Transform data and draw a Sankey diagram.
raw <- readr::read_rds("sample.rds")
weight = "XXXX" # replace with correct column
vpouch <- raw |>
select(-matches(weight)) |>
names() |>
(tibble(v1 = x, v2 = lead(x))))() |>
tally_func <- function(src_df, var_x, var_y) {
src_df |>
group_by(across(all_of(c(var_x, var_y)))) |>
tally(.data[[weight]]) |>
rename_with(~ c("from", "to", "weight"))
df <- vpouch |>
pmap(~ tally_func(..1, ..2, src_df = raw)) |>
bind_rows() |>
highchart2() |>
hc_chart(type = 'sankey') %>%
hc_add_series(data = df)
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