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Forked from martinbuberl/
Created December 3, 2019 15:47
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  • Save tmattio/9f7e3cc7b8e1dd4cbc584ad9c1b6eee6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Import existing Git repository into another

Import existing Git repository into another

Folder structure before (2 separate repositories):

 |- .git
 |- (project files)
 |- .git
 |- (project files)

Folder structure after:

 |- .git  <-- This now contains the change history from XXX
 |-  ZZZ  <-- This was originally XXX
      |- (project files)
 |-  (project files)


git remote add XXX_remote <path-or-url-to-XXX-repo>
git fetch XXX_remote
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories -s ours --no-commit XXX_remote/master
git read-tree --prefix=ZZZ/ -u XXX_remote/master
git commit -m "Imported XXX as a subtree."
git remote rm XXX_remote
git push

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