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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Further reading

Here are some useful places to look if you become stuck or are looking for inspiration.

###Rails Guides

Great reference material for beginners with walkthrough examples.

###Rails Docs

The full API reference for the Ruby on Rails. Searchable and exhaustive.

###Ruby Docs

The full API reference for the Ruby language. Searchable and exhaustive.

###Heroku Getting Started Guide

Step by step walkthrough on how to set up for Ruby and Rails deployment on Heroku.

###My Guides

Step by step walkthroughs for topics requested by Steer students.

###Try Ruby

Friendly interactive guide to Ruby syntax.


###Acts as Commentable Add easy comments to your models, great for blogs, etc.

###Acts as Paranoid Stop accidental deletions from your site with this. Very useful if your users have abilities to delete things.

###Acts as Taggable on Want to add tags quickly? Add this to your Gemfile, do two commands from setting it up and you're away

###Acts as Tree Sometimes you'll have models where an object will have child objects (e.g. categories with subcategories)

###Chronic A natural date parser which can turn strings like "thursday" and "22nd of june at 8am" into real times. Great for calendars.

###Devise A flexible authentication system. At Steer, we like to write our own, but Devise can save you a lot of time if you want something quick and easy.

###Geocoder An amazing gem for geocoding, find out exactly in the world things are by their address. Great for mapping software.

###HTTParty Need to grab data from APIs? Use HTTParty to make it easy. Use it with Nokogiri if dealing with HTML and scraping.

###Kaminari Need pagination on your site. Kaminari takes 2 minutes to set up. Easy.

###Koala Want to use the Facebook API? Then Koala will save you a lot of time. No idea why it's called Koala though.

###Nokogiri Grabbing HTML from other sites? Deal with it easily using Nokogiri's CSS-style selectors

###Omniauth Need to login with Facebook? Twitter? LinkedIn? Foursquare? Omniauth can help you out

###Paperclip Need to attach images or files to your models? Paperclip will do handle it for you. Use the aws-sdk gem if you want it working with Heroku

###Pusher Want to add real time events to your site. is a service that lets you do it quickly.

###Roadie HTML emails are a pain in the arse to make but Roadie lets you do it in the usual way and it does all the hard work for you

###RDiscount Want to use Markdown on your site? RDiscount will provide you with ways to convert your text into HTML

###Simple Form Forms in Rails can be a nightmare to code up on your own. Simple Form does want it says on the tin… makes it easy.

###Split An A/B testing tool for checking what converts and doesn't convert on your site. You will need Redis set up for this but it's pretty straightforward

###Stringex Get sexy URLs using Stringex, a lot nicer than using parameterize in Rails

###Stripe Payments made easy. We use them on the Steer site, it's not the easiest gem to implement, but it's a million times easier than dealing with 99% of other payment gateways

###Twitter gem Want to use the Twitter API? The Twitter gem is really handy and abstracts away all the complicated crap

###Active Admin Get a fully working CMS system without really trying! (Support for this is patchy, great when it works)


The Slides for the Ruby on Rails course at Steer are available as a zipped pdf here.


Sublime Text Snippets

A cheatsheet for using the Sublime Text ERB snippets plugin. (Thanks to Russell for finding this one)

Try Git

In browser Git tutorial.

GitHub SSH Tutorial

Use SSH to comminicate with services like Github.

Steer resources

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