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Jenks Natural Breaks with simple-statistics and d3
<!DOCTYPE html>
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body {
font:normal 14px sans-serif;
#form {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
left: 10px;
input {
margin-right: 10px;
.states {
fill: none;
stroke: #fff;
stroke-linejoin: round;
path {
-webkit-transition: fill 200ms linear;
.q0-9 { fill:rgb(247,251,255); }
.q1-9 { fill:rgb(222,235,247); }
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<div id='form'>
<input checked='true' type='radio' name='scale' id='jenks9' /><label for='jenks9'>jenks 9</label>
<input type='radio' name='scale' id='quantize' /><label for='quantize'>quantize</label>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="simple_statistics.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var width = 960,
height = 500;
var scales = {};
scales.quantize = d3.scale.quantize()
.domain([0, .15])
.range(d3.range(9).map(function(i) { return "q" + i + "-9"; }));
var path = d3.geo.path();
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
.defer(d3.json, "/d/4090846/us.json")
.defer(d3.tsv, "unemployment.tsv")
function ready(error, us, unemployment) {
var rateById = {};
unemployment.forEach(function(d) { rateById[] = +d.rate; });
scales.jenks9 = d3.scale.threshold()
.domain(ss.jenks( { return +d.rate; }), 9))
.range(d3.range(9).map(function(i) { return "q" + i + "-9"; }));
var counties = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "counties")
.data(topojson.object(us, us.objects.counties).geometries)
.attr("d", path);
d3.selectAll('input').on('change', function() {
function setScale(s) {
counties.attr("class", function(d) { return scales[s](rateById[]); })
.datum(topojson.mesh(us, us.objects.states, function(a, b) { return !==; }))
.attr("class", "states")
.attr("d", path);
// # simple-statistics
// A simple, literate statistics system. The code below uses the
// [Javascript module pattern](,
// eventually assigning `simple-statistics` to `ss` in browsers or the
// `exports object for node.js
(function() {
var ss = {};
if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
// Assign the `ss` object to exports, so that you can require
// it in [node.js](
exports = module.exports = ss;
} else {
// Otherwise, in a browser, we assign `ss` to the window object,
// so you can simply refer to it as `ss`. = ss;
// # [Linear Regression](
// [Simple linear regression](
// is a simple way to find a fitted line
// between a set of coordinates.
ss.linear_regression = function() {
var linreg = {},
data = [];
// Assign data to the model. Data is assumed to be an array. = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return data;
data = x.slice();
return linreg;
// ## Fitting The Regression Line
// This is called after `.data()` and returns the
// equation `y = f(x)` which gives the position
// of the regression line at each point in `x`.
linreg.line = function() {
//if there's only one point, arbitrarily choose a slope of 0
//and a y-intercept of whatever the y of the initial point is
if (data.length == 1) {
m = 0;
b = data[0][1];
} else {
// Initialize our sums and scope the `m` and `b`
// variables that define the line.
var sum_x = 0, sum_y = 0,
sum_xx = 0, sum_xy = 0,
m, b;
// Gather the sum of all x values, the sum of all
// y values, and the sum of x^2 and (x*y) for each
// value.
// In math notation, these would be SS_x, SS_y, SS_xx, and SS_xy
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
sum_x += data[i][0];
sum_y += data[i][1];
sum_xx += data[i][0] * data[i][0];
sum_xy += data[i][0] * data[i][1];
// `m` is the slope of the regression line
m = ((data.length * sum_xy) - (sum_x * sum_y)) /
((data.length * sum_xx) - (sum_x * sum_x));
// `b` is the y-intercept of the line.
b = (sum_y / data.length) - ((m * sum_x) / data.length);
// Return a function that computes a `y` value for each
// x value it is given, based on the values of `b` and `a`
// that we just computed.
return function(x) {
return b + (m * x);
return linreg;
// # [R Squared](
// The r-squared value of data compared with a function `f`
// is the sum of the squared differences between the prediction
// and the actual value.
ss.r_squared = function(data, f) {
if (data.length < 2) return 1;
// Compute the average y value for the actual
// data set in order to compute the
// _total sum of squares_
var sum = 0, average;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
sum += data[i][1];
average = sum / data.length;
// Compute the total sum of squares - the
// squared difference between each point
// and the average of all points.
var sum_of_squares = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
sum_of_squares += Math.pow(average - data[j][1], 2);
// Finally estimate the error: the squared
// difference between the estimate and the actual data
// value at each point.
var err = 0;
for (var k = 0; k < data.length; k++) {
err += Math.pow(data[k][1] - f(data[k][0]), 2);
// As the error grows larger, it's ratio to the
// sum of squares increases and the r squared
// value grows lower.
return 1 - (err / sum_of_squares);
// # [Bayesian Classifier](
// This is a naïve bayesian classifier that takes
// singly-nested objects.
ss.bayesian = function() {
// The `bayes_model` object is what will be exposed
// by this closure, with all of its extended methods, and will
// have access to all scope variables, like `total_count`.
var bayes_model = {},
// The number of items that are currently
// classified in the model
total_count = 0,
// Every item classified in the model
data = {};
// ## Train
// Train the classifier with a new item, which has a single
// dimension of Javascript literal keys and values.
bayes_model.train = function(item, category) {
// If the data object doesn't have any values
// for this category, create a new object for it.
if (!data[category]) data[category] = {};
// Iterate through each key in the item.
for (var k in item) {
var v = item[k];
// Initialize the nested object `data[category][k][item[k]]`
// with an object of keys that equal 0.
if (data[category][k] === undefined) data[category][k] = {};
if (data[category][k][v] === undefined) data[category][k][v] = 0;
// And increment the key for this key/value combination.
// Increment the number of items classified
// ## Score
// Generate a score of how well this item matches all
// possible categories based on its attributes
bayes_model.score = function(item) {
// Initialize an empty array of odds per category.
var odds = {}, category;
// Iterate through each key in the item,
// then iterate through each category that has been used
// in previous calls to `.train()`
for (var k in item) {
var v = item[k];
for (category in data) {
// Create an empty object for storing key - value combinations
// for this category.
if (odds[category] === undefined) odds[category] = {};
// If this item doesn't even have a property, it counts for nothing,
// but if it does have the property that we're looking for from
// the item to categorize, it counts based on how popular it is
// versus the whole population.
if (data[category][k]) {
odds[category][k + '_' + v] = (data[category][k][v] || 0) / total_count;
} else {
odds[category][k + '_' + v] = 0;
// Set up a new object that will contain sums of these odds by category
var odds_sums = {};
for (category in odds) {
// Tally all of the odds for each category-combination pair -
// the non-existence of a category does not add anything to the
// score.
for (var combination in odds[category]) {
if (odds_sums[category] === undefined) odds_sums[category] = 0;
odds_sums[category] += odds[category][combination];
return odds_sums;
// Return the completed model.
return bayes_model;
// # sum
// is simply the result of adding all numbers
// together, starting from zero.
// This runs on `O(n)`, linear time in respect to the array
ss.sum = function(x) {
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
sum += x[i];
return sum;
// # mean
// is the sum over the number of values
// This runs on `O(n)`, linear time in respect to the array
ss.mean = function(x) {
// The mean of no numbers is null
if (x.length === 0) return null;
return ss.sum(x) / x.length;
// # geometric mean
// a mean function that is more useful for numbers in different
// ranges.
// this is the nth root of the input numbers multipled by each other
// This runs on `O(n)`, linear time in respect to the array
ss.geometric_mean = function(x) {
// The mean of no numbers is null
if (x.length === 0) return null;
// the starting value.
var value = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
// the geometric mean is only valid for positive numbers
if (x[i] <= 0) return null;
// repeatedly multiply the value by each number
value *= x[i];
return Math.pow(value, 1 / x.length);
// Alias this into its common name
ss.average = ss.mean;
// # min
// This is simply the minimum number in the set.
// This runs on `O(n)`, linear time in respect to the array
ss.min = function(x) {
var min;
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
// On the first iteration of this loop, min is
// undefined and is thus made the minimum element in the array
if (x[i] < min || min === undefined) min = x[i];
return min;
// # max
// This is simply the maximum number in the set.
// This runs on `O(n)`, linear time in respect to the array
ss.max = function(x) {
var max;
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
// On the first iteration of this loop, min is
// undefined and is thus made the minimum element in the array
if (x[i] > max || max === undefined) max = x[i];
return max;
// # [variance](
// is the sum of squared deviations from the mean
ss.variance = function(x) {
// The variance of no numbers is null
if (x.length === 0) return null;
var mean = ss.mean(x),
deviations = [];
// Make a list of squared deviations from the mean.
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
deviations.push(Math.pow(x[i] - mean, 2));
// Find the mean value of that list
return ss.mean(deviations);
// # [standard deviation](
// is just the square root of the variance.
ss.standard_deviation = function(x) {
// The standard deviation of no numbers is null
if (x.length === 0) return null;
return Math.sqrt(ss.variance(x));
ss.sum_squared_deviations = function(x) {
// The variance of no numbers is null
if (x.length <= 1) return null;
var mean = ss.mean(x),
sum = 0;
// Make a list of squared deviations from the mean.
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
sum += Math.pow(x[i] - mean, 2);
return sum;
// # [variance](
// is the sum of squared deviations from the mean
ss.sample_variance = function(x) {
var sum_squared_deviations = ss.sum_squared_deviations(x);
if (sum_squared_deviations === null) return null;
// Find the mean value of that list
return sum_squared_deviations / (x.length - 1);
// # [standard deviation](
// is just the square root of the variance.
ss.sample_standard_deviation = function(x) {
// The standard deviation of no numbers is null
if (x.length <= 1) return null;
return Math.sqrt(ss.sample_variance(x));
// # [covariance](
// sample covariance of two datasets:
// how much do the two datasets move together?
// x and y are two datasets, represented as arrays of numbers.
ss.sample_covariance = function(x, y) {
// The two datasets must have the same length which must be more than 1
if (x.length <= 1 || x.length != y.length){
return null;
// determine the mean of each dataset so that we can judge each
// value of the dataset fairly as the difference from the mean. this
// way, if one dataset is [1, 2, 3] and [2, 3, 4], their covariance
// does not suffer because of the difference in absolute values
var xmean = ss.mean(x),
ymean = ss.mean(y),
sum = 0;
// for each pair of values, the covariance increases when their
// difference from the mean is associated - if both are well above
// or if both are well below
// the mean, the covariance increases significantly.
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++){
sum += (x[i] - xmean) * (y[i] - ymean);
// the covariance is weighted by the length of the datasets.
return sum / (x.length - 1);
// # [correlation](
// Gets a measure of how correlated two datasets are, between -1 and 1
ss.sample_correlation = function(x, y) {
var cov = ss.sample_covariance(x, y),
xstd = ss.sample_standard_deviation(x),
ystd = ss.sample_standard_deviation(y);
if (cov === null || xstd === null || ystd === null) {
return null;
return cov / xstd / ystd;
// # [median](
ss.median = function(x) {
// The median of an empty list is null
if (x.length === 0) return null;
// Sorting the array makes it easy to find the center, but
// use `.slice()` to ensure the original array `x` is not modified
var sorted = x.slice().sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; });
// If the length of the list is odd, it's the central number
if (sorted.length % 2 === 1) {
return sorted[(sorted.length - 1) / 2];
// Otherwise, the median is the average of the two numbers
// at the center of the list
} else {
var a = sorted[(sorted.length / 2) - 1];
var b = sorted[(sorted.length / 2)];
return (a + b) / 2;
// # [mode](
// This implementation is inspired by [science.js](
ss.mode = function(x) {
// Handle edge cases:
// The median of an empty list is null
if (x.length === 0) return null;
else if (x.length === 1) return x[0];
// Sorting the array lets us iterate through it below and be sure
// that every time we see a new number it's new and we'll never
// see the same number twice
var sorted = x.slice().sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; });
// This assumes it is dealing with an array of size > 1, since size
// 0 and 1 are handled immediately. Hence it starts at index 1 in the
// array.
var last = sorted[0],
// store the mode as we find new modes
// store how many times we've seen the mode
max_seen = 0,
// how many times the current candidate for the mode
// has been seen
seen_this = 1;
// end at sorted.length + 1 to fix the case in which the mode is
// the highest number that occurs in the sequence. the last iteration
// compares sorted[i], which is undefined, to the highest number
// in the series
for (var i = 1; i < sorted.length + 1; i++) {
// we're seeing a new number pass by
if (sorted[i] !== last) {
// the last number is the new mode since we saw it more
// often than the old one
if (seen_this > max_seen) {
max_seen = seen_this;
seen_this = 1;
mode = last;
last = sorted[i];
// if this isn't a new number, it's one more occurrence of
// the potential mode
} else { seen_this++; }
return mode;
// # [t-test]('s_t-test)
// This is to compute a one-sample t-test, comparing the mean
// of a sample to a known value, x.
// in this case, we're trying to determine whether the
// population mean is equal to the value that we know, which is `x`
// here. usually the results here are used to look up a
// [p-value](, which, for
// a certain level of significance, will let you determine that the
// null hypothesis can or cannot be rejected.
ss.t_test = function(sample, x) {
// The mean of the sample
var sample_mean = ss.mean(sample);
// The standard deviation of the sample
var sd = ss.standard_deviation(sample);
// Square root the length of the sample
var rootN = Math.sqrt(sample.length);
// Compute the known value against the sample,
// returning the t value
return (sample_mean - x) / (sd / rootN);
// # quantile
// This is a population quantile, since we assume to know the entire
// dataset in this library. Thus I'm trying to follow the
// [Quantiles of a Population](
// algorithm from wikipedia.
// Sample is a one-dimensional array of numbers,
// and p is a decimal number from 0 to 1. In terms of a k/q
// quantile, p = k/q - it's just dealing with fractions or dealing
// with decimal values.
ss.quantile = function(sample, p) {
// We can't derive quantiles from an empty list
if (sample.length === 0) return null;
// invalid bounds. Microsoft Excel accepts 0 and 1, but
// we won't.
if (p >= 1 || p <= 0) return null;
// Sort a copy of the array. We'll need a sorted array to index
// the values in sorted order.
var sorted = sample.slice().sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; });
// Find a potential index in the list. In Wikipedia's terms, this
// is I<sub>p</sub>.
var idx = (sorted.length) * p;
// If this isn't an integer, we'll round up to the next value in
// the list.
if (idx % 1 !== 0) {
return sorted[Math.ceil(idx) - 1];
} else if (sample.length % 2 === 0) {
// If the list has even-length and we had an integer in the
// first place, we'll take the average of this number
// and the next value, if there is one
return (sorted[idx - 1] + sorted[idx]) / 2;
} else {
// Finally, in the simple case of an integer value
// with an odd-length list, return the sample value at the index.
return sorted[idx];
// Compute the matrices required for Jenks breaks. These matrices
// can be used for any classing of data with `classes <= n_classes`
ss.jenksMatrices = function(data, n_classes) {
// in the original implementation, these matrices are referred to
// as `LC` and `OP`
// * lower_class_limits (LC): optimal lower class limits
// * variance_combinations (OP): optimal variance combinations for all classes
var lower_class_limits = [],
variance_combinations = [],
// loop counters
i, j,
// the variance, as computed at each step in the calculation
variance = 0;
// Initialize and fill each matrix with zeroes
for (i = 0; i < data.length + 1; i++) {
var tmp1 = [], tmp2 = [];
for (j = 0; j < n_classes + 1; j++) {
for (i = 1; i < n_classes + 1; i++) {
lower_class_limits[1][i] = 1;
variance_combinations[1][i] = 0;
// in the original implementation, 9999999 is used but
// since Javascript has `Infinity`, we use that.
for (j = 2; j < data.length + 1; j++) {
variance_combinations[j][i] = Infinity;
for (var l = 2; l < data.length + 1; l++) {
// `SZ` originally. this is the sum of the values seen thus
// far when calculating variance.
var sum = 0,
// `ZSQ` originally. the sum of squares of values seen
// thus far
sum_squares = 0,
// `WT` originally. This is the number of
w = 0,
// `IV` originally
i4 = 0;
// in several instances, you could say `Math.pow(x, 2)`
// instead of `x * x`, but this is slower in some browsers
// introduces an unnecessary concept.
for (var m = 1; m < l + 1; m++) {
// `III` originally
var lower_class_limit = l - m + 1,
val = data[lower_class_limit - 1];
// here we're estimating variance for each potential classing
// of the data, for each potential number of classes. `w`
// is the number of data points considered so far.
// increase the current sum and sum-of-squares
sum += val;
sum_squares += val * val;
// the variance at this point in the sequence is the difference
// between the sum of squares and the total x 2, over the number
// of samples.
variance = sum_squares - (sum * sum) / w;
i4 = lower_class_limit - 1;
if (i4 !== 0) {
for (j = 2; j < n_classes + 1; j++) {
if (variance_combinations[l][j] >=
(variance + variance_combinations[i4][j - 1])) {
lower_class_limits[l][j] = lower_class_limit;
variance_combinations[l][j] = variance +
variance_combinations[i4][j - 1];
lower_class_limits[l][1] = 1;
variance_combinations[l][1] = variance;
return {
lower_class_limits: lower_class_limits,
variance_combinations: variance_combinations
// # [Jenks natural breaks optimization](
// Implementations: [1]( (python),
// [2]( (buggy),
// [3]( (works)
ss.jenks = function(data, n_classes) {
// sort data in numerical order
data = data.slice().sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; });
// get our basic matrices
var matrices = ss.jenksMatrices(data, n_classes),
// we only need lower class limits here
lower_class_limits = matrices.lower_class_limits,
k = data.length - 1,
kclass = [],
countNum = n_classes;
// the calculation of classes will never include the upper and
// lower bounds, so we need to explicitly set them
kclass[n_classes] = data[data.length - 1];
kclass[0] = data[0];
// the lower_class_limits matrix is used as indexes into itself
// here: the `k` variable is reused in each iteration.
while (countNum > 1) {
kclass[countNum - 1] = data[lower_class_limits[k][countNum] - 2];
k = lower_class_limits[k][countNum] - 1;
return kclass;
// # Mixin
// Mixin simple_statistics to the Array native object. This is an optional
// feature that lets you treat simple_statistics as a native feature
// of Javascript.
ss.mixin = function() {
var support = !!(Object.defineProperty && Object.defineProperties);
if (!support) throw new Error('without defineProperty, simple-statistics cannot be mixed in');
// only methods which work on basic arrays in a single step
// are supported
var arrayMethods = ['median', 'standard_deviation', 'sum',
'mean', 'min', 'max', 'quantile', 'geometric_mean'];
// create a closure with a method name so that a reference
// like `arrayMethods[i]` doesn't follow the loop increment
function wrap(method) {
return function() {
// cast any arguments into an array, since they're
// natively objects
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
// make the first argument the array itself
// return the result of the ss method
return ss[method].apply(ss, args);
// for each array function, define a function off of the Array
// prototype which automatically gets the array as the first
// argument. We use [defineProperty](
// because it allows these properties to be non-enumerable:
// `for (var in x)` loops will not run into problems with this
// implementation.
for (var i = 0; i < arrayMethods.length; i++) {
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, arrayMethods[i], {
value: wrap(arrayMethods[i]),
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
writable: true
id rate
1001 .097
1003 .091
1005 .134
1007 .121
1009 .099
1011 .164
1013 .167
1015 .108
1017 .186
1019 .118
1021 .099
1023 .127
1025 .17
1027 .159
1029 .104
1031 .085
1033 .114
1035 .195
1037 .14
1039 .101
1041 .097
1043 .096
1045 .093
1047 .211
1049 .143
1051 .09
1053 .129
1055 .107
1057 .128
1059 .123
1061 .1
1063 .147
1065 .127
1067 .099
1069 .089
1071 .118
1073 .107
1075 .148
1077 .105
1079 .136
1081 .086
1083 .093
1085 .185
1087 .114
1089 .075
1091 .148
1093 .152
1095 .092
1097 .111
1099 .187
1101 .102
1103 .104
1105 .198
1107 .13
1109 .087
1111 .151
1113 .126
1115 .107
1117 .076
1119 .139
1121 .136
1123 .137
1125 .09
1127 .119
1129 .151
1131 .256
1133 .175
2013 .101
2016 .084
2020 .07
2050 .148
2060 .036
2068 .034
2070 .084
2090 .069
2100 .062
2110 .057
2122 .097
2130 .061
2150 .066
2164 .059
2170 .088
2180 .121
2185 .057
2188 .132
2201 .136
2220 .059
2232 .073
2240 .081
2261 .064
2270 .204
2280 .098
2282 .063
2290 .136
4001 .148
4003 .074
4005 .077
4007 .109
4009 .144
4011 .215
4012 .089
4013 .085
4015 .102
4017 .142
4019 .084
4021 .118
4023 .172
4025 .095
4027 .242
5001 .143
5003 .091
5005 .082
5007 .053
5009 .064
5011 .078
5013 .062
5015 .043
5017 .096
5019 .063
5021 .104
5023 .059
5025 .06
5027 .081
5029 .065
5031 .059
5033 .066
5035 .099
5037 .071
5039 .076
5041 .099
5043 .091
5045 .06
5047 .059
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