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Created August 8, 2013 02:32
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Lists with type-encoded length
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures, TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | Lists with type-encoded length
-- Includes TH macros for concise usage of Peano naturals at type and term
-- level.
-- Examples:
-- >>> :t Nil
-- Nil :: LList 'Z a
-- >>> :t Cons () Nil
-- Cons () Nil :: LList ('S 'Z) ()
-- >>> head $ Cons () Nil
-- ()
-- >>> head Nil
-- Couldn't match type 'Z with 'S n0 ...
-- >>> head $ replicate $(singNat 20) ()
-- ()
module Data.LList (
-- * Peano naturals
Nat (..)
, NatSing (..)
-- * LList type
, LList (..)
-- * Type-safe utility functions
, head
, replicate
-- * Convenience macros
, typeNat
, termNat
, singNat
) where
import Prelude hiding (head, replicate)
import Language.Haskell.TH
data Nat = Z | S Nat
-- | Peano singletons
data NatSing (n :: Nat) where ZS :: NatSing Z
SS :: NatSing n -> NatSing (S n)
data LList (len :: Nat) a where Nil :: LList Z a
Cons :: a -> LList len a -> LList (S len) a
-- | Safe head function
-- Calling this on an empty list is a type error.
head :: LList (S n) a -> a
head (Cons x _) = x
-- | Like 'Prelude.replicate'
replicate :: NatSing n -- ^ Length as a singleton
-> a -- ^ Element to replicate
-> LList n a
replicate ZS _ = Nil
replicate (SS n) x = Cons x $ replicate n x
-- | Macro for generating Peano types
typeNat :: Int -> Q Type
typeNat = natMacro AppT PromotedT 'S 'Z
-- | Macro for generating Peano terms
termNat :: Int -> Q Exp
termNat = natMacro AppE ConE 'S 'Z
-- | Macro for generating Peano singletons
singNat :: Int -> Q Exp
singNat = natMacro AppE ConE 'SS 'ZS
natMacro :: (e -> e -> e) -> (Name -> e) -> Name -> Name -> Int -> Q e
natMacro app con s z n = return $ iterate (app $ con s) (con z) !! n
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