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Last active March 10, 2021 03:07
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Computed Class or Function Names in Javascript (Without "eval" or "Function" Constructor)
* Just now realized this is achievable via `Object.defineProperty` and then passing the function you want to
* rename (or change the 'name' property of)... can't believe I didn't realize there was such a simple solution!
* Introduction
* Creating a named function is easy enough: */ function fName() {} /*.
* But what if we don't know the name we are going to or want to assign it beforehand?
* I'm sure the solution to this has already been discovered,
* but I stumlbed upon a solution on my own and thought I'd share it here.
* It's alot more interesting and rewarding to just solve things yourself
* instead of looking up the answer if you've got the time to do so.
* In javascript (or at least in current javascript) once a function has been created,
* it's "name" property is set in stone and cannot be changed.
* A function declaration already requires a name and the name provided is automatically set as
* the function's name (the "name" property). Providing a function expression with a name is optional,
* but if it is not provided, then the function's "name" property is set to the identifier/variable that
* references it.
* For example:
* - in */ var someVar = function() {}; is "someVar" /*
* - in */ var someVar = function fName() {}; is "fName" /*
* - in */ function() {} /* as used as an anonymous function (e.g. passed as a function argument),
* the "name" property of said function is the empty/null string "" (zero-length string)
* - and finally of course, in the function declaration */ function fName() {}; is "fName" /*
* Given this information, we cannot do */ var func = function() {}; = "myFuncName" /*, and as far as I know,
* we can't do something like */ var someVar = "myFuncName"; function [someVar]() {} /* or */ var [someVar] = function() {} /*
* either.
function createNamedFunction(name) {
return {
[name]: function() {
// a single literal/inline function implementation goes here
function createNamedClass(name) {
return {
[name]: class {
// a single literal/inline class implementation goes here
// And of course you could also use such a function to variably name multiple functions/classes at once
// by adding multiple members and parameters then simply removing the property accessor at the end so that
// the whole object gets returned.
// Or if we need to assign it to a variable without the variable implicitly assigning/changing the "name" property
// (as explained before).
function createNamedFunction(name) {
const func = {
[name]: function() {
// function implementation goes here
// do stuff with function func
return func;
function createNamedClass(name) {
const cls = {
[name]: class {
// class implementation goes here
// do stuff with class cls
return cls;
// Example of usage
const someRandomVar =;
const myNamedFunction = createNamedFunction(someRandomVar);
* Of course you can do this at the toplevel scope too, outside of any function scope...
const someRandomVar2 =; // the function name we'd like to use (a string or anything that is coercible to a string)
// My variably-named function
const func = {
[someRandomVar2]: function() {
// function implementation
// My variably-named class
const cls = {
[someRandomVar2]: class {
// class implementation
// Here's a way of taking a variable function, and a variable function name, and applying
// the latter to the former (as long as you don't mind wrapping your function in another function that is).
function nameFunction(nameToGiveFunc, funcToName) {
return {
[nameToGiveFunc]: function() {
// And for classes...
function nameClass(nameToGiveClass, classToName) {
return {
[nameToGiveClass]: class extends classToName {}
// Example
class NotMyClass {}
const Mine = nameClass("MyClass", NotMyClass);
console.log(Mine); // logs: [class MyClass extends NotMyClass]
console.log(; // logs: MyClass
// Or, globally name/rename a class (doesn't touch the old class/name of the old class)
function nameClassGlobal(nameToGiveClass, classToName) {
// Protect against overwriting a pre-existing global under the same name.
if (globalThis[nameToGiveClass] !== undefined)
throw new Error(
`${nameToGiveClass} is already defined in global scope`
globalThis[nameToGiveClass] = {
[nameToGiveClass]: class extends classToName {}
// Example of usage
nameClassGlobal("MyGlobalClass", NotMyClass);
console.log(MyGlobalClass); // logs: [class MyGlobalClass extends NotMyClass]
console.log(globalThis.MyGlobalClass); // logs: [class MyGlobalClass extends NotMyClass]
// And of course we could have also done window.MyGlobalClass in the browser to retrieve the class
* These patterns of naming/renaming classes and functions probably could've been implmented via "Proxy" objects
* as well, but I like these patterns better because I imagine the Proxy route would have the same or slightly
* more overhead in terms of memory usage and "cpu cycles" (speed). Also with these patterns you are actually getting
* back real classes and functions, even if only named wrapper functions/classes wrapping the passed function/class in
* some cases.
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