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Last active December 4, 2019 22:01
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import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.math.{min,max,abs}
class Point(var x: Int, var y: Int) {
override def toString = "x: " + x + ", y: " + y
override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
case that: Point => that.x == this.x && that.y == this.y
case _ => false
override def hashCode = x.hashCode + ":".hashCode + y.hashCode
def add(that: Point): Point = new Point(x + that.x, y + that.y)
def direction(sign: Char, length: Int): Point = sign match {
case 'U' => new Point(0, length)
case 'D' => new Point(0, length * -1)
case 'L' => new Point(length * -1, 0)
case 'R' => new Point(length, 0)
// use slope to determine orientation
// taken from my reference book on 3d mathmatics
def orientation(p: Point, q: Point, r: Point): Int = {
val cal: Int = (q.y - p.y) * (r.x - q.x) - (q.x - p.x) * (r.y - q.y) // use cross-product to determine difference in angle
if (cal == 0) return 0; // CO-LINEAR
if (cal > 0) {
} else {
def pathToPointList(p: Vector[String]): List[Point] = {
val path = new ListBuffer[Point]()
path += new Point(0, 0)
for (vec <- p) {
val len :+ dir = vec.reverse.toVector
val nextPoint = path.last.add(direction(dir, len.reverse.mkString.toInt))
path += nextPoint
class LineSegment(val startPoint: Point, val endPoint: Point) {
var path = ListBuffer[Point](startPoint, endPoint)
def isPointColinear(p: Point): Boolean = {
// NOTE: Assumes the path is co-linear; incorrect results otherwise
if (orientation(path.head, path.last, p) == 0) return true
override def toString = "Start: (" + path.head + ") End: (" + path.last + ")"
def addPoint(p: Point): Unit = path += p
def getLastPoint(): Point = path.last
def getOrderedContinuity(): Array[Point] = {
// Each line segment is assumed to have a slope of 0. Populate a set of points along the segment's primary axis
val x = Array.range(min(path.head.x, path.last.x), max(path.last.x, path.head.x))
val y = Array.range(min(path.head.y, path.last.y), max(path.last.y, path.head.y))
if (x.size > 1) { Point(_, path.head.y))
} else { Point(path.head.x, _))
def intersects(that: LineSegment): Array[Point] = {
class ColinearLineSegmentBuilder(val startPoint: Point, val endPoint: Point) {
var segments = ListBuffer[LineSegment](new LineSegment(startPoint, endPoint))
def addPoint(point: Point): Unit = {
val curSeg = segments.last
if (curSeg.isPointColinear(point)) {
} else {
segments += new LineSegment(curSeg.getLastPoint, point)
def getLineSegments(): List[LineSegment] = segments.toList
class LineSegmentShape(val segments: List[LineSegment]) {
def intersections(that: LineSegmentShape): List[Point] = {
val i = ListBuffer[Point]()
for (l <- segments) {
for (o <- that.segments) {
val p = l.intersects(o).toList
i ++= p
def distanceToPoint(p: Point): Int = {
var steps = 0
for (l <- segments) {
val s = l.getOrderedContinuity
val i = s.indexOf(p)
if (i != -1) {
steps += i
return steps
} else {
steps += s.size
def getManhattanDistance(origin: Point, target: Point): Int = {
abs(origin.x - target.x) + abs(origin.y - target.y)
val input = Source.fromFile("input.txt").getLines()
val wireA =",").toVector
val wireB =",").toVector
val wireAPath = pathToPointList(wireA)
val wireBPath = pathToPointList(wireB)
val lba = new ColinearLineSegmentBuilder(wireAPath.take(2).head, wireAPath.take(2).last)
val lbb = new ColinearLineSegmentBuilder(wireBPath.take(2).head, wireBPath.take(2).last)
wireAPath.drop(2).map(lba.addPoint(_)) // This is bad (implicit state mutation), but it's late and I just want to go home
val shapeA = new LineSegmentShape(lba.getLineSegments)
val shapeB = new LineSegmentShape(lbb.getLineSegments)
val intersections = shapeA.intersections(shapeB)
val shapeADistances = => shapeA.distanceToPoint(i))
val shapeBDistances = => shapeB.distanceToPoint(i))
val distances = Point(0,0), _))
println("Distances: " + distances + "; min: " + distances.min)
println("Thus, answer to part 1 is: " + distances.min)
val stepCombinations = (shapeADistances.drop(1) zip shapeBDistances.drop(1)).map(t => t._1 + t._2)
println("Part 2 answer is least of: " + stepCombinations)
println("Thus, part 2 answer is: " + stepCombinations.min)
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