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Last active October 10, 2019 22:42
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PrefixTrie Cleanup
public struct PrefixTrie<Key: Collection, Value> where Key.Element: Hashable {
internal class Node {
var value: Value?
var step: Key.Element?
var next = [Key.Element: Node]()
var parent: Node?
init(value: Value?, step: Key.Element? = nil, parent: Node? = nil) {
self.value = value
self.parent = parent
self.step = step
/// Creates a prefix trie with nothing inside.
public init() {}
// Start with an empty node at the root, to make traversal easy
var root = Node(value: nil)
/// Finds the value associated with the longest prefix that matches the
/// provided key.
/// For example, for a trie that has `["Help", "Hello", "Helping"]` inside,
/// Searching for `"Helper"` gives you the value associated with `"Help"`,
/// while searching for `"Helping a friend"` gives you `"Helping"`.
public subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
get {
var bestMatch: Value?
var current = root
for elt in key {
guard let next =[elt] else { break }
current = next
if let value = current.value {
bestMatch = value
return bestMatch
set {
var index = key.startIndex
var current = root
// Traverse as much of the prefix as we can, keeping track of the index
// we ended on
while index < key.endIndex, let next =[key[index]] {
key.formIndex(after: &index)
current = next
// We're matching a prefix of an existing key in the trie
if index == key.endIndex {
// Update the value in the trie with the new value
current.value = newValue
var currentNode: Node! = current
var parentNode = current.parent
while parentNode != nil && currentNode.step != nil {
if parentNode?.next[currentNode.step!]?.value == nil && parentNode?.next[currentNode.step!]?.next.keys.count == 0 {
parentNode?.next[currentNode.step!] = nil
currentNode = parentNode
parentNode = parentNode?.parent
else {
parentNode = nil
while index < key.endIndex {
// Fill out the remaining nodes with nils, until we get to the last
// element
let step = key[index]
key.formIndex(after: &index)
let new = Node(value: index == key.endIndex ? newValue : nil, step: step, parent: current)[step] = new
current = new
func count(_ trie: PrefixTrie<String, String>) -> Int {
var n: PrefixTrie.Node? = trie.root
var count = 0
var nodes = [PrefixTrie<String, String>.Node]()
var keys = [Character]()
while n != nil {
nodes.append(contentsOf: n!.next.values)
keys.append(contentsOf: n!.next.keys)
count += n!.next.keys.count
n = nodes.popLast()
return count
var trie = PrefixTrie<String, String>()
trie["hello"] = "hello"
trie["help"] = "help"
trie["halo"] = "halo"
trie["helping"] = "helping"
trie["helping"] = nil
trie["halo"] = nil
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