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Last active December 14, 2015 13:28
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Save tmuth/5093116 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Run a .sql script and capture v$mystat, 2 versions of dbms_xplan, and Active SQL Monitor report
-- File name: plan-capture.sql
-- Purpose: Run a .sql script and capture v$mystat, 2 versions of dbms_xplan,
-- and Active SQL Monitor report
-- Author: Tyler Muth -
-- Parameters:
-- 1: sql script to run containing the query
-- 2: output file name prefix. This is used for the name of the spool file and sqlmon html files
-- 3: An additional script to run first. I use this for "alter session" parameters. I created
-- an empty file named null.sql to use for the default case
set serveroutput off
set wrap off
set define '^'
set concat '.'
set verify on
set pagesize 10000
set linesize 300
column name format a70
set numwidth 16
alter session force parallel query parallel 8;
alter session set statistics_level='ALL';
spool ^2..txt
set timing on
set timing off
column prev_sql_id new_value PREV_SQLID
select prev_sql_id from v$session where audsid=userenv('sessionid');
select, m.value
from v$mystat m, v$statname s
where s.statistic# = m.statistic#
and m.value > 0
order by 1;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(sql_id => '^PREV_SQLID', format=>'ALLSTATS LAST'));
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(sql_id => '^PREV_SQLID', format=>'advanced +parallel +partition +predicate'));
spool off
set serveroutput ON SIZE 1000000 FORMAT WORD_WRAPPED
set wrap on
set verify off
set pagesize 0 echo off timing off linesize 1000 trimspool on trim on long 2000000 longchunksize 2000000 feedback off
spool sqlmon_^2..html
select dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor(type=>'EM', sql_id=>'^PREV_SQLID') monitor_report from dual;
spool off
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