This text is a procedure for t-of-k threshold signatures.
The symbols and functions used are defined in the following URL.
- The number of users k.
- The number of required signers t. ( 0 < t ≤ k )
- The constant H refers to the generator. ( G ≠ H )
- Let H = xG , x mod n , x is random.
- The message m : an array of 32 bytes
The n , G and functions are cited from the original text.
Each user i(i = 1...k) is in an agreed ordered set so that user i is always the same for every user.
Each user i(i = 1...k) sends t commitments to a set of random numbers:
- Let there be random numbers and a'i0...a'i(t-1) in the range 1...n-1 , 2t integers.
- Let the sharing polynomials be fi(x) and f'i(x)
- fi(x) = ai0 + ai1x1 + ... + ai(t-1)xt-1
- f'i(x) = a'i0 + a'i1x1 + ... + a'i(t-1)xt-1
- Let the commitments be Ci0...Ci(t-1) : Cih = aihG + a'ihH (h = 0...t-1).
- The user(i) sends commitments(Ci0...Ci(t-1)) to the other users(j = 1...k , j ≠ i).
Each user(i = 1...k) sends shared secrets and the other users' commitments to each other user:
- For j = 1...k , j ≠ i :
- Let sij = fi(j) mod n , s'ij = f'i(j) mod n
- The user(i) sends (sij , s'ij) to the user(j).
- The user(i) sends other user's commitments(Ch0...Ch(t-1) , h = 1...k , h ≠ i , h ≠ j) to the user(j).
Each user(i = 1...k) verifies secret and commitments received from user(j = 1...k , j ≠ i) :
- Fail if sjiG + s'jiH ≠ i0Cj0 + ... + it-1Cj(t-1)
- Fail if commitments(Ch0...Ch(t-1), h = 1...k , h ≠ i , h ≠ j) does not match commitments received at Step 1.
- If fail , sends result to other user(h = 1...k , h ≠ i).
Each user(i = 1...k) sends shared points :
- Let the Ai0...Ai(t-1) : Aih = aihG (h = 0...t-1).
- The user(i) sends Ai0...Ai(t-1) to other users(j = 1...k , j ≠ i).
Each user(i = 1...k) verifies shared points received from user(j = 1...k , j ≠ i) :
- Fail if sjiG ≠ i0Aj0 + ... + it-1Aj(t-1)
- If fail , sends result to other user(h = 1...k , h ≠ i).
The publickey of shared secret is sum of each 0-th points. : P = A10 + ... + Ak0
- The t users participating in the signing process(ui , i = 1...t) .
- 1 ≤ ui ≤ k , i = 1...t ; ui1 ≠ ui2 , i1 ≠ i2 , 1 ≤ i1 ≤ t , 1 ≤ i2 ≤ t .
Each user ui(ui , i = 1...t) sends t commitments to a set of random numbers :
- Let there be random numbers bui0...bui(t-1) and b'ui0...b'ui(t-1) in the range 1...n-1 , 2t integers.
- Let the sharing polynomials be gui(x) and g'ui(x)
- gui(x) = bui0 + bui1x1 + ... + bui(t-1)xt-1
- g'ui(x) = b'ui0 + b'ui1x1 + ... + b'ui(t-1)xt-1
- Let the commitments be C'ui0...C'ui(t-1) : C'uih = buihG + b'uihH (h = 0...t-1).
- The user(ui) sends commitments(C'ui0...C'ui(t-1)) to the other users(uj , j = 1...t , j ≠ i).
Each user(ui , i = 1...t) sends random numbers and the other user's commitments to each other user :
- For j = 1...t , j ≠ i :
- Let ruiuj = gui(uj) mod n , r'uiuj = g'ui(uj) mod n
- The user(ui) sends (ruiuj , r'uiuj) to the user(uj).
- The user(ui) sends commitments(C'uh0...C'uh(t-1) , h = 1...t , h ≠ i , h ≠ j) of other users to the user(uj).
Each user(ui , i = 1...t) verifies random number and commitments received from user(uj , j = 1...t , j ≠ i) :
- Fail if rujuiG + r'ujuiH ≠ ui0Cuj0 + ... + uit-1Cuj(t-1)
- Fail if commitments(C'uh0...C'uh(t-1) , h = 1...t , h ≠ i , h ≠ j) sent from user(ij) does not match commitments received at Step 1.
- If fail , sends result to other user(uh , h = 1...t , h ≠ i).
Each user(ui , i = 1...t) sends random points :
- Let the Bui0...Bui(t-1) : Buih = buihG (h = 0...t-1).
- The user(ui) sends Bui0...Bui(t-1) to other users(uj , j = 1...t , j ≠ i).
Each user(ui , i = 1...t) verifies random points received from user(uj , j = 1...t , j ≠ i) :
- Fail if rujuiG ≠ ui0Buj0 + ... + uit-1Buj(t-1)
- If fail , sends result to other user(uh , h = 1...t , h ≠ i).
The Point of random number is sum of each 0-th points. : R = Bu10 + ... + But0
Each user(ui , i = 1...t) sends signature :
- Let r = ru1ui + ... + rutui
- Let R = Bu10 + ... + But0
- If jacobi(y(R)) ≠ 1 , let r = n - r
- Let P = A10 + ... + Ak0
- Let e = int(hash(bytes(x(R)) || bytes(P) || m)) mod n
- Let s = su1ui + ... + sukui
- Let sigui = r + es mod n
- The user(ui) sends sigui to other users(uj , j = 1...t , j ≠ i).
Each user(ui , i = 1...t) verifies signature received from user(uj , j = 1...t , j ≠ i) :
- Let B be the point at infinity
- For h = 1...t :
- B = B + j0Buh0 + ... + jt-1Buh(t-1)
- Let R = Bu10 + ... + But0
- If jacobi(y(R)) ≠ 1 , let B = -B
- Let P = A10 + ... + Ak0
- Let e = int(hash(bytes(x(R)) || bytes(P) || m)) mod n
- Let A be the point at infinity
- For h = 1...k :
- A = A + j0Auh0 + ... + jt-1Auh(t-1)
- Fail if sigujG ≠ B + eA
- If fail , sends result to other user(uh , h = 1...t , h ≠ i).
Anyone holding sig and who knows the predefined user order can produce a valid signature:
- Let s = 0
- For j = 1...t :
- Let o = 1
- For h = 1...t , uh ≠ uj :
- o = o × uh ÷ (uh - uj) mod n
- s = s + o × siguj mod n
- For j = 1...t :
- Let R = Bu10 + ... + But0
- The signature is bytes(x(R)) || bytes(s).
Provably Secure Distributed Schnorr Signatures and a (t, n) Threshold Scheme for Implicit Certificates
I would like to thank everyone who advised.