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Created December 15, 2017 04:34
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(* author: Dimitur Krustev *)
(* started: 20130616 *)
(* based on: *)
Require Import Arith List Bool.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section Lang.
(* Syntax *)
Variable Name: Set.
Variable Name_eq_dec: forall x y: Name, {x = y} + {x <> y}.
Inductive Ty: Set := TyNat | TyBool | TyArr (T1 T2: Ty).
Inductive Op := OPlus | OMinus | OEq.
Inductive Const := CNat (n: nat) | CBool (b: bool).
Inductive Exp := ECst (c: Const) | EOp (op: Op) (e1 e2: Exp) | EVar (x: Name)
| EFun (f: Name) (x: Name) (T: Ty) (body: Exp) | EApp (e1 e2: Exp).
(* Dynamic Semantics *)
Inductive Result (A: Set) : Set := Res (a: A) | Stuck | TimeOut.
Fixpoint lookup {A B: Set} (A_eq_dec: forall x y: A, {x = y} + {x <> y})
(k: A) (l: list (A * B)) {struct l} : Result B :=
match l with
| nil => Stuck _
| (a, b)::l1 => if A_eq_dec k a then Res b else lookup A_eq_dec k l1
Notation ret a := (Res a).
Notation stuck := (Stuck _).
Notation timeout := (TimeOut _).
Notation "'DO' x <-- e1 ;; e2" :=
(match e1 with
| Stuck _ => Stuck _
| TimeOut _ => TimeOut _
| Res x => e2
(right associativity, at level 60).
Inductive Val : Set := VCst (c: Const)
| VClos (f: Name) (x: Name) (T: Ty) (body: Exp) (env: list (Name * Val)).
Definition TEnv := list (Name * Ty).
Definition VEnv := list (Name * Val).
Definition toNat v := match v with VCst (CNat n) => ret n | _ => stuck end.
Definition toBool v := match v with VCst (CBool b) => ret b | _ => stuck end.
Definition toClosure (v: Val) : Result (Name * Name * Exp * VEnv) :=
match v with VClos f x _ e env => ret (f, x, e, env) | _ => stuck end.
Definition delta op v1 v2 :=
match op with
| OPlus => DO n1 <-- toNat v1 ;; DO n2 <-- toNat v2 ;; ret (VCst (CNat (n1 + n2)))
| OMinus => DO n1 <-- toNat v1 ;; DO n2 <-- toNat v2 ;; ret (VCst (CNat (n1 - n2)))
| OEq => DO n1 <-- toNat v1 ;; DO n2 <-- toNat v2 ;; ret (VCst (CBool (beq_nat n1 n2)))
Function eval (e: Exp) (env: VEnv) (k1: nat) {struct k1} : Result Val :=
match k1 with
| 0 => timeout
| S k => match e with
| ECst c => ret (VCst c)
| EVar x => lookup Name_eq_dec x env
| EFun f x T e => ret (VClos f x T e env)
| EOp op e1 e2 =>
DO v1 <-- eval e1 env k ;; DO v2 <-- eval e2 env k ;; delta op v1 v2
| EApp e1 e2 =>
DO v1 <-- eval e1 env k ;; DO v2 <-- eval e2 env k ;;
DO p <-- toClosure v1 ;;
let '(f, x, body, env1) := p in
eval body ((x, v2)::(f, v1)::env1) k
Definition Eval (e: Exp) (r: option Val) : Prop :=
(exists n, exists v, eval e nil n = ret v /\ r = Some v)
\/ forall n, eval e nil n = timeout /\ r = None.
(* Type System *)
Definition typeof c := match c with CNat _ => TyNat | CBool _ => TyBool end.
Inductive Delta : Op -> Ty -> Ty -> Ty -> Prop :=
| DeltaPlus: Delta OPlus TyNat TyNat TyNat
| DeltaMinus: Delta OMinus TyNat TyNat TyNat
| DeltaEq: Delta OEq TyNat TyNat TyBool.
Inductive WellTyped : TEnv -> Exp -> Ty -> Prop :=
| WTVar: forall Gamma x T, lookup Name_eq_dec x Gamma = Res T -> WellTyped Gamma (EVar x) T
| WTCst: forall Gamma c T, typeof c = T -> WellTyped Gamma (ECst c) T
| WTFun: forall Gamma T1 T2 f x e, WellTyped ((x, T1)::(f, TyArr T1 T2)::Gamma) e T2
-> WellTyped Gamma (EFun f x T1 e) (TyArr T1 T2)
| WTOp: forall Gamma op T1 T2 T3 e1 e2, Delta op T1 T2 T3 -> WellTyped Gamma e1 T1
-> WellTyped Gamma e2 T2 -> WellTyped Gamma (EOp op e1 e2) T3
| WTApp: forall Gamma T1 T2 e1 e2, WellTyped Gamma e1 (TyArr T1 T2)
-> WellTyped Gamma e2 T1 -> WellTyped Gamma (EApp e1 e2) T2.
Inductive WTVal : Val -> Ty -> Prop :=
| WTVCst: forall c T, typeof c = T -> WTVal (VCst c) T
| WTVClos: forall Gamma env T1 T2 f x e, WTEnv Gamma env
-> WellTyped ((x, T1)::(f, TyArr T1 T2)::Gamma) e T2
-> WTVal (VClos f x T1 e env) (TyArr T1 T2)
with WTEnv : TEnv -> VEnv -> Prop :=
| WTEnvNil: WTEnv nil nil
| WTEnvCons: forall v T Gamma env x, WTVal v T -> WTEnv Gamma env
-> WTEnv ((x, T)::Gamma) ((x, v)::env).
Inductive WTResult : Result Val -> Ty -> Prop :=
| WTRRes: forall v T, WTVal v T -> WTResult (Res v) T
| WTRTimeOut: forall T, WTResult timeout T.
Hint Constructors WTVal.
Hint Constructors WTEnv.
Hint Constructors WTResult.
Lemma delta_safe: forall op T1 T2 T v1 v2,
Delta op T1 T2 T -> WTVal v1 T1 -> WTVal v2 T2
-> exists v, delta op v1 v2 = Res v /\ WTVal v T.
intros ? ? ? ? ? ? HDelta HWTV1 HWTV2.
inversion HDelta; subst; inversion HWTV1; subst; inversion HWTV2; subst;
repeat (match goal with [_: typeof ?C = _ |- _]
=> destruct C; simpl in *; try congruence
Lemma lookup_safe: forall Gamma env x T,
WTEnv Gamma env -> lookup Name_eq_dec x Gamma = Res T
-> exists v, lookup Name_eq_dec x env = Res v /\ WTVal v T.
intros ? ? ? ? HWTEnv. revert x T.
induction HWTEnv; simpl; intros; try congruence.
(* :: *) destruct (Name_eq_dec x0 x) as [Heq | Hneq]; auto.
(* = *) eexists. split; eauto. inversion H0. subst. assumption.
Lemma eval_safe: forall Gamma env e T,
WellTyped Gamma e T -> WTEnv Gamma env -> forall k, WTResult (eval e env k) T.
intros ? ? ? ? HWT HWTE ?.
revert Gamma T HWT HWTE. functional induction (eval e env k); auto.
(* ECst c *) intros. inversion HWT. subst. auto.
(* EVar x *) intros. inversion HWT. subst.
destruct (lookup_safe _ HWTE H1) as [v [Hlookup Hwtv]].
rewrite Hlookup. auto.
(* EFun f x T0 e1 *) intros. inversion HWT. subst. eauto.
(* EOp op e1 e2, e1 stuck *) intros. inversion HWT. subst.
specialize (IHr _ _ H5 HWTE). rewrite e4 in *. inversion IHr.
(* EOp op e1 e2, e2 stuck *) intros. inversion HWT. subst.
specialize (IHr0 _ _ H6 HWTE). rewrite e5 in *. inversion IHr0.
(* EOp op e1 e2, e1 & e2 res *) intros. inversion HWT. subst.
specialize (IHr _ _ H5 HWTE). rewrite e4 in *. inversion IHr. subst.
specialize (IHr0 _ _ H6 HWTE). rewrite e5 in *. inversion IHr0. subst.
match goal with [HDelta: Delta _ _ _ _, HWTV1: WTVal v1 _, HWTV2: WTVal v2 _ |- _]
=> destruct (delta_safe HDelta HWTV1 HWTV2) as [v [Hdelta Hwtv]]
rewrite Hdelta. auto.
(* EApp e1 e2, e1 stuck *) intros. inversion HWT. subst.
specialize (IHr _ _ H2 HWTE). rewrite e4 in *. inversion IHr.
(* EApp e1 e2, e2 stuck *) intros. inversion HWT. subst.
specialize (IHr0 _ _ H4 HWTE). rewrite e5 in *. inversion IHr0.
(* EApp e1 e2, (toClosure v1) stuck *) intros. inversion HWT. subst.
specialize (IHr _ _ H2 HWTE). rewrite e4 in *. inversion IHr. subst.
inversion H0; subst; try (destruct c; simpl in *; congruence).
simpl in *. congruence.
(* EApp e1 e2, all Res *) intros. inversion HWT. subst.
specialize (IHr _ _ H2 HWTE). rewrite e4 in *. inversion IHr. subst.
specialize (IHr0 _ _ H4 HWTE). rewrite e5 in *. inversion IHr0. subst.
inversion H0; subst; try (destruct c; simpl in *; congruence).
simpl in *. inversion e6; subst. clear e6.
eapply IHr1; eauto.
(* Require Import Classical. *)
Theorem Eval_safe: (forall P: Prop, P \/ ~P) ->
forall e T, WellTyped nil e T -> T = TyNat \/ T = TyBool ->
(exists v, Eval e (Some v) /\ WTVal v T) \/ Eval e None.
intros classic ? ? HWT HTin.
assert (H: (~(exists n, eval e nil n <> timeout)) \/ (exists n, eval e nil n <> timeout)).
rewrite or_comm. apply classic.
destruct H as [Htimeout | Hres].
(* Htimeout *)
assert (NNPP: forall P: Prop, ~~P -> P).
intros. destruct (classic P) as [Hc | Hc]; auto. contradict H. auto.
assert (Htimeout': forall n, eval e nil n = timeout).
intros. apply NNPP. intro Hc. apply Htimeout. eauto.
right. unfold Eval. right. auto.
(* Hres *)
destruct Hres as [n Hres].
generalize (eval_safe HWT WTEnvNil n). intro HWTR.
inversion HWTR; subst; try congruence.
left. unfold Eval. exists v. split; auto. left. eauto.
End Lang.
Print Assumptions Eval_safe.
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