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Forked from davecranwell/
Created April 25, 2018 23:30
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Responsive image tag for Wagtail CMS
from django import template
from django.template import Context
from django.template.base import parse_bits
from wagtail.wagtailimages.templatetags.wagtailimages_tags import ImageNode
from wagtail.wagtailimages.models import Filter, SourceImageIOError, InvalidFilterSpecError
from britishswimming.utils.models import SocialMediaSettings
register = template.Library()
def responsiveimage(parser, token):
bits = token.split_contents()[1:]
image_expr = parser.compile_filter(bits[0])
filter_spec = bits[1]
remaining_bits = bits[2:]
attrs = {}
if remaining_bits[-2:][0] == 'as':
for bit in remaining_bits[:-2]:
name, value = bit.split('=')
except ValueError:
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("'responsiveimage' tag should be of the form {% responsiveimage max-320x200 srcset=\"whatever\" [ custom-attr=\"value\" ... ] %} or {% responsiveimage max-320x200 srcset=\"whatever\" as img %}")
attrs[name] = parser.compile_filter(value) # setup to resolve context variables as value
# token is of the form {% responsiveimage max-320x200 srcset="whatever" as img %}
return ResponsiveImageNode(image_expr, filter_spec, attrs=attrs, output_var_name=remaining_bits[-2:][1])
# token is of the form {% responsiveimage max-320x200 srcset="whatever" %} - all additional tokens
# should be kwargs, which become attributes
for bit in remaining_bits:
name, value = bit.split('=')
except ValueError:
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("'responsiveimage' tag should be of the form {% responsiveimage max-320x200 srcset=\"whatever\" [ custom-attr=\"value\" ... ] %} or {% responsiveimage max-320x200 srcset=\"whatever\" as img %}")
attrs[name] = parser.compile_filter(value) # setup to resolve context variables as value
return ResponsiveImageNode(image_expr, filter_spec, attrs=attrs)
class ResponsiveImageNode(ImageNode, template.Node):
def render(self, context):
image = self.image_expr.resolve(context)
except template.VariableDoesNotExist:
return ''
if not image:
return ''
rendition = image.get_rendition(self.filter)
except SourceImageIOError:
# It's fairly routine for people to pull down remote databases to their
# local dev versions without retrieving the corresponding image files.
# In such a case, we would get a SourceImageIOError at the point where we try to
# create the resized version of a non-existent image. Since this is a
# bit catastrophic for a missing image, we'll substitute a dummy
# Rendition object so that we just output a broken link instead.
Rendition = image.renditions.model # pick up any custom Image / Rendition classes that may be in use
rendition = Rendition(image=image, width=0, height=0) = 'not-found'
# Parse srcset format into array
raw_sources = str(self.attrs['srcset']).replace('"', '').split(',')
srcset_renditions = []
widths = []
newsrcseturls = []
for source in raw_sources:
flt = source.strip().split(' ')[0]
width = source.strip().split(' ')[1]
# cache widths to be re-appended after filter has been converted to URL
except SourceImageIOError:
TmpRendition = image.renditions.model # pick up any custom Image / Rendition classes that may be in use
tmprend = TmpRendition(image=image, width=0, height=0) = 'not-found'
for index, rend in enumerate(srcset_renditions):
newsrcseturls.append(' '.join([rend.url, widths[index]]))
except KeyError:
newsrcseturls = []
if self.output_var_name:
rendition.srcset = ', '.join(newsrcseturls)
# return the rendition object in the given variable
context[self.output_var_name] = rendition
return ''
# render the rendition's image tag now
resolved_attrs = {}
for key in self.attrs:
if key == 'srcset':
resolved_attrs[key] = ','.join(newsrcseturls)
resolved_attrs[key] = self.attrs[key].resolve(context)
return rendition.img_tag(resolved_attrs)
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