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Last active May 9, 2021 04:27
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  • Save tobiasstrebitzer/97ca530ad822b438d0c12caf27f7d510 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// Configure Stripe Target
"type": "stripe",
"options": {
// Your Stripe Publishable Key
"publishableKey": "pk_test_...",
// URL Called to prepare the Stripe Customer
"setupUrl": ""
}, {
// Send data to your REST API via a JSON POST request
"type": "restApi",
"options": {
// URL to send the form data to
"url": "",
// Fields that should be sent to your REST API
"requestFields": ["email"]
}, {
// Register user with Intercom
"type": "intercom",
"options": {
// Intercom App ID
"appId": "l9oci9nb",
// Event Name to trigger
"event": "trial",
// Optionally, set Intercom Properties when submitting the form
"properties": {"product": "pwa" }
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