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Created October 21, 2012 09:09
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As per Hercynium's suggestion...
use strict;
use warnings;
package Acme::Constructor::Pythonic;
no thanks;
use Data::OptList qw(mkopt);
use Sub::Install qw(install_sub);
use Module::Runtime qw(use_module);
sub import {
my $caller = caller;
for my $arg (@{ mkopt(\@_) })
my ($class, $opts) = @$arg;
$opts->{class} = $class unless defined $opts->{class};
$opts->{constructor} = 'new' unless defined $opts->{constructor};
$opts->{alias} = $class unless defined $opts->{alias};
if ($opts->{alias} =~ /::(\w+)$/) {
$opts->{alias} = $1;
install_sub {
into => $caller,
as => $opts->{alias},
code => sub {
use_module($opts->{class}) unless $opts->{no_require};
my $method = $opts->{class}->can($opts->{constructor});
unshift @_, $opts->{class};
goto $method;
# Simple example
use Acme::Constructor::Pythonic qw( LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Request );
my $req = Request(GET => '');
my $ua = UserAgent();
my $res = $ua->request($req);
print $res->message, "\n";
# More complex example
package Foo;
sub create { bless [], shift };
sub method { return "OK" };
use Acme::Constructor::Pythonic
Foo => { no_require => 1, constructor => 'create', alias => 'Bar' };
my $foo = Bar();
print $foo->method, "\n";
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