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pretty usable MIDI-controlled synth using synthio in CircuitPython
# - pretty usable MIDI-controlled synth using synthio in CircuitPython
# 11 May 2023 - @todbot / Tod Kurt
# Uses cheapie PCM5102 DAC on QTPY RP2040
# Video demo:
# Features:
# - midi velocity controls attack rate (gentle press = slow, hard press = fast)
# - notes have small random detune on all oscillators to reduce phase stacking
# - adjustable number of detuned oscillators per note 1-5 (midi controller 83)
# - five selectable waveforms: saw, squ, sin, noisy sin, noise (midi controller 82)
# - vibrato depth on mod wheel (midi controller 1)
import time, random
import board
import audiobusio, audiomixer
import synthio
import ulab.numpy as np
import usb_midi
import adafruit_midi
from adafruit_midi.note_on import NoteOn
from adafruit_midi.note_off import NoteOff
from adafruit_midi.control_change import ControlChange
import neopixel
led = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1, brightness=0.2)
midi = adafruit_midi.MIDI(midi_in=usb_midi.ports[0], in_channel=0 )
# qtpy rp2040 SPI pins, be sure PCM5102 SCK is tied to Gnd
lck_pin, bck_pin, dat_pin = board.MISO, board.MOSI, board.SCK
SAMPLE_RATE = 28000 # clicks @ 36kHz & 48kHz on rp2040
SAMPLE_SIZE = 256 # we like powers of two
VOLUME = 12000 # 16384 is max volume I think
wave_saw = np.linspace(VOLUME, -VOLUME, num=SAMPLE_SIZE, dtype=np.int16)
wave_squ = np.concatenate((np.ones(SAMPLE_SIZE//2, dtype=np.int16)*VOLUME,np.ones(SAMPLE_SIZE//2, dtype=np.int16)*-VOLUME))
wave_sin = np.array(np.sin(np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, SAMPLE_SIZE, endpoint=False)) * VOLUME, dtype=np.int16)
wave_noise = np.array([random.randint(-VOLUME, VOLUME) for i in range(SAMPLE_SIZE)], dtype=np.int16)
wave_sin_dirty = np.array( wave_sin + (wave_noise/4), dtype=np.int16)
waveforms = (wave_saw, wave_squ, wave_sin, wave_sin_dirty, wave_noise)
synth = synthio.Synthesizer(sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE) # note: no envelope or waveform, we do that in Note now!
audio = audiobusio.I2SOut(bit_clock=bck_pin, word_select=lck_pin, data=dat_pin)
mixer = audiomixer.Mixer(voice_count=1, sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE, channel_count=1,
bits_per_sample=16, samples_signed=True, buffer_size=2048 ) # buffer_size=4096 ) # attach mixer to DAC
mixer.voice[0].play(synth) # start synth engine playing
wave_i = 0 # which waveform to play
num_oscs = 1 # how many oscillators per note
max_oscs = 5
osc_detune = 0.01 # how much detune (fatness)
notes_pressed = {} # which notes are currently being pressed, and their note objects (so we can unpress them)
mod_val = 0 # ranges 0-1
def note_on(notenum, vel):
at_time = max(0, 2 * (127-(vel*1.2)) / 127) # velocity controls attack time
amp_env = synthio.Envelope(attack_time=at_time, decay_time=0.05, release_time=0.8,
attack_level=1, sustain_level=0.8)
waveform = waveforms[wave_i]
notes = []
f = synthio.midi_to_hz(notenum)
for i in range(num_oscs):
# add detuning to oscillators + a bit of random so phases w/ other notes don't perfectly align
fr = f * (1 + (osc_detune*i) + (random.random()/1000) )
notes.append( synthio.Note( frequency=fr, envelope=amp_env, waveform=waveform,
bend_depth = 0.5 * mod_val, bend_rate = 20 * mod_val ) )
notes_pressed[notenum] = notes
def note_off(notenum,vel):
notes = notes_pressed.get(notenum, None)
if notes:
del notes_pressed[notenum]
debug_notes = False
print("synthio_midi_synth ready")
while True:
msg = midi.receive()
if isinstance(msg, NoteOn) and msg.velocity != 0:
print("noteOn: ", msg.note, "vel=", msg.velocity)
note_on( msg.note, msg.velocity)
if debug_notes: print("notes_pressed:", notes_pressed)
elif isinstance(msg,NoteOff) or isinstance(msg,NoteOn) and msg.velocity==0:
print("noteOff:", msg.note, "vel=", msg.velocity)
note_off( msg.note, msg.velocity)
if debug_notes: print("notes_pressed:", notes_pressed)
elif isinstance(msg,ControlChange):
print("controlChange", msg.control, "=", msg.value)
if msg.control == 1: # mod wheel
mod_val = msg.value / 127
for notes in notes_pressed.values():
for n in notes: # adjust vibrato depth & rate for all notes
n.bend_depth = 0.5 * mod_val
n.bend_rate = 20 * mod_val
elif msg.control == 82: # leftmost slider on minilab3
num_oscs = int( 1 + (msg.value/127) * max_oscs )
elif msg.control == 83: # leftmost+1 slider on minilab3
wave_i = int( (msg.value/127) * (len(waveforms)-1) )
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todbot commented May 12, 2023

A video demo of the above code:

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