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Created November 18, 2011 01:42
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Count Columns in a Spreadsheet
This is an overly complicated method I threw together to do something I could have easily done by
tallying on paper or something similar. That's not how I roll.
The method below will calculate the numerical position of a spreadsheet column based on its alphabetic
representation. I use a lot of VBA and Excel formulas at work that need this information to function
properly and I got tired to counting these columns manually - a real chore when you start getting into
columns represented by multiple characters.
NOTE: Excel is kind of inconsistent with its numbering format. Depending on what you're trying to
do with the output from this method, you may need to subtract 1 from the result if it relies on
zero-based numbering.
# We need a string of characters in the alphabet
import string
alpha = string.lowercase
# The getPosition method
# @param: a string representation of a column in Excel (i.e., 'd', 'ba', etc.)
# We only need to account for params up to 'iv' (Excel's max number of allowed columns),
# but we're (theoretically) handling all possible combinations (i.e., 'bacd')
# @return: an integer representing the column number of the column string passed in
def getPosition(col):
# Return the position of the character in the alphabet if the parameter contains only one character
if col.__len__() == 1:
return alpha.index(col) + 1
# Calculate the position of the column by combining the number of times the Excel columns
# have been through the alphabet with a recursive call to A) do more of the same or B) the
# position of the last character in the alphabet.
return ((col.__len__() - 1) * ((alpha.index(col[0]) + 1) * 26)) + getPosition(col[1:])
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