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Created April 13, 2016 07:10
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Tests for ditto.ts
import * as ditto from "./ditto";
// Yeah, I know use Karma, or assert or something ... I'm just playing around, sue me :-)
class Person {
firstName: string = "";
lastName: string = "";
partner: Person = null;
hasPartner(): boolean {
return (this.partner !== null && !this.partner === undefined);
public isSameAs(other: Person): boolean {
if (this.firstName !== other.firstName)
return false;
if (this.lastName !== other.lastName)
return false;
if (this.partner && other.partner)
return this.partner.isSameAs(other.partner);
// all ok
return true;
public isDifferentTo(other: Person): boolean {
return !this.isSameAs(other);
static create(firstName: string, lastName: string): Person {
let p: Person = new Person();
p.firstName = firstName;
p.lastName = lastName;
return p;
static createWithPartner(firstName: string, lastName: string, pFirstName: string, pLastName: string): Person {
let p: Person = Person.create(firstName, lastName);
p.partner = Person.create(pFirstName, pLastName);
return p;
static isListSameAs(a: Array<Person>, b: Array<Person>) {
// assuming caller isn't daft! (no null checks)
if (a.length !== b.length)
return false;
for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++) {
let lhs: Person = a[i];
let rhs: Person = b[i];
if (!lhs.isSameAs(rhs))
return false;
return true;
static isListDifferentFrom(a: Array<Person>, b: Array<Person>) {
return !Person.isListSameAs(a, b);
let _currentTest: number = 1;
function assert(result: boolean, msg: string = "") {
if (result) {
console.log(`%c${_currentTest}: PASS - ${msg}`, "color: green");
} else {
console.error(`%c${_currentTest}: FAIL - ${msg}`, "color: red");
debugger; // so you can debug back up the stack easily
// inc for next one
function makeTestPeople(): Array<Person> {
let peeps: Array<Person> = new Array<Person>();
Person.createWithPartner("Fred", "Flintstone", "Wilma", "Flintstone"),
Person.createWithPartner("Barney", "Rubble", "Betty", "Rubble"),
Person.createWithPartner("Homer", "Simpson", "Marge", "Simpson")
return peeps;
function shouldUpdateItem(): void {
let p: Person = Person.create("Fred", "Flintstone");
// Should be different
let a: Person = ditto.updateItem(p, {firstName: "Barney"});
assert(p.isDifferentTo(a), "p is same as a");
// Should be same
let b: Person = ditto.updateItem(p, {});
assert(p.isSameAs(b), "p is different to b");
} // shouldUpdateItem
function canAny(): void {
// null => !any
let peeps: Array<Person> = null;
assert(!ditto.any(peeps), "Any with null array should be false");
// undefined => !any
peeps = undefined;
assert(!ditto.any(peeps), "Any with undefined array should be false");
// 1 => any
peeps = new Array<Person>(Person.create("Fred", "Flintstone"));
assert(ditto.any(peeps), "Should be some in 'any'");
} // canAny
function canEmpty(): void {
// null => empty
let peeps: Array<Person> = null;
assert(ditto.empty(peeps), "empty with null array should be false");
// undefined => empty
peeps = undefined;
assert(ditto.empty(peeps), "empty with undefined array should be false");
// 1 => !empty
peeps = new Array<Person>(Person.create("Fred", "Flintstone"));
assert(!ditto.empty(peeps), "Should be some in 'empty'");
} // canAny
function canLast(): void {
// null => !any
let peeps: Array<Person> = null;
assert(ditto.last(peeps) === null, "Last with null array should be false");
// undefined => !any
peeps = undefined;
assert(ditto.last(peeps) === null, "Last with undefined array should be false");
// 1 => any
peeps = new Array<Person>(
Person.create("Fred", "Flintstone"),
Person.create("Barney", "Rubble")
assert(ditto.last(peeps) === peeps[peeps.length-1], "Failed to find last item");
} // canLast
function canFirst(): void {
// null => !any
let peeps: Array<Person> = null;
assert(ditto.first(peeps) === null, "first with null array should be false");
// undefined => !any
peeps = undefined;
assert(ditto.first(peeps) === null, "first with undefined array should be false");
// 1 => any
peeps = new Array<Person>(
Person.create("Fred", "Flintstone"),
Person.create("Barney", "Rubble")
assert(ditto.first(peeps) === peeps[0], "Failed to find first item");
} // canFirst
function shouldFindIndexOf(): void {
let peeps: Array<Person> = makeTestPeople();
let pos: number = -1;
pos = ditto.indexOf(peeps, (p:Person) => p.lastName === "Flintstone")
assert(pos == 0, "Found first hit");
pos = ditto.indexOf(peeps, (p:Person) => p.firstName === "Homer");
assert(pos == 2, "Found last hit");
} // shouldFindIndexOf
function shouldUpdateList(): void {
// by predicate
let input: Array<Person>;
let output: Array<Person>;
input = makeTestPeople();
output = ditto.updateList(input,
(p:Person) => {p.firstName === "Homer"}, {
lastName: "Griffin"
assert(output[2].lastName === "Griffin", "Change 'Homer Flintstone' to 'Homer Griffin'.");
// by position
input = makeTestPeople();
output = ditto.updateList(input, 1, {
firstName: "Mr Flibble"
assert(output[1].firstName == "Mr Flibble", "Change 'Barney Rubble' to 'Barney Mr Flibble'");
} // shouldUpdateList
function shouldAppendToList(): void {
let input: Array<Person>, output: Array<Person>;
let p: Person = Person.create("Alpha", "Beta");
input = makeTestPeople();
output = ditto.append(input, p);
assert(output.length > input.length, "Output list should be longer after adding an item.")
assert(output[output.length-1].lastName == "Beta", "Item added surname isn't 'Beta'");
} // shouldAppendToList
function shouldPrependToList(): void {
let input: Array<Person>, output: Array<Person>;
let p: Person = Person.create("Alpha", "Beta");
input = makeTestPeople();
output = ditto.prepend(input, p);
assert(output.length > input.length, "Output list should be longer after inserting an item.")
assert(output[0].lastName == "Beta", "Item added surname isn't 'Beta'");
assert(output[output.length-1].firstName == "Homer", "List hasn't shifted down after inserting an item at the head.");
} // shouldAppendToList
function shouldDeleteItems(): void {
let input: Array<Person>, output: Array<Person>;
// by predicate
input = makeTestPeople();
output = ditto.deleteItems(input, (p:Person) => p.firstName === "Barney");
assert(input.length > output.length, "Output list should be smaller after deleting an item.")
assert(output[0].firstName === "Fred", "First item should stay as Fred");
assert(output[1].firstName === "Homer", "Second item is now Homer");
// by number
input = makeTestPeople();
output = ditto.deleteItems(input, 0);
assert(input.length > output.length, "Output list should be smaller after deleting an item.")
assert(output[0].firstName === "Barney", "First item should now be as Barney");
assert(output[1].firstName === "Homer", "Second item is now Homer (was the third)");
// not found => not touched (AND SAME COPY)
input = makeTestPeople();
output = ditto.deleteItems(input, (p:Person) => p.firstName === "Mr Flibble");
assert(input.length === output.length, "Lists should be same size when no match on delete of an item.");
assert(input === output, "Underlying reference should be the same when there is no match on deleting and item.");
assert(input[0].firstName === output[0].firstName, "1st item still equal");
assert(input[1].firstName === output[1].firstName, "2nd item still equal");
assert(input[2].firstName === output[2].firstName, "3rd item still equal");
} // shouldAppendToList
function shouldUpdateNestedItem() {
let p: Person = Person.createWithPartner("Fred", "Flintstone", "Homer", "Flintstone");
let a: Person = ditto.updateItem(p, {
partner: {
firstName: "Bob"
assert(p !== a, "a and p should be different objects");
assert(p.partner.firstName === "Homer", "Original name should be unchanged.")
assert(a.partner.firstName === "Bob", "Partner's name should change");
assert(p.partner.lastName === "Flintstone", "Parter's surname should not be changed.");
// OK, single version works (surprised!), what about in arrays?
let peeps: Array<Person> = new Array<Person>();
Person.createWithPartner("Fred", "Flintstone", "Wilma", "Flintstone"),
Person.createWithPartner("Barney", "Rubble", "Betty", "Rubble"),
Person.createWithPartner("Homer", "Simpson", "Marge", "Simpson"),
Person.createWithPartner("Bart", "Simpson", "Santas", "Little Helper")
// NAH! This kinda works, but go on the assumption it doesn't!
if (false) {
// 1 should be changed
let changed: Array<Person> = ditto.updateList(peeps, (p: Person) => p.firstName == "Barney", {
partner: {
lastName: "Concrete"
assert(peeps !== changed, "Changed should be a new object");
assert(changed[1].partner.firstName === "Betty", "Partner first name should NOT be changed");
assert(changed[1].partner.lastName === "Concrete", "Partner last name SHOULD be changed");
} // shouldUpdateNestedItem
export function runTests(): void {
console.log("running tests ...");
// Single object tests
// Array navigation tests
// Array tests
// Nested object tests
console.log("done running tests ...")
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