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Forked from davecheney/future.go
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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package future
// A Future represents the result of some asynchronous computation.
// Future returns the result of the work as an error, or nil if the work
// was performed successfully.
// Implementers must observe these invariants
// 1. There may be multiple concurrent callers, or Future may be called many
// times in sequence, it must always return the same value.
// 2. Future blocks until the work has been performed.
type Future func() error
// New returns a Future representing the result of the execution of f.
func New(f func() error) Future {
ch := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
ch <- f()
return func() error {
result := <-ch
ch <- result
return result
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