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Zig FlatBuffers read-only
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
///! This package provides a skeleton for read-only access to FlatBuffer encoded binary data. | |
const std = @import("std"); | |
const assert = std.debug.assert; | |
const t = std.testing; | |
/// Header represents the data at offset 0 | |
/// it consists of an unsigned offset to the root table | |
/// and optionally a 4-byte file identifier | |
const Header = packed struct { | |
offset: u32, // root table offset | |
identifier: u32, // optional file identifier | |
fn getRootTable(self: *const Header) *const Table { | |
var addr = @ptrToInt(self); | |
addr += self.offset; | |
return @intToPtr(*const Table, addr); | |
} | |
}; | |
/// Slice is used to represent a list of some table type | |
/// with zero-allocation access to the tables. | |
fn Slice(comptime T: type) type { | |
comptime assert(@hasField(T, "table")); | |
return struct { | |
const Self = @This(); | |
const Type = T; | |
items: []const Offset(*const Table), | |
pub fn at(self: *const Self, index: usize) T { | |
return T{ .table = self.items[index].get() }; | |
} | |
pub fn len(self: *const Self) usize { | |
return self.items.len; | |
} | |
/// toOwnedSlice allocates and returns a slice of the declared table type | |
pub fn toOwnedSlice(self: *const Self, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) ![]T { | |
var slice = try allocator.allocAdvanced(T, null, self.items.len, .exact); | |
for (self.items) |*item, i| { | |
slice[i] = T{ .table = item.get() }; | |
} | |
return slice; | |
} | |
}; | |
} | |
/// Table represents an encoded table. | |
/// It holds a signed offset to the virtual table. | |
/// After the offset is the actual data values of the fields | |
/// described by the virtual table and any required padding. | |
const Table = packed struct { | |
offset: i32, // signed offset to vtable | |
// table field data + padding | |
fn getVTable(self: *const Table) *const VTable { | |
var addr = @ptrToInt(self); | |
if (self.offset > 0) { | |
addr -= @intCast(u32, self.offset); | |
} else { | |
addr += @intCast(u32, (std.math.absInt(self.offset) catch unreachable)); | |
} | |
return @intToPtr(*const VTable, addr); | |
} | |
fn getField(self: *const Table, offset: u16, comptime FieldType: type) FieldType { | |
if (comptime @typeInfo(FieldType) == .Struct and @hasField(FieldType, "table")) { | |
// we have a table | |
return FieldType{ .table = self.getField(offset, *const Offset(*const Table)).get() }; | |
} | |
if (comptime @typeInfo(FieldType) == .Struct and @hasField(FieldType, "items")) { | |
// we have a list of tables | |
return FieldType{ .items = self.getField(offset, []const Offset(*const Table)) }; | |
} | |
var addr = @ptrToInt(self); | |
addr += offset; | |
return switch (@typeInfo(FieldType)) { | |
.Pointer => |ptr| switch (ptr.size) { | |
.One, .C => @intToPtr(FieldType, addr), | |
.Slice, .Many => blk: { | |
const vecOffset = @intToPtr(*const u32, addr).*; | |
addr += vecOffset; | |
const count = @intToPtr(*const u32, addr).*; | |
addr += @sizeOf(u32); | |
const slice = @intToPtr([*]const ptr.child, addr); | |
break :blk slice[0..count]; | |
}, | |
}, | |
.Enum => |e| @intToEnum(FieldType, @intToPtr(*const e.tag_type, addr).*), | |
else => @intToPtr(*const FieldType, addr).*, | |
}; | |
} | |
fn getNthField(self: *const Table, index: usize, comptime FieldType: type) ?FieldType { | |
const offset = self.getVTable().getFieldOffset(index); | |
if (offset == 0) { | |
return null; | |
} | |
return switch (@typeInfo(FieldType)) { | |
.Union => |u| blk: { | |
// first we get the tag field which is always 1 less than the union value | |
// then we get the value using the tag to find the type | |
if (self.getNthField(index - 1, u.tag_type.?)) |tag| { | |
const tagInt = @intCast(usize, @enumToInt(tag)); | |
// using an inline for to unroll all possible values of tag | |
// this is required because unionInit requires all parameters to be known at compile time | |
// tagInt above is only known at runtime, so this unrolled series of if statements | |
// takes the runtime value and makes it compile time. | |
inline for (u.fields) |field, i| { | |
if (i == tagInt) { | |
if (comptime @typeInfo(field.field_type) == .Void) { | |
// special case void for "none" | |
break :blk @unionInit(FieldType, "none", .{}); | |
} else { | |
break :blk @unionInit(FieldType,, self.getField(offset, field.field_type)); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
break :blk @unionInit(FieldType, "none", .{}); | |
}, | |
else => self.getField(offset, FieldType), | |
}; | |
} | |
}; | |
/// Offset is used for the extra layer of indirection | |
/// used to encode sub-table fields. | |
/// for example, a field that is a vector of tables | |
/// is encoded as a vector of Offset(*const Table) | |
/// aka a vector of offsets to the tables | |
fn Offset(comptime T: type) type { | |
return packed struct { | |
const Self = @This(); | |
offset: u32, | |
fn get(self: *const Self) T { | |
var addr = @ptrToInt(self); | |
addr += self.offset; | |
return @intToPtr(T, addr); | |
} | |
}; | |
} | |
/// VTable represents the encoded virtual table which holds | |
/// an unsigned 16-bit length of the virtual table itself | |
/// as well as an unsigned 16-bit length of the table data. | |
/// Following those 4 bytes are unsigned 16-bit offsets for each | |
/// of the fields of the table. The offsets point to the | |
/// data values of the fields in the table. | |
/// VTables might be shared between tables of different types. | |
const VTable = packed struct { | |
vlen: u16, // vtable length | |
tlen: u16, // table length | |
// field offsets | |
fn numFields(self: *const VTable) usize { | |
return (self.vlen - @sizeOf(VTable)) / @sizeOf(u16); | |
} | |
fn getFieldOffset(self: *const VTable, index: usize) u16 { | |
if (index >= self.numFields()) return 0; | |
//assert(index < self.numFields()); | |
var addr = @ptrToInt(self); | |
addr += @sizeOf(VTable); | |
addr += (index * @sizeOf(u16)); | |
return @intToPtr(*u16, addr).*; | |
} | |
fn debugDump(self: *const VTable) void { | |
std.debug.print("vtable: {}\n", .{self}); | |
var i: usize = 0; | |
while (i < self.numFields()) : (i += 1) { | |
std.debug.print(" i: {} offset: {}\n", .{ i, self.getFieldOffset(i) }); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
/// DefineTable takes a union(enum) where each field of the union represents a field of the table | |
/// and an anonymous struct with default values assigned for the table fields. | |
/// It returns a struct which holds a Table pointer. | |
/// The get function takes a union field to access an individual field of the table. | |
/// Example: | |
/// ```const Weapon = DefineTable(union(enum) { | |
/// name: []const u8, | |
/// damage: u16, | |
/// }, .{ .damage = 1 }); | |
/// ... | |
/// weapon.get(.damage).? | |
/// ``` | |
fn DefineTable(comptime definition: type, defaults: anytype) type { | |
return struct { | |
const Self = @This(); | |
const FieldType = std.meta.Tag(definition); | |
const Union = @typeInfo(definition).Union; | |
const Defaults = defaults; | |
table: *const Table, | |
/// get takes a union(enum) tag name from FieldType | |
/// and return the value of that field in the encoded flatbuffer | |
/// fields with default values return non-optional types | |
/// fields without default values return optional types | |
fn get(self: *const Self, f: anytype) if (@hasField(@TypeOf(Self.Defaults), Self.Union.fields[@enumToInt(@as(FieldType, f))].name)) Self.Union.fields[@enumToInt(@as(FieldType, f))].field_type else ?Self.Union.fields[@enumToInt(@as(FieldType, f))].field_type { | |
comptime const fieldIdx = @enumToInt(@as(FieldType, f)); | |
comptime const fieldType = Self.Union.fields[fieldIdx].field_type; | |
const val = self.table.getNthField(fieldIdx, fieldType); | |
if (val) |v| { | |
return v; | |
} | |
comptime const fieldName = Self.Union.fields[fieldIdx].name; | |
return comptime if (@hasField(@TypeOf(Self.Defaults), fieldName)) @field(Self.Defaults, fieldName) else null; | |
} | |
}; | |
} | |
test "monster type" { | |
// first define the types we need to represent the monster.fbs schema in Zig | |
const Color = enum(u8) { Red, Green, Blue }; | |
const Weapon = DefineTable(union(enum) { | |
name: []const u8, | |
damage: u16, | |
}, .{}); | |
const Equipment = union(enum) { | |
const Self = @This(); | |
none: void, | |
weapon: Weapon, | |
}; | |
const Vec3 = packed struct { x: f32, y: f32, z: f32 }; | |
const Monster = DefineTable(union(enum) { | |
pos: Vec3, | |
mana: u16, | |
hp: u16, | |
name: []const u8, | |
friendly: bool, | |
inventory: []const u8, | |
color: Color, | |
weapons: Slice(Weapon), | |
equipped_type: std.meta.Tag(Equipment), | |
equipped: Equipment, | |
path: []const Vec3, | |
}, .{ | |
.mana = 150, | |
.hp = 100, | |
.friendly = false, | |
.color = Color.Blue, | |
.equipped = Equipment.none, // XXX: always provide none for union default | |
}); | |
const embed = @embedFile("./monster1.bin"); | |
// work around for alignment of embedFile data | |
var data: [embed.len]u8 = undefined; | |
@memcpy(data[], embed, embed.len); | |
const hdr = @ptrCast(*Header, &data[0]); | |
try t.expectEqual(@intCast(u32, 32), hdr.offset); | |
const monster = Monster{ .table = hdr.getRootTable() }; | |
try t.expectEqual(Vec3{ .x = 1.0, .y = 32.5, .z = -1.0 }, monster.get(.pos).?); | |
try t.expectEqual(@as(u16, 150), monster.get(.mana)); | |
try t.expectEqual(@as(u16, 100), monster.get(.hp)); | |
try t.expectEqualStrings("hippo", monster.get(.name).?); | |
try t.expectEqual(Color.Blue, monster.get(.color)); | |
const equipped = monster.get(.equipped); | |
try t.expect(equipped == .weapon); | |
try t.expectEqualStrings("harness", equipped.weapon.get(.name).?); | |
// 0 encodes to null, field is missing from vtable | |
try t.expect(equipped.weapon.get(.damage) == null); | |
{ | |
const weapons = monster.get(.weapons).?; | |
try t.expect(2 == weapons.len()); | |
try t.expectEqualStrings("teeth",; | |
} | |
{ | |
const alloc = t.allocator; | |
const weapons = try monster.get(.weapons).?.toOwnedSlice(alloc); | |
defer; | |
const expectedWeapons = [_]struct { | |
name: []const u8, | |
damage: u16, | |
}{ | |
.{ .name = "teeth", .damage = 6666 }, | |
.{ .name = "feet", .damage = 9999 }, | |
}; | |
for (weapons) |*weap, i| { | |
try t.expectEqualStrings(expectedWeapons[i].name, weap.get(.name).?); | |
try t.expectEqual(@intCast(u16, expectedWeapons[i].damage), weap.get(.damage).?); | |
} | |
} | |
} |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
// Example IDL file for our monster's schema. | |
namespace MyGame.Sample; | |
enum Color:byte { Red = 0, Green, Blue = 2 } | |
union Equipment { Weapon } // Optionally add more tables. | |
struct Vec3 { | |
x:float; | |
y:float; | |
z:float; | |
} | |
table Monster { | |
pos:Vec3; | |
mana:short = 150; | |
hp:short = 100; | |
name:string; | |
friendly:bool = false (deprecated); | |
inventory:[ubyte]; | |
color:Color = Blue; | |
weapons:[Weapon]; | |
equipped:Equipment; | |
path:[Vec3]; | |
} | |
table Weapon { | |
name:string; | |
damage:short; | |
} | |
root_type Monster; |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
{ | |
"pos": {"x": 1.0, "y": 32.5, "z": -1.0}, | |
"name": "hippo", | |
"color": "Blue", | |
"weapons": [ | |
{"name": "teeth", "damage": 6666}, | |
{"name": "feet", "damage": 9999} | |
], | |
"equipped_type": "Weapon", | |
"equipped": {"name": "harness", "damage": 0}, | |
"path": [ | |
{"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "z": 1.0}, | |
{"x": 40, "y": 66, "z": 2.0} | |
] | |
} |
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