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Created July 19, 2021 23:59
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Zig FlatBuffers read-only
///! This package provides a skeleton for read-only access to FlatBuffer encoded binary data.
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const t = std.testing;
/// Header represents the data at offset 0
/// it consists of an unsigned offset to the root table
/// and optionally a 4-byte file identifier
const Header = packed struct {
offset: u32, // root table offset
identifier: u32, // optional file identifier
fn getRootTable(self: *const Header) *const Table {
var addr = @ptrToInt(self);
addr += self.offset;
return @intToPtr(*const Table, addr);
/// Slice is used to represent a list of some table type
/// with zero-allocation access to the tables.
fn Slice(comptime T: type) type {
comptime assert(@hasField(T, "table"));
return struct {
const Self = @This();
const Type = T;
items: []const Offset(*const Table),
pub fn at(self: *const Self, index: usize) T {
return T{ .table = self.items[index].get() };
pub fn len(self: *const Self) usize {
return self.items.len;
/// toOwnedSlice allocates and returns a slice of the declared table type
pub fn toOwnedSlice(self: *const Self, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) ![]T {
var slice = try allocator.allocAdvanced(T, null, self.items.len, .exact);
for (self.items) |*item, i| {
slice[i] = T{ .table = item.get() };
return slice;
/// Table represents an encoded table.
/// It holds a signed offset to the virtual table.
/// After the offset is the actual data values of the fields
/// described by the virtual table and any required padding.
const Table = packed struct {
offset: i32, // signed offset to vtable
// table field data + padding
fn getVTable(self: *const Table) *const VTable {
var addr = @ptrToInt(self);
if (self.offset > 0) {
addr -= @intCast(u32, self.offset);
} else {
addr += @intCast(u32, (std.math.absInt(self.offset) catch unreachable));
return @intToPtr(*const VTable, addr);
fn getField(self: *const Table, offset: u16, comptime FieldType: type) FieldType {
if (comptime @typeInfo(FieldType) == .Struct and @hasField(FieldType, "table")) {
// we have a table
return FieldType{ .table = self.getField(offset, *const Offset(*const Table)).get() };
if (comptime @typeInfo(FieldType) == .Struct and @hasField(FieldType, "items")) {
// we have a list of tables
return FieldType{ .items = self.getField(offset, []const Offset(*const Table)) };
var addr = @ptrToInt(self);
addr += offset;
return switch (@typeInfo(FieldType)) {
.Pointer => |ptr| switch (ptr.size) {
.One, .C => @intToPtr(FieldType, addr),
.Slice, .Many => blk: {
const vecOffset = @intToPtr(*const u32, addr).*;
addr += vecOffset;
const count = @intToPtr(*const u32, addr).*;
addr += @sizeOf(u32);
const slice = @intToPtr([*]const ptr.child, addr);
break :blk slice[0..count];
.Enum => |e| @intToEnum(FieldType, @intToPtr(*const e.tag_type, addr).*),
else => @intToPtr(*const FieldType, addr).*,
fn getNthField(self: *const Table, index: usize, comptime FieldType: type) ?FieldType {
const offset = self.getVTable().getFieldOffset(index);
if (offset == 0) {
return null;
return switch (@typeInfo(FieldType)) {
.Union => |u| blk: {
// first we get the tag field which is always 1 less than the union value
// then we get the value using the tag to find the type
if (self.getNthField(index - 1, u.tag_type.?)) |tag| {
const tagInt = @intCast(usize, @enumToInt(tag));
// using an inline for to unroll all possible values of tag
// this is required because unionInit requires all parameters to be known at compile time
// tagInt above is only known at runtime, so this unrolled series of if statements
// takes the runtime value and makes it compile time.
inline for (u.fields) |field, i| {
if (i == tagInt) {
if (comptime @typeInfo(field.field_type) == .Void) {
// special case void for "none"
break :blk @unionInit(FieldType, "none", .{});
} else {
break :blk @unionInit(FieldType,, self.getField(offset, field.field_type));
break :blk @unionInit(FieldType, "none", .{});
else => self.getField(offset, FieldType),
/// Offset is used for the extra layer of indirection
/// used to encode sub-table fields.
/// for example, a field that is a vector of tables
/// is encoded as a vector of Offset(*const Table)
/// aka a vector of offsets to the tables
fn Offset(comptime T: type) type {
return packed struct {
const Self = @This();
offset: u32,
fn get(self: *const Self) T {
var addr = @ptrToInt(self);
addr += self.offset;
return @intToPtr(T, addr);
/// VTable represents the encoded virtual table which holds
/// an unsigned 16-bit length of the virtual table itself
/// as well as an unsigned 16-bit length of the table data.
/// Following those 4 bytes are unsigned 16-bit offsets for each
/// of the fields of the table. The offsets point to the
/// data values of the fields in the table.
/// VTables might be shared between tables of different types.
const VTable = packed struct {
vlen: u16, // vtable length
tlen: u16, // table length
// field offsets
fn numFields(self: *const VTable) usize {
return (self.vlen - @sizeOf(VTable)) / @sizeOf(u16);
fn getFieldOffset(self: *const VTable, index: usize) u16 {
if (index >= self.numFields()) return 0;
//assert(index < self.numFields());
var addr = @ptrToInt(self);
addr += @sizeOf(VTable);
addr += (index * @sizeOf(u16));
return @intToPtr(*u16, addr).*;
fn debugDump(self: *const VTable) void {
std.debug.print("vtable: {}\n", .{self});
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < self.numFields()) : (i += 1) {
std.debug.print(" i: {} offset: {}\n", .{ i, self.getFieldOffset(i) });
/// DefineTable takes a union(enum) where each field of the union represents a field of the table
/// and an anonymous struct with default values assigned for the table fields.
/// It returns a struct which holds a Table pointer.
/// The get function takes a union field to access an individual field of the table.
/// Example:
/// ```const Weapon = DefineTable(union(enum) {
/// name: []const u8,
/// damage: u16,
/// }, .{ .damage = 1 });
/// ...
/// weapon.get(.damage).?
/// ```
fn DefineTable(comptime definition: type, defaults: anytype) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
const FieldType = std.meta.Tag(definition);
const Union = @typeInfo(definition).Union;
const Defaults = defaults;
table: *const Table,
/// get takes a union(enum) tag name from FieldType
/// and return the value of that field in the encoded flatbuffer
/// fields with default values return non-optional types
/// fields without default values return optional types
fn get(self: *const Self, f: anytype) if (@hasField(@TypeOf(Self.Defaults), Self.Union.fields[@enumToInt(@as(FieldType, f))].name)) Self.Union.fields[@enumToInt(@as(FieldType, f))].field_type else ?Self.Union.fields[@enumToInt(@as(FieldType, f))].field_type {
comptime const fieldIdx = @enumToInt(@as(FieldType, f));
comptime const fieldType = Self.Union.fields[fieldIdx].field_type;
const val = self.table.getNthField(fieldIdx, fieldType);
if (val) |v| {
return v;
comptime const fieldName = Self.Union.fields[fieldIdx].name;
return comptime if (@hasField(@TypeOf(Self.Defaults), fieldName)) @field(Self.Defaults, fieldName) else null;
test "monster type" {
// first define the types we need to represent the monster.fbs schema in Zig
const Color = enum(u8) { Red, Green, Blue };
const Weapon = DefineTable(union(enum) {
name: []const u8,
damage: u16,
}, .{});
const Equipment = union(enum) {
const Self = @This();
none: void,
weapon: Weapon,
const Vec3 = packed struct { x: f32, y: f32, z: f32 };
const Monster = DefineTable(union(enum) {
pos: Vec3,
mana: u16,
hp: u16,
name: []const u8,
friendly: bool,
inventory: []const u8,
color: Color,
weapons: Slice(Weapon),
equipped_type: std.meta.Tag(Equipment),
equipped: Equipment,
path: []const Vec3,
}, .{
.mana = 150,
.hp = 100,
.friendly = false,
.color = Color.Blue,
.equipped = Equipment.none, // XXX: always provide none for union default
const embed = @embedFile("./monster1.bin");
// work around for alignment of embedFile data
var data: [embed.len]u8 = undefined;
@memcpy(data[], embed, embed.len);
const hdr = @ptrCast(*Header, &data[0]);
try t.expectEqual(@intCast(u32, 32), hdr.offset);
const monster = Monster{ .table = hdr.getRootTable() };
try t.expectEqual(Vec3{ .x = 1.0, .y = 32.5, .z = -1.0 }, monster.get(.pos).?);
try t.expectEqual(@as(u16, 150), monster.get(.mana));
try t.expectEqual(@as(u16, 100), monster.get(.hp));
try t.expectEqualStrings("hippo", monster.get(.name).?);
try t.expectEqual(Color.Blue, monster.get(.color));
const equipped = monster.get(.equipped);
try t.expect(equipped == .weapon);
try t.expectEqualStrings("harness", equipped.weapon.get(.name).?);
// 0 encodes to null, field is missing from vtable
try t.expect(equipped.weapon.get(.damage) == null);
const weapons = monster.get(.weapons).?;
try t.expect(2 == weapons.len());
try t.expectEqualStrings("teeth",;
const alloc = t.allocator;
const weapons = try monster.get(.weapons).?.toOwnedSlice(alloc);
const expectedWeapons = [_]struct {
name: []const u8,
damage: u16,
.{ .name = "teeth", .damage = 6666 },
.{ .name = "feet", .damage = 9999 },
for (weapons) |*weap, i| {
try t.expectEqualStrings(expectedWeapons[i].name, weap.get(.name).?);
try t.expectEqual(@intCast(u16, expectedWeapons[i].damage), weap.get(.damage).?);
// Example IDL file for our monster's schema.
namespace MyGame.Sample;
enum Color:byte { Red = 0, Green, Blue = 2 }
union Equipment { Weapon } // Optionally add more tables.
struct Vec3 {
table Monster {
mana:short = 150;
hp:short = 100;
friendly:bool = false (deprecated);
color:Color = Blue;
table Weapon {
root_type Monster;
"pos": {"x": 1.0, "y": 32.5, "z": -1.0},
"name": "hippo",
"color": "Blue",
"weapons": [
{"name": "teeth", "damage": 6666},
{"name": "feet", "damage": 9999}
"equipped_type": "Weapon",
"equipped": {"name": "harness", "damage": 0},
"path": [
{"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "z": 1.0},
{"x": 40, "y": 66, "z": 2.0}
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