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Last active July 3, 2020 15:16
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FizzBuzz in Purescript
module Main where
import Prelude (bind, mod, pure, (<$>), (<<<), (==))
import Data.List (List, (..))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
isDivisibleBy :: Int -> String -> Either String Int -> Either String Int
isDivisibleBy divider replacer value = do
v <- value
if mod v divider == 0
then Left replacer
else Right v
fizz :: Either String Int -> Either String Int
fizz = isDivisibleBy 5 "Fizz"
buzz :: Either String Int -> Either String Int
buzz = isDivisibleBy 3 "Buzz"
fizzBuzz :: Either String Int -> Either String Int
fizzBuzz = fizz <<< buzz <<< (isDivisibleBy 15 "FizzBuzz")
result :: List (Either String Int)
result = fizzBuzz <<< pure <$> (1 .. 100)
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