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Last active August 11, 2020 09:59
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Some useful rails command
# adding a column to an existing table
rails g migration AddNameToUsers name:string
# or
rails generate migration add_image_to_pictures image_id:string
# to remove
rails d migration AddNameToUsers name:string
# remove column from model
rails g migration RemoveProjectIDFromProjects project_id:string
# install rspec
bin/rails g rspec:install
# has_many association
rails g scaffold Comment post:references
# hash many association to more models
rails g scaffold Favorite post:references user:references
# generate the project first
rails g model Task description:string done:boolean project:belongs_to
# annotate ~> annotate
# install devise
rails g devise:install
rails g devise User
# generate model
rails g model Picture image:string
# see all the generate options
rails generate -h
# creating a scaffold controller for an existing model
rails g scaffold User name --skip
#or rails g scaffold_controller User
# creating a scaffold model
rails generate scaffold Book title:string author:string
# restaurant and user has_and_belongs_to_many relationship.
rails g migration create_restaurants_users
#Using resource Instead of using the scaffold generator;
#resource generator will not generate all the files and methods created by the scaffold generator.
rails g resource Record title date:date amount:float
# drop and up a specific migration
rake db:migrate:redo VERSION=my_version
# or
rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20160111162227
rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20160111162227
# search by association
Account.joins(:trades).group('').having('count(account_id) >2')
# rspec api mock
# select box from a hash
<%= select_tag('lead[order_type]', options_from_collection_for_select(@states_list["dachdecker"]["order_type"], :first, :last), options = {prompt: "Bitte wählen"}) %>
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