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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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PowerShell to Request and Assign Lync Server Certificates
function Get-CertificationAuthority ([string]$CAName)
$domain = ([System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()).Name
$domain = “DC=” + $domain -replace ‘\.’, “, DC=”
$CA = [ADSI]“LDAP://CN=Enrollment Services, CN=Public Key Services, CN=Services, CN=Configuration, $domain”
$CAs = $CA.psBase.Children | %{
$current = “” | Select CAName, Computer
$current.CAName = $_ | %{$_.Name}
$current.Computer = $_ | %{$_.DNSHostName}
if ($CAName) {$CAs = @($CAs | ?{$_.CAName -eq $CAName})}
if ($CAs.Count -eq 0) {throw “Sorry, here is no CA that match your search”}
$OutputFromCAFunction = Get-CertificationAuthority
$CAName = $OutputFromCAFunction.CAName
$CAComputer = $OutputFromCAFunction.Computer
$CA = “$CAComputer” + “\” + “$CAName”
# 2013 FE:
Import-Module Lync
$OU = “IT”
$Org = “Org Name Here”
$city = “London”
$state = “London”
$country = “GB”
$AdditionalDomains = “”
$FriendlyName = “$env:computername” + “_Public”
Request-CSCertificate -New -Type Default,WebServicesInternal,WebServicesExternal -CA $CA -Country $country -State $state -City $city -FriendlyName $FriendlyName -KeySize 2048 -PrivateKeyExportable $True -Organization $org -OU $OU -DomainName $AdditionalDomains -AllSipDomain -Verbose
# Assign Cert to Lync Services
Start-sleep -seconds 5
$lyncCertThumb = Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\my | where {$_.FriendlyName -eq $friendlyname} | Select-object -ExpandProperty Thumbprint
# Assign Cert:
Set-CSCertificate -Type Default,WebServicesInternal,WebServicesExternal -Thumbprint $lyncCertThumb
# start-cswindowsservice
# Edge Internal
Import-Module Lync
$OU = “IT”
$Org = “Org Name Here”
$city = “London”
$state = “London”
$country = “GB”
$FriendlyName = “$env:computername” + “_Internal”
$OutputFile = “C:\” + “$env:computername” + “_Internal” + “.req”
Request-CsCertificate -New -Type Internal -FriendlyName “$FriendlyName” -Organization “$Org”-City “$city”-State “$State”-Country “$country” -OU “$OU”-Keysize 2048 -PrivateKeyExportable $True -Output “$OutputFile”
# 2013 Edge Public
Import-Module Lync
$OU = “IT”
$Org = “Org Name Here”
$city = “London”
$state = “London”
$country = “GB”
$FriendlyName = “$env:computername” + “_Public”
$OutputFile = “C:\” + “$env:computername” + “_Public” + “.req”
$AdditionalDomains = “,”
Request-CsCertificate -New -Type AccessEdgeExternal,DataEdgeExternal,AudioVideoAuthentication -FriendlyName “$FriendlyName” -Organization “$Org”-City “$city”-State “$State”-Country “$country” -OU “$OU”-Keysize 2048 -PrivateKeyExportable $True -DomainName $AdditionalDomains -AllSipDomain -Output “$OutputFile”
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