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Created April 5, 2021 20:44
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minimal 2
diff --git a/samples/minimal/minimal.cpp b/samples/minimal/minimal.cpp
index 65da9f35b6..9ea46da6fc 100644
--- a/samples/minimal/minimal.cpp
+++ b/samples/minimal/minimal.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
#include "wx/wx.h"
+#include <wx/artprov.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// resources
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -67,6 +69,23 @@ public:
void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ wxStaticBitmap *m_pBitmap1;
+ wxSlider *m_pSlider1;
+ wxSlider *m_pSlider2;
+ wxSlider *m_pSlider3;
+ wxSlider *m_pSlider4;
+ wxImage m_image;
+ void ChangeHSVL();
+ // Virtual event handlers, overide them in your derived class
+ virtual void OnSlider1(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ virtual void OnSlider2(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ virtual void OnSlider3(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ virtual void OnSlider4(wxCommandEvent& event);
// any class wishing to process wxWidgets events must use this macro
@@ -178,8 +197,78 @@ MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title)
SetStatusText("Welcome to wxWidgets!");
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
+ wxBitmap bmp = wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_INFORMATION, wxART_BUTTON, wxSize(256, 256));
+ m_image = bmp.ConvertToImage();
+ wxBoxSizer *pBoxSizer1;
+ pBoxSizer1 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ m_pBitmap1 = new wxStaticBitmap(this, wxID_ANY, bmp);
+ pBoxSizer1->Add(m_pBitmap1, 1, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5);
+ wxStaticBoxSizer *pStcBoxSizer1;
+ pStcBoxSizer1 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(new wxStaticBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxT("Hue (°)")), wxHORIZONTAL);
+ m_pSlider1 = new wxSlider(pStcBoxSizer1->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, 0, -360, 360, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSL_HORIZONTAL | wxSL_LABELS);
+ pStcBoxSizer1->Add(m_pSlider1, 1, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
+ pBoxSizer1->Add(pStcBoxSizer1, 0, wxEXPAND, 5);
+ wxStaticBoxSizer *pStcBoxSizer2;
+ pStcBoxSizer2 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(new wxStaticBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxT("Saturation (%)")), wxHORIZONTAL);
+ m_pSlider2 = new wxSlider(pStcBoxSizer2->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, 0, -100, 100, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSL_HORIZONTAL | wxSL_LABELS);
+ pStcBoxSizer2->Add(m_pSlider2, 1, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
+ pBoxSizer1->Add(pStcBoxSizer2, 0, wxEXPAND, 5);
+ wxStaticBoxSizer *pStcBoxSizer3;
+ pStcBoxSizer3 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(new wxStaticBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxT("Brightness (value) (%)")), wxHORIZONTAL);
+ m_pSlider3 = new wxSlider(pStcBoxSizer3->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, 0, -100, 100, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSL_HORIZONTAL | wxSL_LABELS);
+ pStcBoxSizer3->Add(m_pSlider3, 1, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
+ pBoxSizer1->Add(pStcBoxSizer3, 0, wxEXPAND, 5);
+ wxStaticBoxSizer *pStcBoxSizer4;
+ pStcBoxSizer4 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(new wxStaticBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxT("Lightness (via wxColour::ChangeLightness())")), wxHORIZONTAL);
+ m_pSlider4 = new wxSlider(pStcBoxSizer4->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, 100, 0, 200, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSL_HORIZONTAL | wxSL_LABELS);
+ pStcBoxSizer4->Add(m_pSlider4, 1, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
+ pBoxSizer1->Add(pStcBoxSizer4, 0, wxEXPAND, 5);
+ SetSizer(pBoxSizer1);
+ // Connect Events
+ m_pSlider1->Connect(wxEVT_SLIDER, wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnSlider1), NULL, this);
+ m_pSlider2->Connect(wxEVT_SLIDER, wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnSlider2), NULL, this);
+ m_pSlider3->Connect(wxEVT_SLIDER, wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnSlider3), NULL, this);
+ m_pSlider4->Connect(wxEVT_SLIDER, wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnSlider4), NULL, this);
+void MyFrame::ChangeHSVL()
+ double angleH = m_pSlider1->GetValue() / 360.;
+ double factorS = m_pSlider2->GetValue() / 100.;
+ double factorV = m_pSlider3->GetValue() / 100.;
+ int ialpha = m_pSlider4->GetValue();
+ wxImage image = m_image;
+ image.ChangeHSV(angleH, factorS, factorV);
+ image = image.ChangeLightness(ialpha);
+ m_pBitmap1->SetBitmap(image);
+void MyFrame::OnSlider1(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ ChangeHSVL();
+ event.Skip();
+void MyFrame::OnSlider2(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ ChangeHSVL();
+ event.Skip();
+void MyFrame::OnSlider3(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ ChangeHSVL();
+ event.Skip();
+void MyFrame::OnSlider4(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ ChangeHSVL();
+ event.Skip();
// event handlers
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