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Last active July 22, 2022 16:21
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Looking to the past query generator for Roam
;; TWO OPTIONS of using the looking-back query generator:
;; {{roam/render ((this–cljs-block-id)) time_window time_ago}} where
;; "time_window" is number of days that will be seen (default: 7)
;; "time_ago" is number of days you are looking
;; Example:
;; {{roam/render ((gsWdfssdf)) 10 720}}
;; Sliders will be shown to adjust both parameter.
;; Example:
;; {{roam/render ((gsWdfssdf))}}
(ns my-custom-roam-030722-V2
[roam.util :refer [parse]]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(def ms-in-day "Millisenconds in a day of 86400 seconds." (* 86400 1000))
(defn days-from-today-title [n] (js/window.roamAlphaAPI.util.dateToPageTitle (new js/Date (+ (.now js/Date) (* n ms-in-day)))))
(defn calc-data [{:keys [a t from-date to-date] :as data}]
(assoc data
:to-date (days-from-today-title (- (- a (js/Math.floor (/ t 2)))))
:from-date (days-from-today-title (- (+ a (/ t 2))))))
(def db-state
{:time-data (calc-data {:a 365 :t 7})
:events {:event/clicked false}}))
(defn parse-query []
(let [{:keys [from-date to-date]} (:time-data @db-state)]
(parse (str "{{[[query]]: {between: [["
"]] [["
(defn slider [param value min max]
[:input {:type "range" :value value :min min :max max
:style {:width "50%"}
:on-change (fn [e]
(let [new-value (js/parseInt (.. e -target -value))]
(swap! db-state
(fn [data]
(assoc-in data [:time-data]
(-> data
(assoc param new-value)
(defn buttn []
[:input {:type "button"
:value (if-not (:event/clicked (:events @db-state))
(str "Show query")
(str "Hide query"))
#(swap! db-state update-in [:events :event/clicked] not)}])
(defn main [_ & [a' t']]
(when (and a' t') ; if both user-params are set, use them
(swap! db-state
(fn [data]
(assoc-in data [:time-data]
(-> data
(assoc :a a' :t t')
(let [{:keys [a t from-date to-date]} (:time-data @db-state)]
(if-not (and a' t')
t "-day window:" [slider :t t 1 30]
a " days back: " [slider :a a 60 1000]]
[:span "Query " t "-day window " a " days back ⤵️ "])
(when (:event/clicked (:events @db-state)) (parse-query))]))
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