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Thomas Buchöster tombu

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Guide to loading/error events and substates

In addition to the techniques described in the Asynchronous Routing Guide, the Ember Router provides powerful yet overridable conventions for customizing asynchronous transitions between routes by making use of error and loading substates.

loading substates

willurd /
Last active March 13, 2025 17:39
Big list of http static server one-liners

Each of these commands will run an ad hoc http static server in your current (or specified) directory, available at http://localhost:8000. Use this power wisely.

Discussion on reddit.

Python 2.x

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
thelibrarian / Fixing XCode Command Line
Last active November 6, 2017 03:28
How to fix compile errors with the XCode command line tools on Mac OS X. Solves problems such as failing to find Framework header files (e.g. ruby.h).

The Problem

If you have installed the standalone Command Line Tools for XCode on your Mac (i.e. without having installed), some of these tools can get a bit confused due to a couple of oversights on Apple's part in finalising the setup.

Note: all commands below will need to be run from an Administrator account, or by an account with appropriate permission in /etc/sudoers.

The Solution

1. Failing to Find Frameworks

Sometime when compiling against the preinstalled Frameworks (e.g. Ruby or Python), various tools will inexplicable fail to find header files that are quite clearly there. This is caused by the fact that no XCode has been selected for the command-line tools. Wait, I hear you cry, I don't have XCode installed! Indeed, but you nonetheless need to select one, and point it somewhere where the command line tools exist, like so

expired: "ist abgelaufen, bitte neu anfordern"
not_found: "wurde nicht gefunden"
already_confirmed: "wurde bereits bestätigt, bitte melde Dich an"
not_locked: "war nicht gesperrt"
one: "Konnte %{resource} nicht speichern: ein Fehler."
other: "Konnte %{resource} nicht speichern: %{count} Fehler."
tvandervossen / environment.js
Last active April 2, 2024 20:18
Here’s an example of my current web app user agent, device, and/or feature detection approach. I tend to inline this in the page header just before the stylesheet as part of the distribution build. A benefit of this approach is that detection is done early without any external dependencies. It’s also straightforward to modify or extend while you…
env = (function() {
var flags = {}, ua = navigator.userAgent, el = document.createElement('div'), video = document.createElement('video'), audio = document.createElement('audio'), root = document.documentElement, i
function flag(names) {
names = names.split(' ')
for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
flags[names[i]] = true
function classnames() {
var names = [], name
for(name in flags) if (flags.hasOwnProperty(name))
henrik / README.markdown
Created June 26, 2012 07:30
This is how we test that all translation keys match up between locales, in Rails.

This is how we test that all translation keys match up between locales.

Stuff that only goes in one locale (such as an admin section) or that can't be translated yet (if you use external translators) can simply go in files that don't match the path "config/locales/??.yml", like "config/locales/".

sj26 / uploader_input.rb
Created March 13, 2012 02:50
Formtastic input for carrierwave uploaders
# A formtastic input which incorporates carrierwave uploader functionality.
# Intelligently adds the cache field, displays and links to the current
# value if there is one, adds a class to the wrapper when replacing an
# existing value, allows removing an existing value with the checkbox
# taking into account validation requirements.
# There are several options:
# * Toggle the replacement field with `replaceable: true/false`.
zhengjia / capybara cheat sheet
Created June 7, 2010 01:35
capybara cheat sheet
=Clicking links and buttons=
click_link('Link Text')
click('Link Text') # Click either a link or a button
click('Button Value')
njvitto / deploy.rake
Created April 11, 2010 16:56 — forked from RSpace/deploy.rake
Rakefile to deploy and rollback to Heroku in two different environments (staging and production) for the same app
#Deploy and rollback on Heroku in staging and production
task :deploy_staging => ['deploy:set_staging_app', 'deploy:push', 'deploy:restart', 'deploy:tag']
task :deploy_production => ['deploy:set_production_app', 'deploy:push', 'deploy:restart', 'deploy:tag']
namespace :deploy do
task :staging_migrations => [:set_staging_app, :push, :off, :migrate, :restart, :on, :tag]
task :staging_rollback => [:set_staging_app, :off, :push_previous, :restart, :on]