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Created October 20, 2016 13:20
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#Reload HEAD
###### Have to do every morning and evening
$> (master): git fetch origin master
$> (master): git status
$> (master): git pull origin master
$> (master): git checkout feature#id
$> (feature#id): git merge --no-ff master
- Delete branch: ```$> git branch -D branchName```
- Create branch: ```$> git checkout -b branchName```
- Show branch: ```$> git branch //* asterisco es donde estamos```
- Move between branches: ```$> git checkout branchName```
- Merge branch: ```$> git merge -no-ff branchSourceName```
- Add files: ```$> git add fileName```
- Add show changes: ```$> git add -p```
- Unstage files: ```$> git reset HEAD filename```
- Discard changes: ```$> git checkout --filename```
- Commit changes: ```$> git commit -m "task #issueId description [bugfix][dirty]"```
- Clonear repo: ```$> git clone repoUrl```
- Refresh HEAD: ```$> git fetch origin branchName```
- Merge remote branch: ```$> git pull origin branchName```
- Upload changes: ```$> git push origin branchName```
- ```$> git config --global checkout```
- ```$> git config --global alias.lg "log --oneline"```
add files en feature branch
comit en feature branch
ir a master, (o la branch a actualizar)
Merge feature: $>git merge -no-ff branchSourceName
push master
salir del master NO TOCAMOS MASTER
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