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tomeko / MainWindow.axaml.cs
Created April 22, 2023 17:57
Fuzzy select fill simple (Avalonia UI)
using Avalonia.Controls;
using Avalonia.Media.Imaging;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Avalonia;
using Avalonia.Media;
using Avalonia.Platform;
tomeko /
Last active January 13, 2025 18:05
Comskip + Jellyfin setup guide (Ubuntu 22.04)

Setting up Comskip with Jellyfin (non docker install)

This just got way easier as comskip seems to be in apt packages now. The only thing you need to do is slightly modify the script in jellyfin-dvr-comskip because it assumes a docker install

1. Install comskip

sudo apt install comskip

2. Get and update jellyfin-dvr-comskip

tomeko /
Last active January 7, 2024 21:51
Download youtube movie trailers via a single file or batch download (for a directory of movies). Single file mode use case: run a trigger from jellyfin when content added
# Required packages: yt_dlp, youtubesearchpython
# Python: 3.8.10
# arguments:
# python <movie_file_or_directory>
# If a directory is given, it will find all mp4's one path deep. For example /my/media/movies (which contains /my/media/movie1/movie1 (2021).mp4, /my/media/movie2/movie2 (2020).mp4, etc.)
# If a file is given (.mp4), it will only get the trailer for that movie
# Either way, it makes an extras folder (works for jellyfin) in that particular movies directory and downloads the trailer there
tomeko / inotify.snippet
Last active December 1, 2024 18:58
VS C# Snippets
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0" xmlns="">
<Title>INotify Property Changed Method</Title>
<Description>NotifyPropertyChanged method and binds to the event handler</Description>