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Created January 26, 2019 10:58
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Cosine similarity implementation in JS
const str1 = 'This is an example to test cosine similarity between two strings';
const str2 = 'This example is testing cosine similatiry for given two strings';
// Preprocess strings and combine words to a unique collection
const str1Words = str1.trim().split(' ').map(omitPunctuations).map(toLowercase);
const str2Words = str2.trim().split(' ').map(omitPunctuations).map(toLowercase);
const allWordsUnique = Array.from(new Set(str1Words.concat(str2Words)));
// Calculate IF-IDF algorithm vectors
const str1Vector = calcTfIdfVectorForDoc(str1Words, [str2Words], allWordsUnique);
const str2Vector = calcTfIdfVectorForDoc(str2Words, [str1Words], allWordsUnique);
// Main
console.log('Cosine similarity', cosineSimilarity(str1Vector, str2Vector));
// Main function
function cosineSimilarity(vec1, vec2) {
const dotProduct =, i) => val * vec2[i]).reduce((accum, curr) => accum + curr, 0);
const vec1Size = calcVectorSize(vec1);
const vec2Size = calcVectorSize(vec2);
return dotProduct / (vec1Size * vec2Size);
// tf-idf algorithm implementation (
function calcTfIdfVectorForDoc(doc, otherDocs, allWordsSet) {
return Array.from(allWordsSet).map(word => {
return tf(word, doc) * idf(word, doc, otherDocs);
function tf(word, doc) {
const wordOccurences = doc.filter(w => w === word).length;
return wordOccurences / doc.length;
function idf(word, doc, otherDocs) {
const docsContainingWord = [doc].concat(otherDocs).filter(doc => {
return !!doc.find(w => w === word);
return (1 + otherDocs.length) / docsContainingWord.length;
// Helper functions
function omitPunctuations(word) {
return word.replace(/[\!\.\,\?\-\?]/gi, '');
function toLowercase(word) {
return word.toLowerCase();
function calcVectorSize(vec) {
return Math.sqrt(vec.reduce((accum, curr) => accum + Math.pow(curr, 2), 0));
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Thanks for sharing that! I used your implementation of cosine similarity to measure image similarity in my recent project for the CS50 course. It worked very well. Here's a link to the repo Thanks!

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Sure, Gabriel. I'd be honored :)

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