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Last active December 10, 2015 05:28
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Benchmarking Blowfish

MacBook Pro 13" i7 @ 2.7GHz, 16GB

4 rounds mean (from 100 iters): 0.00127s per call (~784.45 hashes/s)
5 rounds mean (from 100 iters): 0.00236s per call (~423.79 hashes/s)
6 rounds mean (from 100 iters): 0.00454s per call (~220.03 hashes/s)
7 rounds mean (from 100 iters): 0.01016s per call (~98.45 hashes/s)
8 rounds mean (from 100 iters): 0.01793s per call (~55.78 hashes/s)
9 rounds mean (from 100 iters): 0.03526s per call (~28.36 hashes/s)
10 rounds mean (from 71 iters): 0.07035s per call (~14.22 hashes/s)
11 rounds mean (from 35 iters): 0.14112s per call (~7.09 hashes/s)
12 rounds mean (from 17 iters): 0.28184s per call (~3.55 hashes/s)
13 rounds mean (from 8 iters): 0.56156s per call (~1.78 hashes/s)
14 rounds mean (from 4 iters): 1.12450s per call (~0.89 hashes/s)
15 rounds mean (from 2 iters): 2.25992s per call (~0.44 hashes/s)
16 rounds mean (from 1 iters): 4.52169s per call (~0.22 hashes/s)
17 rounds mean (from 0 iters): 9.01126s per call (~0.11 hashes/s)
18 rounds mean (from 0 iters): 18.12730s per call (~0.06 hashes/s)
19 rounds mean (from 0 iters): 36.46308s per call (~0.03 hashes/s)
20 rounds mean (from 0 iters): 73.36482s per call (~0.01 hashes/s)

VPS on (Shared) Intel Xeon CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz, 512MB

4 rounds mean (from 100 iters): 0.00159s per call (~628.96 hashes/s)
5 rounds mean (from 100 iters): 0.00299s per call (~334.41 hashes/s)
6 rounds mean (from 100 iters): 0.00570s per call (~175.57 hashes/s)
7 rounds mean (from 100 iters): 0.01109s per call (~90.17 hashes/s)
8 rounds mean (from 100 iters): 0.02220s per call (~45.05 hashes/s)
9 rounds mean (from 100 iters): 0.04413s per call (~22.66 hashes/s)
10 rounds mean (from 55 iters): 0.08720s per call (~11.47 hashes/s)
11 rounds mean (from 28 iters): 0.17522s per call (~5.71 hashes/s)
12 rounds mean (from 14 iters): 0.35067s per call (~2.85 hashes/s)
13 rounds mean (from 7 iters): 0.69691s per call (~1.43 hashes/s)
14 rounds mean (from 3 iters): 1.40740s per call (~0.71 hashes/s)
15 rounds mean (from 1 iters): 2.81879s per call (~0.35 hashes/s)
16 rounds mean (from 1 iters): 5.58985s per call (~0.18 hashes/s)
17 rounds mean (from 1 iters): 11.19499s per call (~0.09 hashes/s)
18 rounds mean (from 1 iters): 22.67917s per call (~0.04 hashes/s)
19 rounds mean (from 1 iters): 45.31955s per call (~0.02 hashes/s)
20 rounds mean (from 1 iters): 89.72006s per call (~0.01 hashes/s)
ini_set('display_errors', true);
* Benchmark blowfish execution time with different #rounds.
* @author Tom Hennigan <[email protected]>
* @date 24-12-2012
$test = function ($rounds) {
// We use a static salt to avoid benchmarking the RNG as well.
$notSoRandomSalt = 'OMbSIk2dfA0cY0p.cAGMje';
$hashStr = sprintf('$2a$%02d$%s', $rounds, $notSoRandomSalt);
return crypt('testPassword', $hashStr);
// We could go up to 31, but above 20 the hashes take > 1min to compute on
// modern hardware, so aren't particuarly practical in most applications.
$testParams = range(4, 20);
foreach ($testParams as $testParam) {
$times = array();
if (!is_array($testParam)) {
// Single arg to test, wrap for call_user_func_array.
$testParam = array($testParam);
// Bench once to estimate number of tests to take.
$start = microtime(true);
call_user_func_array($test, $testParam);
$taken = microtime(true) - $start;
$times[] = $taken;
// 100 times or < 5s per test.
$maxExecutionTime = 5;
if ($taken > $maxExecutionTime) {
$iters = 1;
} else {
// If we're going to take the mean then work out how many iterations.
$iters = min(100, $maxExecutionTime / $taken);
for ($i = 1; $i < $iters; $i++) {
$start = microtime(true);
call_user_func_array($test, $testParam);
$taken = microtime(true) - $start;
$times[] = $taken;
$meanTime = array_sum($times) / count($times);
printf("%s rounds mean (from %d iters): %.5fs per call (~%.2f hashes/s)\n", implode(',', $testParam), $iters, $meanTime, 1 / $meanTime);
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