/// Once a user redeems, the amount redeemed starts the unconding period
Redeem {
amount: Option<Uint128>,
/// Once an unbonding is vested, the user can claim it (claims everything that is available to claim)
ClaimRedeemed {},
/// Sending tokens from the platform to any other predefined contract
SendFromPlatform {
contract_addr: HumanAddr,
amount: Option<Uint128>,
memo: Option<String>,
msg: Binary,
This section describes the inner messages of the Receeive API.
/// Deposit (stake/lock) $LGND to platform
Deposit { to: HumanAddr },
Redeem { status: ResponseStatus },
ClaimRedeemed { status: ResponseStatus },
SendFromPlatform { status: ResponseStatus },
Deposit { status: ResponseStatus },
where ResponseStatus
enum ResponseStatus {
/// User's balance
Balance {
address: HumanAddr,
key: String,
/// Number of unbondings currently
NumOfPendingClaims {},
This section describes the inner messages of the Permits API.
/// User's balance
Balance {},
where Balances
struct Balances {
staked: u128,
pending_redeem: RedeemInfo,
struct RedeemInfo {
unbondings: Vec<UnbondingRecord>, // Sorted by start time, bulked by day
claimable: u128,
struct UnbondingRecord {
end_ts: u64,
amount: u128,