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Tom Morris tommorris

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tommorris /
Last active November 12, 2024 15:07
if you use fish and nerdfonts, you can plumb this function into your prompt to see which git host (github, codeberg, gitlab, bitbucket) you're using
function git_host_prompt --description "Use nerdfonts to show which Git repo host the origin is on"
set -l repo_info (command git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree HEAD 2>/dev/null)
test -n "$repo_info"
or return
set -l git_dir $repo_info[1]
set -l inside_gitdir $repo_info[2]
set -l bare_repo $repo_info[3]
set -l inside_worktree $repo_info[4]
set -q repo_info[5]
tommorris /
Created April 3, 2024 16:18
QuackOSM + DuckDB + GeoParquet for rapid pub location
-- 1. install QuackOSM and DuckDB
-- 2. get a city/country pbf from
-- 3. run `quackosm ./greater-london-latest.osm.pbf` and wait
-- 4. run `duckdb` and...
install spatial;
load spatial;
select *,
tags['name'] as poi_name,
tommorris /
Last active September 20, 2024 22:13
a simple script to extract nested PDFs (aka "PDF Portfolios") using pypdf
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i python3 -p python311 python311Packages.pypdf
import sys
from pypdf import PdfReader
def extract_subpdfs():
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
print("Extracting " + filename)
root_doc = PdfReader(open(filename, "rb"))
tommorris / init.lua
Created March 8, 2023 13:29
Hammerspoon rules for binding pedals
pedal_rules = {
l = {
name = "Google Meet (show chat)",
predicate = isAppRunning("Google Chrome"),
action = hs.fnutils.partial(dispatchCommandToChrome, {'ctrl', 'cmd'}, 'c'),
tommorris / follow.sparql
Created February 15, 2023 17:53
wikidata query for follows/followed by mistakes
# finds all things that have a "follows" or "followed by" relationship, where the thing it follows is a year.
# these exist because parsers pulled next/prev links from wikipedia and decided to infer the thing it follows is a year.
# action: check and remove
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX bd: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?a ?aLabel ?aType ?aTypeLabel ?b ?bLabel
tommorris /
Last active January 27, 2023 13:18
Makefile examples used in blogpost
include "../shared/"
<i id="latin-text-1" lang="la" typeof="schema:CreativeWork" about="#latin-text-1" property="schema:text">veni vidi vici</i>
(<span typeof="schema:CreativeWork">
<data property="schema:translationOfWork" resource="#latin-text-1" />
<span property="schema:text" lang="en">I came, I saw, I conquered</span>
// ==UserScript==
// @name Add underlines to keyboard in keybr
// @version 1
// @match *://
// @match *://*
// @match *://
// @match *://*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
tommorris /
Created February 4, 2022 15:44
use emacs projectile known projects list for command line project switching
# alias in your zshrc as
# alias prj="source ~/bin/_prj"
DIR=`cat ~/.emacs.d/.local/cache/projectile.projects | sed 's/" "/\n/g' | sed 's/[\"\(\)]//g' | fzf | xargs -n 1 python -c 'import os, sys; print(os.path.expanduser(sys.argv[1]))'`
cd $DIR
tommorris / filenotify-projectile.el
Created January 18, 2022 21:42
use filenotify to invalidate projectile cache
(require 'filenotify)
(after! projectile
(dolist (proj-dir projectile-known-projects)
(file-notify-add-watch proj-dir '(change) #'projectile-maybe-invalidate-cache)))