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Created October 29, 2014 11:10
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Simple VM in Go
package main
import (
// Ops
const (
IPUSH = iota // Push arg onto stack
IADD // Add top two items on the stack
PRINT // Print top item on the stack
STORE // Store top item on the stack in data mem
FETCH // Fetch item from data mem, push onto stack
ISLT // Is top of stack less than arg
ISGT // Is top of stack greater than arg
JMP // Jump to arg
JMPT // Jump if true
JMPF // Jump if false
CALL // Call a sub
ARG // Push an arg onto the stack
RET // Return from sub
type Op struct {
name string
nargs int
var ops = map[int]Op{
IPUSH: Op{"IPUSH", 1},
IADD: Op{"IADD", 0},
PRINT: Op{"PRINT", 0},
STORE: Op{"STORE", 1},
FETCH: Op{"FETCH", 1},
ISLT: Op{"ISLT", 1},
ISGT: Op{"ISGT", 1},
JMP: Op{"JMP", 1},
JMPT: Op{"JMPT", 1},
JMPF: Op{"JMPF", 1},
CALL: Op{"CALL", 2},
ARG: Op{"ARG", 1},
RET: Op{"RET", 0},
HALT: Op{"HALT", 0},
func (o Op) String() string {
// Virtual MASHEEEEN
type VM struct {
pc int // Program Counter
sp int // Stack Pointer
fp int // Frame Pointer
stack []int // Stack memory
code []int // Code memory
data []int // Data memory
func newVM(code []int, initialPc int, dataSize int) *VM {
vm := &VM{
pc: initialPc,
sp: -1,
fp: -1,
stack: make([]int, 100), // 100 should be enough for anybody
code: code,
data: make([]int, dataSize),
return vm
// Print current state of the VM
func (vm *VM) trace() {
op := ops[vm.code[vm.pc]]
args := make([]string, op.nargs)
for i := vm.pc + 1; i < vm.pc+1+op.nargs; i++ {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("%d", vm.code[i]))
stack := vm.stack[0 : vm.sp+1]
fmt.Printf("%04d: %s%v\t%v\n", vm.pc, op, strings.Join(args, " "), stack)
func (vm *VM) dumpMem() {
fmt.Printf("Data Memory: %v",
// Push something onto the stack
func (vm *VM) sPush(i int) {
if vm.sp > len(vm.stack) {
log.Fatal("Stack overflow")
vm.stack[vm.sp] = i
// Pop something onto the stack
func (vm *VM) sPop() int {
if vm.sp < 0 {
log.Fatal("Stack underflow")
val := vm.stack[vm.sp]
return val
// Grab the next op and increment the program counter
func (vm *VM) nextOp() int {
val := vm.code[vm.pc]
return val
func (vm *VM) run() {
for vm.pc < len(vm.code) {
instr := vm.nextOp()
switch instr {
case IPUSH:
val := vm.nextOp()
case IADD:
a := vm.sPop()
b := vm.sPop()
vm.sPush(a + b)
case PRINT:
case STORE:
addr := vm.nextOp()[addr] = vm.sPop()
case FETCH:
addr := vm.nextOp()
case ISLT:
arg := vm.nextOp()
val := vm.sPop()
if val < arg {
} else {
case ISGT:
arg := vm.nextOp()
val := vm.sPop()
if val > arg {
} else {
case JMP:
vm.pc = vm.nextOp()
case JMPT:
addr := vm.nextOp()
if vm.sPop() == 1 {
vm.pc = addr
case JMPF:
addr := vm.nextOp()
if vm.sPop() == 0 {
vm.pc = addr
case CALL:
// Get the addr to call
addr := vm.nextOp()
// Get the number or args to call it with
nArgs := vm.nextOp()
// Store the number of args, frame pointer and program counter
// Set the frame pointer to the top of the stack
vm.fp = vm.sp
// Set the program counter to the call addr
vm.pc = addr
case ARG:
pos := vm.fp - vm.nextOp() - 3 // Args are 3 below the frame pointer
case RET:
// Get the return val
res := vm.sPop()
// Set the stack pointer to the frame pointer
vm.sp = vm.fp
// Pop off the previous program counter, frame pointer
vm.pc = vm.sPop()
vm.fp = vm.sPop()
// Pop off the args
nArgs := vm.sPop()
for i := 0; i < nArgs; i++ {
// Push the result onto the stack
case HALT:
log.Fatal("Unknown Op")
// Meat goes here
func main() {
// Sub calling :)
code := []int{
// Add two ints
/* 0000 */ ARG, 0, // Push arg 0 onto the stack
/* 0002 */ ARG, 1, // Push arg 1 onto the stack
/* 0004 */ IADD, // Add them together
/* 0005 */ RET, // Return the result
// Add 2 to an int
/* 0006 */ ARG, 0, // Get arg 0
/* 0008 */ IPUSH, 2, // Push 2 onto the stack
/* 0010 */ CALL, 0, 2, // Add them together using the sub
/* 0013 */ RET, // Return the result
// Main
/* 0014 */ IPUSH, 3, // Push 3 onto the stack
/* 0016 */ CALL, 6, 1, // Add 2 to it by calling addr 6 with 1 arg
/* 0019 */ PRINT, // Print the result
/* 0020 */ HALT, // Schtap!
vm := newVM(code, 14, 4)
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