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# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2017 Tom Runia
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to conditions.
# Author: Tom Runia
# Date Created: 2017-04-07
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import shutil
import math
import subprocess as sp
import cortex.utils
The first part of this code borrows from:
Mainly it contains helper classes to parse the output of 'ffprobe' to get data info.
David Noelte et al. Copyright [C] 2011-2013. Python Video Converter contributors
class MediaFormatInfo(object):
Describes the media container format. The attributes are:
* format - format (short) name (eg. "ogg")
* fullname - format full (descriptive) name
* bitrate - total bitrate (bps)
* duration - media duration in seconds
* filesize - file size
def __init__(self):
self.format = None
self.fullname = None
self.bitrate = None
self.duration = None
self.filesize = None
self.num_frames = None
def parse_ffprobe(self, key, val):
Parse raw ffprobe output (key=value).
if key == 'format_name':
self.format = val
elif key == 'format_long_name':
self.fullname = val
elif key == 'bit_rate':
self.bitrate = MediaStreamInfo.parse_float(val, None)
elif key == 'duration':
self.duration = MediaStreamInfo.parse_float(val, None)
elif key == 'nb_frames':
self.num_frames = MediaStreamInfo.parse_int(val, None)
elif key == 'size':
self.size = MediaStreamInfo.parse_float(val, None)
def __repr__(self):
if self.duration is None:
return 'MediaFormatInfo(format=%s)' % self.format
return 'MediaFormatInfo(format=%s, duration=%.2f)' % (self.format,
class MediaStreamInfo(object):
Describes one stream inside a media file. The general
attributes are:
* index - stream index inside the container (0-based)
* type - stream type, either 'audio' or 'data'
* codec - codec (short) name (e.g "vorbis", "theora")
* codec_desc - codec full (descriptive) name
* duration - stream duration in seconds
* metadata - optional metadata associated with a data or audio stream
* bitrate - stream bitrate in bytes/second
* attached_pic - (0, 1 or None) is stream a poster image? (e.g. in mp3)
Video-specific attributes are:
* video_width - width of data in pixels
* video_height - height of data in pixels
* video_fps - average frames per second
Audio-specific attributes are:
* audio_channels - the number of channels in the stream
* audio_samplerate - sample rate (Hz)
def __init__(self):
self.index = None
self.type = None
self.codec = None
self.codec_desc = None
self.duration = None
self.num_frames = None
self.bitrate = None
self.video_width = None
self.video_height = None
self.video_fps = None
self.audio_channels = None
self.audio_samplerate = None
self.attached_pic = None
self.sub_forced = None
self.sub_default = None
self.metadata = {}
def parse_float(val, default=0.0):
return float(val)
return default
def parse_int(val, default=0):
return int(val)
return default
def parse_ffprobe(self, key, val):
Parse raw ffprobe output (key=value).
if key == 'index':
self.index = self.parse_int(val)
elif key == 'codec_type':
self.type = val
elif key == 'codec_name':
self.codec = val
elif key == 'codec_long_name':
self.codec_desc = val
elif key == 'duration':
self.duration = self.parse_float(val)
elif key == 'nb_frames':
self.num_frames = self.parse_int(val)
elif key == 'bit_rate':
self.bitrate = self.parse_int(val, None)
elif key == 'width':
self.video_width = self.parse_int(val)
elif key == 'height':
self.video_height = self.parse_int(val)
elif key == 'channels':
self.audio_channels = self.parse_int(val)
elif key == 'sample_rate':
self.audio_samplerate = self.parse_float(val)
elif key == 'DISPOSITION:attached_pic':
self.attached_pic = self.parse_int(val)
if key.startswith('TAG:'):
key = key.split('TAG:')[1]
value = val
self.metadata[key] = value
if self.type == 'audio':
if key == 'avg_frame_rate':
if '/' in val:
n, d = val.split('/')
n = self.parse_float(n)
d = self.parse_float(d)
if n > 0.0 and d > 0.0:
self.video_fps = float(n) / float(d)
elif '.' in val:
self.video_fps = self.parse_float(val)
if self.type == 'data':
if key == 'r_frame_rate':
if '/' in val:
n, d = val.split('/')
n = self.parse_float(n)
d = self.parse_float(d)
if n > 0.0 and d > 0.0:
self.video_fps = float(n) / float(d)
elif '.' in val:
self.video_fps = self.parse_float(val)
if self.type == 'subtitle':
if key == 'disposition:forced':
self.sub_forced = self.parse_int(val)
if key == 'disposition:default':
self.sub_default = self.parse_int(val)
def __repr__(self):
d = ''
metadata_str = ['%s=%s' % (key, value) for key, value
in self.metadata.items()]
metadata_str = ', '.join(metadata_str)
if self.type == 'audio':
d = 'type=%s, codec=%s, channels=%d, rate=%.0f' % (self.type,
self.codec, self.audio_channels, self.audio_samplerate)
elif self.type == 'data':
d = 'type=%s, codec=%s, width=%d, height=%d, fps=%.1f' % (
self.type, self.codec, self.video_width, self.video_height,
elif self.type == 'subtitle':
d = 'type=%s, codec=%s' % (self.type, self.codec)
if self.bitrate is not None:
d += ', bitrate=%d' % self.bitrate
if self.metadata:
value = 'MediaStreamInfo(%s, %s)' % (d, metadata_str)
value = 'MediaStreamInfo(%s)' % d
return value
class MediaInfo(object):
Information about media object, as parsed by ffprobe.
The attributes are:
* format - a MediaFormatInfo object
* streams - a list of MediaStreamInfo objects
def __init__(self, posters_as_video=True):
:param posters_as_video: Take poster images (mainly for audio files) as
A data stream, defaults to True
self._format = MediaFormatInfo()
self.posters_as_video = posters_as_video
self.streams = []
def parse_ffprobe(self, raw):
Parse raw ffprobe output.
in_format = False
current_stream = None
for line in raw.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if line == '':
elif line == '[STREAM]':
current_stream = MediaStreamInfo()
elif line == '[/STREAM]':
if current_stream.type:
current_stream = None
elif line == '[FORMAT]':
in_format = True
elif line == '[/FORMAT]':
in_format = False
elif '=' in line:
k, v = line.split('=', 1)
k = k.strip()
v = v.strip()
if current_stream:
current_stream.parse_ffprobe(k, v)
elif in_format:
self._format.parse_ffprobe(k, v)
def duration(self):
return self._format.duration
def num_frames(self):
return self.streams[0].num_frames
def format(self):
return self._format.format
def width(self):
return self.streams[0].video_width
def height(self):
return self.streams[0].video_height
def fps(self):
return self.streams[0].video_fps
def video_codec(self):
for s in self.streams:
if s.type == 'data':
return s.codec
return None
def __repr__(self):
return 'MediaInfo(format=%s, streams=%s)' % \
(repr(self._format), repr(self.streams))
def has_ffmpeg():
if not shutil.which("ffmpeg"): return False
if not shutil.which("ffprobe"): return False
return True
def open_process(cmd):
p = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, close_fds=True)
return p
def format_time(seconds):
assert seconds <= 3600
m = math.floor(seconds) // 60
s = seconds-(m*60)
return "00:{:02d}:{:.2f}".format(m,s)
def media_info(video_file):
Given an input video_file, calls 'ffprobe' to obtain data information. Then
parses this output in a convenient MediaInfo object.
:param video_file: str, data filename to get information on
:return: MediaInfo object with ffprobe output
if not os.path.exists(video_file):
raise FileNotFoundError("Video file does not exist: {}".format(video_file))
p = open_process(["ffprobe", "-show_format", "-show_streams", video_file])
stdout_data, _ = p.communicate()
stdout_data = stdout_data.decode("utf-8")
# Parse ffprobe output
info = MediaInfo()
if not info.format.format and len(info.streams) == 0:
return None
return info
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