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Created October 26, 2013 23:02
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PidFile = /var/run/
Eval {
Jit = true
JitWarmupRequests = 3
Log {
Level = Debug
Header = true
UseLogFile = true
File = /var/log/hhvm/error.log
Access {
* {
File = /var/log/hhvm/access.log
Server {
#Host =
Port = 80
ThreadCount = 10
SourceRoot = /home/vagrant/webroot
IncludeSearchPaths {
# symfony = /var/www/symfony-1.4
RequestTimeoutSeconds = 30
RequestMemoryMaxBytes = 134217728
# Only for debugging memory problems. When turned on, server will report
# SmartAllocator's usage for each thread to stdout.
# CheckMemory = false
# If ServerName is not specified for a virtual host, use prefix + this
# suffix to compose one
#DefaultServerNameSuffix =
# Forcing $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] to come from request header
ForceServerNameToHeader = false
### startup options
# TakeoverFilename = filename # for port takeover between server instances
# DefaultDocument = index.php
# StartupDocument = filename
# WarmupDocument = filename
# RequestInitFunction = function_name
# ThreadDocuments {
# * = somedoc.php
# * = another.php
# }
ErrorDocument404 = 404.php
FatalErrorMessage = Bad things happened :(
### shutdown options
# Graceful shutdown will try admin /stop command and it waits for number
# of seconds specified by GracefulShutdownWait.
#GracefulShutdownWait = 0 # in seconds
# Harsh shutdown looks for pid file and try to kill that process.
#HarshShutdown = true
# Evil shutdown kills anything listening on the server port it’s trying to grab.
#EvilShutdown = true
# How long to wait for dangling server to respond.
#DanglingWait = 0
### HTTP settings
GzipCompressionLevel = 3
#EnableMagicQuotesGpc = false
EnableKeepAlive = true
# EnableEarlyFlush allows chunked encoding responses, and
# ForceChunkedEncoding will only send chunked encoding responses,
# unless client doesn’t understand.
EnableEarlyFlush = true
#ForceChunkedEncoding = false
MaxPostSize = 65 # in MB
# LibEventSyncSend allows response packets to be sent directly from worker
# thread, normally resulting in faster server responses.
#LibEventSyncSend = true
# ResponseQueueCount specifies how many response queues to use for sending.
#ResponseQueueCount = 0
### static contents
# A static content cache creates one single file from all static contents,
# including css, js, html, images and any other non-PHP files (or even PHP
# files, if CachePHPFile is turned on for compiler options). Normally this
# is prepared by compiler at compilation time, but it can also be prepared
# at run-time, if SourceRoot points to real file directory and
# EnableStaticContentFromDisk is true. Otherwise, use FileCache to point
# to the static content cache file created by the compiler.
#FileCache = filename
#EnableStaticContentCache = true
#EnableStaticContentFromDisk = true
#ExpiresActive = true
#ExpiresDefault = 2592000
#DefaultCharsetName = UTF-8
### file access control
#SafeFileAccess = false
#FontPath = where to look for font files
#AllowedDirectories {
# * = /tmp
#AllowedFiles {
# * = specific file to allow
EnableApc = true
# There is a way to prepare APC items in dry format, serialized in
# binary files, and these files can be loaded (or “primed”) extremely
# fast at startup time. To prepare these .cpp files, check
# bin/apc_sample_serializer.php for one way of doing it. Once prepared,
# we can compiled them into .so that can be loaded through PrimeLibrary
# option. The loading can be done in parallel with LoadThread count of
# threads. Once loading is done, it can write to APC with some specified
# keys in CompletionKeys to tell web application about priming.
#PrimeLibrary = filename
#LoadThread = 2
#CompletionKeys {
# * = key name
# Recommend to use “concurrent”, the fastest with least locking.
# “lfu” is experimental for now and it may have bugs.
# When “concurrent”, LockType doesn’t matter.
# UseLockedRefs uses mutexes than atomic numbers for APC item’s reference
# counting, so it’s recommended to turn off.
#TableType = hash # hash (default) | lfu | concurrent
#LockType = readwritelock # readwritelock | mutex
#UseLockedRefs = false
# ExpireOnSets turns on item purging on expiration, and it’s only done
# once per PurgeFrequency of sets.
#ExpireOnSets = false
#PurgeFrequency = 4096
# These are experimental LFU settings.
#KeyMaturityThreshold = 20
#MaximumCapacity = 0
#KeyFrequencyUpdatePeriod = 1000 # in number of accesses
# DNS cache
DnsCache {
Enable = false
TTL = 600 # in seconds
KeyMaturityThreshold = 20
MaximumCapacity = 0
KeyFrequencyUpdatePeriod = 1000
# Light process has very little forking cost, because they are pre-forked
# Recommend to turn it on for faster shell command execution.
#LightProcessFilePrefix = ./lightprocess
#LightProcessCount = 0
# RTTI profiling settings. Experimental.
#RTTIDirectory = /tmp/
#EnableCliRTTI = false
VirtualHost {
* {
Disabled = false
#Prefix = prefix.
Pattern = .*
PathTranslation = public/
#ServerName =
#ServerVariables {
# name = value
RewriteRules {
dirindex {
pattern = ^/(.*)/$
to = $1/index.php
qsa = true
### Administration Server
AdminServer {
Port = 4248
ThreadCount = 1
Password = password
### Static Content
# In addition to Static Content Cache, we also support Dynamic Content Cache.
# If static_resource.php generates identical files given the same HTTP input,
# it can be listed under Generators, so its generated content can be cached
# for next requests.
#StaticFile {
# Extensions {
# bmp = image/bmp
# }
# Generators {
# * = static_resource.php
# }
### Stats
Stats = false
Stats {
Web = false
Memory = false
APC = false
APCKey = false
SQL = false
#XSL = xsl filename
#XSLProxy = url to get the xsl file
#SlotDuration = 600 # in seconds
#MaxSlot = 72 # 10 minutes x 72 = 12 hours
### MySQL
ReadOnly = false
ConnectTimeout = 1000 # in ms
ReadTimeout = 4000 # in ms
SlowQueryThreshold = 2000 # in ms, log slow queries as errors
# When a query takes a long time to execute on server, client has a chance
# to kill it to avoid extra server cost by turning on KillOnTimeout.
KillOnTimeout = false
### HTTP Monitoring
Http {
DefaultTimeout = 30 # in seconds
SlowQueryThreshold = 5000 # in ms, log slow HTTP requests as errors
### Mail
Mail {
SendmailPath = sendmail -t -i
ForceExtraParameters =
### Tier overwrites
# This feature allows a machine to overwrite configurations just by matching
# machine names with specified regex pattern. This block of configuration can
# appear at any location of the file, even at top.
#Tiers {
# * {
# machine = /regex pattern/
# overwrite {
# # any config settings described in this documentation
# }
# }
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