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Created November 12, 2012 08:27
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TopCoder Algorithm
using System.Text;
public class BinaryCode
public string[] decode(string message)
int[] messageInts = new int[message.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < message.Length; i += 1)
messageInts[i] = message[i] - '0';
return new string[]
IntArrayToString(DecodeAssumingFirst(messageInts, true)),
IntArrayToString(DecodeAssumingFirst(messageInts, false))
private string IntArrayToString(int[] array)
if (array == null) return "NONE";
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(array.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
return builder.ToString();
private int[] DecodeAssumingFirst(int[] message, bool firstZero)
if (message.Length < 1) return null;
if (message.Length == 1)
if (firstZero && message[0] == 0 || !firstZero && message[0] == 1)
return message;
return null;
// message.Lengh > 1
int[] result = new int[message.Length];
result[0] = firstZero ? 0 : 1;
result[1] = message[0] - result[0];
if (result[1] != 0 && result[1] != 1)
return null;
for (int i = 2; i < message.Length; i += 1)
result[i] = message[i - 1] - result[i - 1] - result[i - 2];
if (result[i] != 0 && result[i] != 1)
return null;
if (message[message.Length - 1] != result[message.Length - 1] + result[message.Length - 2])
return null;
return result;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
public class Lottery
public string[] sortByOdds(string[] rulesStr)
List<Rule> rules = new List<Rule>(rulesStr.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < rulesStr.Length; i += 1)
rules.Sort(delegate(Rule l, Rule r)
if (Math.Abs(l.LogNPossibleLotteries - r.LogNPossibleLotteries) < 1e-10)
return String.CompareOrdinal(l.Name, r.Name);
return Comparer<Double>.Default.Compare(l.LogNPossibleLotteries, r.LogNPossibleLotteries);
string[] ruleNames = new string[rules.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < rules.Count; i += 1)
ruleNames[i] = rules[i].Name;
return ruleNames;
internal class Rule
public Rule(string name, int nChoices, int nBlanks, bool sorted, bool unique)
Name = name;
NChoices = nChoices;
NBlanks = nBlanks;
Sorted = sorted;
Unique = unique;
LogNPossibleLotteries = ComputeLogNPossibleLotteries(nChoices, nBlanks, sorted, unique);
private static double ComputeLogNPossibleLotteries(int nChoices, int nBlanks, bool sorted, bool unique)
if (sorted)
// sorted && uniqe
if (unique) return Util.LogNCombinatory(nChoices, nBlanks);
// sorted && !unique
return Util.LogNCombinatory(nChoices + nBlanks - 1, nBlanks);
// !sorted && unique
if (unique) return Util.LogNPermutation(nChoices, nBlanks);
// !sorted && !unique
return nBlanks*Math.Log(nChoices);
public readonly string Name;
public readonly int NChoices;
public readonly int NBlanks;
public readonly bool Sorted;
public readonly bool Unique;
public readonly double LogNPossibleLotteries;
public static Rule Parse(string s)
int colonPos = s.IndexOf(':');
string name = s.Substring(0, colonPos);
string[] tokens = s.Substring(colonPos + 1).Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Debug.Assert(tokens.Length == 4);
int nChoices = int.Parse(tokens[0]);
int nBlanks = int.Parse(tokens[1]);
bool sorted = tokens[2] == "T";
bool unique = tokens[3] == "T";
return new Rule(name, nChoices, nBlanks, sorted, unique);
internal static class Util
public static double LogNCombinatory(int n, int k)
if (k > n) return double.NegativeInfinity;
double ans;
ans = LogNPermutation(n, k);
for (int i = 1; i <= k; i += 1)
ans -= Math.Log(i);
return ans;
public static double LogNPermutation(int n, int k)
if (k > n) return double.NegativeInfinity;
double ans;
ans = 0;
for (int i = n - k + 1; i <= n; i += 1)
ans += Math.Log(i);
return ans;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
public class PenLift
public int numTimes(string[] segmentsStr, int n)
if (segmentsStr.Length == 0)
return 0;
LinkedList<Segment> segments = ParseSegmentsStr(segmentsStr);
MergeAndSplit(ref segments);
ICollection<LinkedList<Point>> connctedVertices = ComputeConnetedVertices(segments);
return computeNumTimes(n, connctedVertices, segments);
#region Segment data structure
internal struct Segment
public readonly Point Start;
public readonly Point End;
public int X1
get { return Start.X; }
public int Y1
get { return Start.Y; }
public int X2
get { return End.X; }
public int Y2
get { return End.Y; }
public readonly SegmentOrientation Orientation;
public enum SegmentOrientation
public Segment(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
Debug.Assert(x1 == x2 || y1 == y2);
Orientation = x1 == x2 ? SegmentOrientation.Vertical : SegmentOrientation.Horizontal;
Start = new Point(Math.Min(x1, x2), Math.Min(y1, y2));
End = new Point(Math.Max(x1, x2), Math.Max(y1, y2));
public static Segment Parse(string s)
string[] tokens = s.Split(' ');
return new Segment(int.Parse(tokens[0]), int.Parse(tokens[1]), int.Parse(tokens[2]), int.Parse(tokens[3]));
public static bool TestOverlap(Segment l, Segment r)
l.Orientation == r.Orientation &&
l.Orientation == SegmentOrientation.Horizontal &&
l.Y1 == r.Y1 &&
Math.Max(l.X2, r.X2) - Math.Min(l.X1, r.X1) <= (l.X2 - l.X1) + (r.X2 - r.X1)
l.Orientation == SegmentOrientation.Vertical &&
l.X1 == r.X1 &&
Math.Max(l.Y2, r.Y2) - Math.Min(l.Y1, r.Y1) <= (l.Y2 - l.Y1) + (r.Y2 - r.Y1)
public static Segment Overlap(Segment l, Segment r)
Debug.Assert(TestOverlap(l, r));
return new Segment(
Math.Min(l.X1, r.X1),
Math.Min(l.Y1, r.Y1),
Math.Max(l.X2, r.X2),
Math.Max(l.Y2, r.Y2));
public static bool TestIntersect(Segment l, Segment r)
if (l.Orientation == r.Orientation) return false;
Segment v, h;
if (l.Orientation == SegmentOrientation.Horizontal)
h = l;
v = r;
h = r;
v = l;
v.Y1 <= h.Y1 && h.Y1 <= v.Y2 &&
h.X1 <= v.X1 && v.X1 <= h.X2 &&
v.Start != h.Start && v.End != h.Start &&
v.Start != h.End && v.End != h.End;
public static List<Segment> Intersect(Segment l, Segment r)
Debug.Assert(TestIntersect(l, r));
Segment v, h;
if (l.Orientation == SegmentOrientation.Horizontal)
h = l;
v = r;
h = r;
v = l;
int xi = v.X1;
int yi = h.Y1;
List<Segment> result = new List<Segment>(4);
if (h.X1 != xi)
result.Add(new Segment(h.X1, h.Y1, xi, h.Y1));
if (h.X2 != xi)
result.Add(new Segment(xi, h.Y1, h.X2, h.Y1));
if (v.Y1 != yi)
result.Add(new Segment(v.X1, v.Y1, v.X1, yi));
if (v.Y2 != yi)
result.Add(new Segment(v.X1, yi, v.X1, v.Y2));
return result;
#region Parse
private LinkedList<Segment> ParseSegmentsStr(IEnumerable<string> segmentsStr)
LinkedList<Segment> segments = new LinkedList<Segment>();
foreach (string str in segmentsStr)
return segments;
#region Merge overlapped and split intersected
private void MergeAndSplit(ref LinkedList<Segment> segments)
bool toSplit = false;
// MUST merge before split!
LinkedList<Segment> result = new LinkedList<Segment>();
while (segments.Count != 0)
Segment seg = segments.First.Value;
LinkedListNode<Segment> p = segments.First;
bool newSegment = false;
while (p != null && !newSegment)
if (!toSplit && Segment.TestOverlap(seg, p.Value))
Segment newSeg = Segment.Overlap(seg, p.Value);
p.Value = newSeg;
newSegment = true;
else if (toSplit && Segment.TestIntersect(seg, p.Value))
List<Segment> newSegs = Segment.Intersect(seg, p.Value);
foreach (Segment newSeg in newSegs)
newSegment = true;
p = p.Next;
if (!newSegment)
segments = result;
toSplit = !toSplit;
} while (toSplit);
#region Find connected vertices
internal class PointDisJointSets
private readonly Dictionary<Point, Point> _parent = new Dictionary<Point, Point>();
private readonly Dictionary<Point, int> _rank = new Dictionary<Point, int>();
public ICollection<Point> Points
get { return _parent.Keys; }
public void Add(Point point)
if (_parent.ContainsKey(point)) return;
_parent[point] = point;
_rank[point] = 0;
public Point FindRoot(Point point)
Point parent = _parent[point];
if (parent.Equals(point))
return point;
Point root = FindRoot(parent);
_parent[point] = root;
return root;
public void Union(Point point1, Point point2)
Point root1 = FindRoot(point1);
Point root2 = FindRoot(point2);
if (root1.Equals(root2))
int rank1 = _rank[root1];
int rank2 = _rank[root2];
if (rank1 < rank2)
_parent[root1] = root2;
else if (rank2 < rank1)
_parent[root2] = root1;
_parent[root1] = root2;
_rank[root2] += 1;
private ICollection<LinkedList<Point>> ComputeConnetedVertices(IEnumerable<Segment> segments)
PointDisJointSets ds = new PointDisJointSets();
foreach (Segment seg in segments)
ds.Union(seg.Start, seg.End);
Dictionary<Point, LinkedList<Point>> rootToPoint = new Dictionary<Point, LinkedList<Point>>();
foreach (Point point in new List<Point>(ds.Points))
Point root = ds.FindRoot(point);
if (!rootToPoint.ContainsKey(root))
rootToPoint[root] = new LinkedList<Point>();
return rootToPoint.Values;
#region Compute times of pen-lift using Eulerian path theroems
private int computeNumTimes(int n, ICollection<LinkedList<Point>> connctedVertices, LinkedList<Segment> segments)
if (n%2 == 0)
return connctedVertices.Count - 1;
Dictionary<Point, int> pointsToCounts = CountPoints(segments);
int ans = -1;
foreach (LinkedList<Point> points in connctedVertices)
int oddCount = CountVertexWithOddDegree(points, pointsToCounts);
if (oddCount == 0)
ans += 1;
ans += oddCount/2;
return ans;
private static int CountVertexWithOddDegree(IEnumerable<Point> points, Dictionary<Point, int> pointsToCounts)
int oddCount = 0;
foreach (Point point in points)
if (pointsToCounts[point]%2 == 1)
oddCount += 1;
return oddCount;
private Dictionary<Point, int> CountPoints(IEnumerable<Segment> segments)
Dictionary<Point, int> answer = new Dictionary<Point, int>();
foreach (Segment seg in segments)
if (answer.ContainsKey(seg.Start))
answer[seg.Start] += 1;
answer[seg.Start] = 1;
if (answer.ContainsKey(seg.End))
answer[seg.End] += 1;
answer[seg.End] = 1;
return answer;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using TopCoder.Srm561;
public class FoxAndTouristFamilies
public double expectedLength(int[] A, int[] B, int[] f)
DAG dag = new DAG(A, B);
double[,] edgeProb = new double[dag.NNodes,dag.NNodes];
for (int i = 0; i < A.Length; i += 1)
edgeProb[A[i], B[i]] = edgeProb[B[i], A[i]] = 1;
foreach (int n in f)
foreach (DAG.Edge edge in dag.FloodFillFrom(n))
double p = dag.ConnectedComponentSize(edge.Node2, edge.Node1)/(dag.NNodes - 1.0);
edgeProb[edge.Node1, edge.Node2] *= p;
edgeProb[edge.Node2, edge.Node1] *= p;
double ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < A.Length; i += 1)
ans += edgeProb[A[i], B[i]];
return ans;
namespace TopCoder.Srm561
internal class DAG
public class Edge
private readonly int _node1;
private readonly int _node2;
public Edge(int node1, int node2)
_node1 = node1;
_node2 = node2;
public int Node1
get { return _node1; }
public int Node2
get { return _node2; }
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("({0}~{1})", Node1, Node2);
// We should use Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>, but since topcoder is still on .NET 2.0...
private readonly Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, bool>> _neighbors;
private readonly int[,] _connCompSize;
private readonly bool[,] _connCompSizeFlag;
public int NNodes
get { return _neighbors.Count; }
public ICollection<int> NeighborsOf(int node)
Debug.Assert(node < NNodes);
return _neighbors[node].Keys;
public DAG(int[] A, int[] B)
_neighbors = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, bool>>();
for (int i = 0; i < A.Length; i += 1)
if (!_neighbors.ContainsKey(A[i]))
_neighbors[A[i]] = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
if (!_neighbors.ContainsKey(B[i]))
_neighbors[B[i]] = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
_neighbors[A[i]][B[i]] = true;
_neighbors[B[i]][A[i]] = true;
_connCompSize = new int[NNodes,NNodes];
_connCompSizeFlag = new bool[NNodes,NNodes];
/// <returns>
/// Number of nodes in the connected component which node1 belongs to,
/// if edge (<para>node1</para>,<para>node2</para>) were removed.
/// </returns>
public int ConnectedComponentSize(int node1, int node2)
Debug.Assert(node1 < NNodes && node2 < NNodes &&
NeighborsOf(node1).Contains(node2) &&
if (_connCompSizeFlag[node1, node2]) return _connCompSize[node1, node2];
if (NeighborsOf(node1).Count == 1)
_connCompSize[node1, node2] = 1;
foreach (int n in NeighborsOf(node1))
if (n != node2)
_connCompSize[node1, node2] += ConnectedComponentSize(n, node1);
_connCompSize[node1, node2] += 1; // count node1 itself
_connCompSizeFlag[node1, node2] = true;
return _connCompSize[node1, node2];
public IEnumerable<Edge> FloodFillFrom(int node)
Debug.Assert(node < NNodes);
bool[] flags = new bool[NNodes];
Queue<int> queue = new Queue<int>();
flags[node] = true;
while (queue.Count > 0)
int n = queue.Dequeue();
foreach (int nbr in NeighborsOf(n))
if (!flags[nbr])
flags[nbr] = true;
yield return new Edge(n, nbr);
using System;
public class FoxAndVacation
// Good old 0-1 backpack problem
public int maxCities(int total, int[] d)
if (d.Length == 0) return 0;
int[,] nCities = new int[51,50];
for (int t = 1; t <= total; t += 1)
nCities[t, 0] = t >= d[0] ? 1 : 0;
for (int j = 1; j <= d.Length - 1; j += 1)
int c = t >= d[j] ? nCities[t - d[j], j - 1] + 1 : 0;
nCities[t, j] = Math.Max(c, nCities[t, j - 1]);
return nCities[total, d.Length - 1];
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class ICPCBalloons
public int minRepaintings(int[] colorCount, string colorSizeStr, int[] probMaxAccepted)
const uint SIZE_M = 0U;
const uint SIZE_L = 1U;
#region Prep
int[][] sizeColorCounts = new int[2][];
int[] sizeCountSum = new int[2];
List<int> MColorCounts = new List<int>(colorCount.Length);
List<int> LColorCounts = new List<int>(colorCount.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < colorCount.Length; i += 1)
switch (colorSizeStr[i])
case 'M':
sizeCountSum[SIZE_M] += colorCount[i];
case 'L':
sizeCountSum[SIZE_L] += colorCount[i];
// Sorting enables us to be greedy in the assignment of colors to problems. Same below.
sizeColorCounts[SIZE_M] = MColorCounts.ToArray();
sizeColorCounts[SIZE_L] = LColorCounts.ToArray();
#region Search
int ans = int.MaxValue;
// Enumerate all possible assignments of balloon sizes (M or L) to problems
// There're at most 2^15 different assignment, which is acceptable
for (uint probSizeAssign = 0; probSizeAssign < 1U << probMaxAccepted.Length; probSizeAssign += 1)
int[][] currSizeColorCounts = new int[2][];
int[] currSizeCountSum = new int[2];
List<int> MColorCounts = new List<int>(probMaxAccepted.Length);
List<int> LColorCounts = new List<int>(probMaxAccepted.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < probMaxAccepted.Length; i += 1)
switch ((probSizeAssign >> i) & 1U)
case SIZE_M:
currSizeCountSum[SIZE_M] += probMaxAccepted[i];
case SIZE_L:
currSizeCountSum[SIZE_L] += probMaxAccepted[i];
// This assignments of balloon sizes is impossible, not enough balloons of either size
if (currSizeCountSum[SIZE_L] > sizeCountSum[SIZE_L] || currSizeCountSum[SIZE_M] > sizeCountSum[SIZE_M])
currSizeColorCounts[SIZE_M] = MColorCounts.ToArray();
currSizeColorCounts[SIZE_L] = LColorCounts.ToArray();
// Greedily pick colors and paint balloons when necessary
// Since both sizeColorCounts[ml] and currSizeColorCounts[ml] are sorted in descending order,
// to minimize the number of balloons to repaint,
// the colors of currSizeColorCounts[ml][i] and sizeColorCounts[ml][i] can be the same
int currAns = 0;
for (int ml = 0; ml <= 1; ml += 1)
for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(sizeColorCounts[ml].Length, currSizeColorCounts[ml].Length); i += 1)
if (sizeColorCounts[ml][i] < currSizeColorCounts[ml][i])
currAns += currSizeColorCounts[ml][i] - sizeColorCounts[ml][i];
for (int i = sizeColorCounts[ml].Length; i < currSizeColorCounts[ml].Length; i += 1)
// This is as if sizeColorCounts[ml][i] == 0
currAns += currSizeColorCounts[ml][i];
ans = Math.Min(ans, currAns);
return ans == int.MaxValue ? -1 : ans;
private int Descending(int l, int r)
return r.CompareTo(l);
public class PastingPaintingDivTwo
public long countColors(string[] clipboard, int T)
int nRow = clipboard.Length;
if (nRow == 0) return 0;
int nCol = clipboard[0].Length;
if (nCol == 0) return 0;
long ans = 0;
// (r0,c0) enumerates pixels in the first row and the first column
for (int r0 = 0; r0 < nRow; r0 += 1)
for (int c0 = 0; c0 < (r0 == 0 ? nCol : 1); c0 += 1)
// Each diagnal is seen as an one dimensional line,
// in which the pixels are indexed by i in the inner loop
// r and c in the inner loop enumerates pixels on the diagnal line starting with (r0,c0)
// Each 'B' in clipboard corresponds to a segment in the diagnal line,
// and the problem becomes how many pixels these segments cover
// Start & end index of the segment that potentially overlaps subsequent segments
// -1 means we haven't encountered any segments on this diagnal line
int segStart = -1, segEnd = -1;
// i, r, c are explained as above
for (int i = 0, r = r0, c = c0; r < nRow && c < nCol; i += 1, r += 1, c += 1)
if (clipboard[r][c] == 'B')
int currSegStart = i, currSegEnd = i + T - 1;
if (segStart == -1) // The first segment we see on the diagnal line
segStart = currSegStart;
segEnd = currSegEnd;
else if (currSegStart <= segEnd) // The new segment overlaps with the one we have, merge them
if (currSegEnd > segEnd)
segEnd = currSegEnd;
else // The new segment doesn't overlap with the one we have...
// Count how many pixels are covered...
// (note that future segments won't overlap with this one, so we can abandon it now)
ans += segEnd - segStart + 1;
// .. and replace it with the new segment
segStart = currSegStart;
segEnd = currSegEnd;
// Handle the last uncounted segment
if (segStart != -1)
ans += segEnd - segStart + 1;
return ans;
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