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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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angular-esri-map base gist
(function(angular) {
'use strict';
angular.module('', []);
angular.module('').factory('esriLoader', function ($q) {
return function(moduleName){
var deferred = $q.defer();
require([moduleName], function(module){
} else {
deferred.reject('Couldn\'t load ' + moduleName);
return deferred.promise;
(function (angular) {
'use strict';
angular.module('').service('esriRegistry', function ($q) {
var registry = {};
return {
_register: function(name, deferred){
// if there isn't a promise in the registry yet make one...
// this is the case where a directive is nested higher then the controller
// needing the instance
if (!registry[name]){
registry[name] = $q.defer();
var instance = registry[name];
// when the deferred from the directive is rejected/resolved
// reject/resolve the promise in the registry with the appropriate value
return arg;
}, function(arg){
return arg;
return function(){
delete registry[name];
get: function(name){
// is something is already in the registry return its promise ASAP
// this is the case where you might want to get a registry item in an
// event handler
return registry[name].promise;
// if we dont already have a registry item create one. This covers the
// case where the directive is nested inside the controler. The parent
// controller will be executed and gets a promise that will be resolved
// later when the item is registered
var deferred = $q.defer();
registry[name] = deferred;
return deferred.promise;
(function(angular) {
'use strict';
angular.module('').directive('esriMap', function($q, $timeout, esriLoader, esriRegistry) {
return {
// element only
restrict: 'E',
// isoloate scope
scope: {
// two-way binding for center/zoom
// because map pan/zoom can chnage these
center: '=?',
zoom: '=?',
itemInfo: '=?',
// one-way binding for other properties
basemap: '@',
// function binding for event handlers
load: '&',
extentChange: '&'
// replace tag with div with same id
compile: function($element, $attrs) {
// remove the id attribute from the main element
// append a new div inside this element, this is where we will create our map
$element.append('<div id=' + $ + '></div>');
// since we are using compile we need to return our linker function
// the 'link' function handles how our directive responds to changes in $scope
/*jshint unused: false*/
return function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
// directive api
controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
// only do this once per directive
// this deferred will be resolved with the map
var mapDeferred = $q.defer();
// add this map to the registry
var deregister = esriRegistry._register($attrs.registerAs, mapDeferred);
// remove this from the registry when the scope is destroyed
$scope.$on('$destroy', deregister);
require(['esri/map','esri/arcgis/utils'], function(Map, arcgisUtils)
var geoCenter =;
$ = geoCenter.x;
$ = geoCenter.y;
$scope.zoom =;
$scope.itemInfo = response.itemInfo;
// setup our map options based on the attributes and scope
var mapOptions = {};
// center/zoom/extent
// check for convenience extent attribute
// otherwise get from scope center/zoom
if ($attrs.extent) {
mapOptions.extent = $scope[$attrs.extent];
} else {
if ($ && $ { = [$, $];
} else if ($ { = $;
if ($scope.zoom) {
mapOptions.zoom = $scope.zoom;
// basemap
if ($scope.basemap) {
mapOptions.basemap = $scope.basemap;
// initialize map and resolve the deferred
var map = new Map($, mapOptions);
// make a reference to the map object available
// to the controller once it is loaded.
map.on('load', function() {
if (!$attrs.load) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
// listen for changes to scope and update map
$scope.$watch('basemap', function(newBasemap, oldBasemap) {
if (map.loaded && newBasemap !== oldBasemap) {
$scope.inUpdateCycle = false;
$scope.$watch(function(scope){ return [,, scope.zoom].join(',');}, function(newCenterZoom,oldCenterZoom)
// $scope.$watchGroup(['center.lng','', 'zoom'], function(newCenterZoom,oldCenterZoom) // supported starting at Angular 1.3
if( $scope.inUpdateCycle ) {
console.log('center/zoom changed', newCenterZoom, oldCenterZoom);
newCenterZoom = newCenterZoom.split(',');
if( newCenterZoom[0] !== '' && newCenterZoom[1] !== '' && newCenterZoom[2] !== '' )
$scope.inUpdateCycle = true; // prevent circular updates between $watch and $apply
map.centerAndZoom([newCenterZoom[0], newCenterZoom[1]], newCenterZoom[2]).then(function()
console.log('after centerAndZoom()');
$scope.inUpdateCycle = false;
map.on('extent-change', function(e)
if( $scope.inUpdateCycle ) {
$scope.inUpdateCycle = true; // prevent circular updates between $watch and $apply
console.log('extent-change geo', map.geographicExtent);
var geoCenter = map.geographicExtent.getCenter();
$ = geoCenter.x;
$ = geoCenter.y;
$scope.zoom = map.getZoom();
// we might want to execute event handler even if $scope.inUpdateCycle is true
if( $attrs.extentChange ) {
// this will be executed after the $digest cycle
console.log('after apply()');
$scope.inUpdateCycle = false;
// clean up
$scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
// TODO: anything else?
// method returns the promise that will be resolved with the map
this.getMap = function() {
return mapDeferred.promise;
// adds the layer, returns the promise that will be resolved with the result of map.addLayer
this.addLayer = function(layer) {
return this.getMap().then(function(map) {
return map.addLayer(layer);
// array to store layer info, needed for legend
// TODO: is this the right place for this?
// can it be done on the legend directive itself?
this.addLayerInfo = function(lyrInfo) {
if (!this.layerInfos) {
this.layerInfos = [lyrInfo];
} else {
this.getLayerInfos = function() {
return this.layerInfos;
(function(angular) {
'use strict';
angular.module('').directive('esriFeatureLayer', function ($q) {
// this object will tell angular how our directive behaves
return {
// only allow esriFeatureLayer to be used as an element (<esri-feature-layer>)
restrict: 'E',
// require the esriFeatureLayer to have its own controller as well an esriMap controller
// you can access these controllers in the link function
require: ['esriFeatureLayer', '^esriMap'],
// replace this element with our template.
// since we aren't declaring a template this essentially destroys the element
replace: true,
// define an interface for working with this directive
controller: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
var layerDeferred = $q.defer();
'esri/layers/FeatureLayer'], function (FeatureLayer) {
var layer = new FeatureLayer($attrs.url);
// return the defered that will be resolved with the feature layer
this.getLayer = function () {
return layerDeferred.promise;
// now we can link our directive to the scope, but we can also add it to the map..
link: function (scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
// controllers is now an array of the controllers from the 'require' option
var layerController = controllers[0];
var mapController = controllers[1];
layerController.getLayer().then(function (layer) {
// add layer
//look for layerInfo related attributes. Add them to the map's layerInfos array for access in other components
title: attrs.title ||,
layer: layer,
hideLayers: (attrs.hideLayers) ? attrs.hideLayers.split(',') : undefined,
defaultSymbol: (attrs.defaultSymbol) ? JSON.parse(attrs.defaultSymbol) : true
// return the layer
return layer;
(function(angular) {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc directive
* @name esriApp.directive:esriLegend
* @description
* # esriLegend
.directive('esriLegend', function ($document, $q) {
return {
//run last
priority: -10,
replace: true,
// require the esriMap controller
// you can access these controllers in the link function
require: ['^esriMap'],
// now we can link our directive to the scope, but we can also add it to the map..
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controllers){
// controllers is now an array of the controllers from the 'require' option
var mapController = controllers[0];
var targetId = attrs.targetId ||;
var legendDeferred = $q.defer();
require(['esri/dijit/Legend', 'dijit/registry'], function (Legend, registry) {
mapController.getMap().then(function(map) {
var opts = {
map: map
var layerInfos = mapController.getLayerInfos();
if (layerInfos) {
opts.layerInfos = layerInfos;
// NOTE: need to come up w/ a way to that is not based on id
// or handle destroy at end of this view's lifecyle
var legend = registry.byId(targetId);
if (legend) {
legend = new Legend(opts, targetId);
scope.layers = legend.layers;
angular.forEach(scope.layers, function(layer, i) {
scope.$watch('layers['+i+'].renderer',function() {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="esri-map-example">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<body ng-controller="MapController">
<esri-map id="map" center="" zoom="map.zoom" basemap="topo">
<esri-feature-layer url=""></esri-feature-layer>
<esri-feature-layer url=""></esri-feature-layer>
<p>Lat: {{ | number:3 }}, Lng: {{ | number:3 }}, Zoom: {{map.zoom}}</p>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="angular-esri-map.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
angular.module('esri-map-example', [''])
.controller('MapController', function ($scope) {
$ = {
center: {
lng: -122.676207,
lat: 45.523452
zoom: 12
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