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Last active October 18, 2022 18:13
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Cloud init setup for testing Amazon Linux 2 image in a Virtualbox environment
local-hostname: biocore
network-interfaces: |
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
- default
list: |
- path: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/80_disable_network_after_firstboot.cfg
content: |
config: disabled:
- [ sudo, yum, update, -y ]
- [ sudo, amazon-linux-extras, install, epel ]
- [ sudo, yum, install, s3fs-fuse, git, wget, tree, -y ]
- [ sudo, yum, install, docker, -y ]
- [ sudo, usermod, -aG, docker, ec2-user ]
- echo "$(id -un):100000:65536" | sudo tee -a /etc/subuid
- echo "$(id -un):100000:65536" | sudo tee -a /etc/subgid
- [ sudo, systemctl, start, docker ]
- [ sudo, systemctl, enable, docker ]
- sudo sudo yum install -y libseccomp-devel squashfs-tools cryptsetup
- sudo yum install -y
- [ sudo, amazon-linux-extras, install, java-openjdk11 ]
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