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Last active July 1, 2019 14:22
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Notes from eShoppOnWeb ASP.NET Core on Azure reference application tutorial

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Intalling VS2019

Select the following workloads/individual components:

  1. ASP.NET and web development
  2. .NET cross platofrm development
  3. .NET Core 2.2

Step 2: Create your first ASP.NET Core web app

Step 3: Work with data using Entity Framework

Note the following deviations:

  1. Add code to Program.cs to create database:

  2. Import statements using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using WebApplication1.Models;

  3. Change var context = services.GetRequiredService<SchoolContext>(); should be var context = services.GetRequiredService<AppDbContext>();

Step 4: Expose a web API from your ASP.NET Core app

Note the following deviations:

  1. Add an API controller

  2. Choose the model class WebApplication1.Models.Game

Step 5: Deploy your ASP.NET Core app to Azure

  1. Publish

  2. Create New

1. Add a SQL Server

  1. Create
    1. Connection String Name = DefaultConnection
  1. Update connection string

  2. In addition to changing the connection string name in appsettgins.json, also change in Startup.cs

Setting up your dev environment

CLone repo

git clone

Open in VS2019 for latest Docker support

devenv eShopOnWeb\eShopOnWeb.sln

Run locally from VS2019 using Linux containers

Note the following deviations:

  1. As a pre-requisitem enable shared drives in Docker Desktop > Settings > Shared Drives and enable the drive containing the project source
  2. When following steps 3 and 4, selecting Web project > Add > Docker Support will not create a new project called docker-compopse, instead it will:
  3. create a new Web\Dockerfile, and
  4. backup the old one to Web\Dockerfile.original
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