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Created October 27, 2012 19:20
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Simple script you can put in your crontab to monitor replication state of all docs in the _replicator couchdb database. Will send an email with the host name, doc name and state if state is not 'triggered'.
Simple script you can put in your
crontab to monitor replication state
of all docs in the _replicator
couchdb database.
Will send an email with the host name,
doc name and state if state is not 'triggered'.
EMAIL = '[email protected]'
uri = ''
import requests
import json
from pprint import pprint
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import socket
HOST = socket.gethostname()
def mail(doc):
msg = """
STATE: %(state)s
TIME: %(time)s
""" % dict(state=doc.get('_replication_state'), time=doc.get('_replication_state_time'))
msg = MIMEText(msg)
msg["From"] = "couchdb@" + HOST
msg["To"] = EMAIL
msg["Subject"] = "%s %s %s" % (HOST, doc.get('_replication_state'), doc.get('_id'))
p = Popen(["/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-t"], stdin=PIPE)
rs = requests.get(uri, auth=('admin', COUCH_PW))
for doc in json.loads(rs.text).get('rows'):
doc = doc.get('doc')
if not doc.get('_replication_state'): continue
state = doc.get('_replication_state')
if state != 'triggered':
# email alert
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